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Posts posted by nunya

  1. Different species, Jeff. These ones are Large Mouth Nannygai... a member of the Lutjanid family and not related to the southern Nannygai. They pull hard and eat REALLY well.

    Nice work Thommo :thumbup:

    Cheers, Slinky

    Cheers Mate.

    Yeah they are very nice eating, not as good as Fingermark and not quite as good as Emperors, but great.

    (Better than Coral Trout! - Tasteless...)

    They are a bit soft on the bite, you have to ask gently sometimes, let them mouth it.

    But when they hook, its a good time for a while, though fortunately they tire out about a third of the way up - not like Emperor...

  2. Heres a couple of unlucky Nannygai

    they weren't measured but over 55 is the mark I'd reckon.

    We did ok these days, but nothing special.

    Enjoy your fishing!

    ps The photo with the kids is the best fish I saw all day, for two reasons..

    #1 Its been filleted

    #2 It was the last one I had to fillet that day!



  3. What more needs to be said than,


    GO JOEY!

    He'd still run rings around lockyer and thurston today, even after not playing for 2 yrs.


    P.S. I'm not a Newcastle fan.


    My Wife is - (unfortunately) or was, a Newcastle fan, and a Novo-castratedian (whateva) by birth.

    She is however, disenchanted by all the rubbish about drugs and recent media reports, and as such is more inclined to be looking at the tide charts for this weekend than the footy tonight. (the perfect wife.. :) )

    I look forward to the next instalment in the continuing saga, as I'm sure we all do.


  4. We nearly done it.



    An idiot ref (sorry, 2 idiot refs these days) didn't help our cause!

    The idiot ref gave you a try from a blatant forward pass! That the video ref could not overrule.

    Or does the ball travel anti-clockwise down your drain pipe of good origin players?

    Ah well, at least Andy Johns was there representing his minority.

    I love SOO. It brings out the best in spectators...

  5. post-10175-1239104215_thumb.jpg

    And me little mate!


    Sorry, confused with adding stuff. My bad...

    HA! and its MUms love of fishing they will have as well - they have no chance of anything but a love of fishing!

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