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Posts posted by Richard1

  1. At about 8:30pm last night I decided to go for a drive because I wanted to take the car out for a spin, so I planned to go up to the local maccas for some food, and on my way get petrol and some starburst.

    As I passed the petrol station I thought, why not go for a drive to “spot X” to see how the fishing is going, I will get petrol on the way back I thought.

    So I pressed on towards my “spot X”. I went to the usual spot and spotted 2 young guys fishing; I got out and asked them how it was going...one of them showed me the big whiting he had caught, and the trevally he had caught, and 2 little yakkas in a bucket of water. I noticed the tide was almost coming over the edge of the wall. They explained to me it was the new moon so it’s a monster tide. BUGGER, i didn't have ANY fishing gear in the car at all! After about 15 or 20 minutes of talking to them, I said, we should put one of these yakkas out for a Jew! They replied go for it! "if you get a Jew we will give you 10 bucks" and I said if "I get a Jew ill give YOU 10 bucks!!" and so Hamed gave me a bent 12foot rod to use with a reel that had a busted anti-reverse :) with some unknown strength mono on it. I asked Dave what the biggest hook he had was, and he gave me the hook off his spring type fish scale. it looked to be about a 3/0, so I thought to myself I better get this off the bottom, because livies have never worked for me when they are stuck to the bottom, so I sort of snelled the hook about 40cm form the end of the line and then tied the biggest ball sinker he had (about a 1dollar coin size sphere :)) to the bottom of the line.

    And tossed the yakka out into the darkness. After 5 minutes or maybe 8...there was movement on the line. It had "drifted" far to the right and closer in than where I had cast it. We suspected a tiny injured yakka could not have done this

    So I started to reel it in and I started to get some stronger tugs and a huge weight on the line. As I was reeling this unknown object in, there was MUCH hooting and yahooing from us all.

    Luckily they had a net, and as I brought it to the surface it was revealed to be a big flathead! Yahooooooo!!. What a monster!

    measured dead on 65cm and about 1.2 KG.. i couldn't get a picture of it with the tape measure straight because it was curved in the plastic bag on the way home. damn lucky Hamed had a plastic bag for me! i put him in the frunk so the carpets in the car didn't get fishy haha he was too big for the bag.



    So we all posed with the fish, and I took home tonight’s dinner, with the promise I will go fishing with them again :) what a cracker!

  2. i have the uglystik USP-BWS22012 2 piece 6-10 KG and it is a fantastic rod imo, it gives you so much confidence and the warranty is hard to beat. "unbreakable under normal fishing conditions" for 10 years

  3. - of course I've re-sorted my tackle a couple of times

    - I've tried out about 30 different lures and soft plastics in the pool 'to see how they swim'

    - casting at rocks and sticks in the front yard with a baitcaster outfit

    spend more money on fishing gear!!

    yep. all of the above for me, also taking the latest copy of fishing world for lengthy bathroom breaks..

    tying knots in stuff and then testing them to the limit. i tied some 20 lb braid to a swivel and to another swivel and i am going to see how much i can attach to it before it breaks..how many brake discs can 20lb braid support? important stuff i know!

    tie thousands of knots and get the so you can tie them all with your eyes closed with cold frozen fingers..

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