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Posts posted by paulmcc

  1. Thanks guys.

    I am up there in the third week of October so I am hoping the winds have dropped by then. I do have a nice sounder fitted to the yak but don't have a gps on board. Might be worth seeing how hard it is to remove the wiring on my boat gps and fit it to the yak, only problem is I will need to fit a small battery to power it up unless I can rig up something like I have where I have AA batteries powering my fish finder.

    Would be great if I was able to get amongst some Snapper on the close reefs.

    rickb, I will make contact with you closer to the dates.

    Thanks again.

  2. Hi Raiders,

    I am heading up to Scotts Head in the middle of October and was contemplating taking the Hobie Pro Angler up there for a bit of inshore reef fishing. I was wondering if any fellow raiders had fished this area with any success and what I should be expecting to catch. I was hoping there might be some OK Snapper grounds close to Scotts Head.

    I was also thinking of taking the crab traps for some muddies in the river that passes out the back of the town but don't know if that would be a waste of time.

  3. If you are taking the boat and want some squid you can either go to Callala Beach or Murray's Beach. Both of these spots have heaps of sea grass which holds huge amounts of squid.

    In those ponds at the Lady Denman Museum (which are well worth a visit) there are also some Snapper which are pretty cool if you are lucky enough to see them. According to the ladies who work in the museum there, there were a lot of big Snapper (which I can remember from visiting there around 10 years ago) that used to be in there and some one come in at night and caught most of them. They were apparently disturbed in the act and dumped their gear and took the fish and weren't caught.


  4. That is not what I wanted to hear :thumbdown: . I am heading down there for 10 days over Xmas and New year and everyone has set these expectations of huge kings in the bay, I hope we are not going to be dissapointed.

    I am also interested in knowing what the Snapper fishing will be like at that time of year at JB, I know may years ago it used to be excellent with some very large Snapper being caught but not sure what it is like recently.

  5. We have been fishing the Hacking the last few weekends and getting some pretty good results. Pull up in one of the deeper holes and you should do OK with the help of some burley. Over last 2 weekeends we have pulled out 2 Kingies, one 72cm and one 68cm, lots of Australian Salmon, Saturdays salmon was over 60cm. A few nice pan sized Snapper, an undersize Jew (40cm) with a big one lost near the boat and 1 Bonito.

    Add to them a fair few bust offs (some wheile using 20lb line) there are defianately some good fish there.

    Been atracting heaps of live bat, mainly pillies but also some Yackas and slimeys.

    Keep heading out there and giving it a go, I wouldn't be giving up on the Hacking just yet.

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