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Posts posted by Mannyk

  1. Hi all

    Thought I'd post a funny thing that happened to me last week fishing for snapper. Whilst fishing for some reds just near Batemans.I thought i had hooked on to a healthy fish when low and behold I caught two fish on the one line!!!! One snapper had eaten my bait and somehow the hook and bait past through its gill plate and another fish has grabbed it!. Not sure if this is a first but we were in stitches.

    We ended up with 7 nice fish all around the 1.5 -3 kg mark. That same evening I also got snapped by something large that ate my $19 favourite squid jig! :ranting2: I managed three nice squid for a couple hours work and decided to call it a night.

    The following night I decided to chase some salmon off the beach ( lake Tabourie)with a keen friend. We smashed them. I lost count how many Sambos we caught. But it was about 40 plus in about three hours all around the two kilo mark. We threw all of them back and even pulled out the bream gear for more fun. They all took half pillies and were very close to shore.

    Before we called it a night and had to head back to the ball and chain. We decided to throw out some slabs of mullet that we had in case we caught that elusive Jew. Not much happened for the first hour but in the final hour we landed three Port Jackson, a banjo and a small shark that was either a bronze or school shark. We threw them all back..I was fished out for at least a week :thumbup:

    But things look like they are getting better although the water was still cold.

    Photos to come



  2. Isn't it funny. I have been checked once in thirty years of fishing by an inspector in the middle of the night in the Hawkesbury about ten years ago. Yet I have never come across one or seen one since. I am sure if they were a bit more active and visible it would stop the sneaky fisherman doing the wrong thing. Furthermore increase the fines and less people would take the risk.

  3. Blues Pt Sydney Harbour?

    I fished Blues point years ago for good catches of bream and also saw a few school jew caught there in March but these days it tends to be fairly quiet. Good luck.

  4. Hi Manny,

    I have caught a fair few over 40cm. I have caught several 46cm fish but the thing I realised and learnt is that these big fish are very old. They don't taste anywhere near as good as the sub 40cm fish. Also, because of the fact they are so old, they would probably be loaded with toxins. On top of it all, these fish are the best breeders in the ecosystem and it would be a great loss to to target and take them. I know of a couple of spots where the vast majority of the fish are 40cm and over but I almost never fish there. I find it hard to release a bream because we are all fish eaters, so I don't tease myself by going to the big ones...

    [ I agree mate.The big ones as in most fish don't taste that great and should be let go, in saying that sometimes fish that are caught with a deep inbedded hook and are bleeding float bely up when you put them back anyway but agree the breeders should be put back.]

  5. Hi all.

    I was just wondering what is the biggest Bream that anyone has caught or seen. I was speaking to a friends friend and after telling him that I had caught a 50 cm bream( i never weighed it) on a 40lb steel trace with a 4.0 mustad hook on an overhead reel.He then produced a photo of a fish that was 68 cm in length. The photo was not doctored/ photo shopped etc. He then told me the biggest one that he had seen was 74 cm.....that would be one big bream!!!!!!!!

    Anyone else caught a monster or seen one??


  6. Hi Raiders,

    Just to let you what's happening around Balmain and sorrounds. After reading MannyK report around Cockatoo Island, I decided to have a go, so we launched at putney in the early morning of Saturday with my friend Nathan. I told him, we will try at the back of Goat Island first to pick up the run-in, dropped the pick and started berleying with left over pillies not long after had the a double hooked up, undersized pinkies, let them go and said to myself this is promising,. I was right, after 10 -15 minutes we started pulling legal sized pinkies and bream, flathead, trevs. Around eleven, we already have enough for dinner, I told my friend, we might as well try Cockatoo Island which is our original destination, there you go, grab a couple more, a nice trev and another pinkie. 11:30 we started for the ramp. To sum it all, the Harbour is full of fish at the moment. So guys, we are in for a good summer.



    good to see..and well done


  7. Hi all

    I thought I would post my first report and start to share some info on my catches.

    After an unsuccessful session down the south coast the week before. I thought i'd try Sydney Harbour from after a little research.I hadn't fished the harbour from a boat for about five years . In the past I always fished the harbour from various shore spots like Grotto point,camp cove, Obelisk beach and a few other locations with various results.

    On this particular day an uncle of mine recommended we try the back of cockatoo island and its surrounding areas.

    We arrived on the water just as the sun was peeping through and after a slow start we eventually landed a few nice fish and a decent feed. At one stage we were getting pestered by a a fair few undersize bream and snappers but there were a few larger ones about as well with the best fish being a 43cm whiting.

    We used a range of baits from, fresh prawns, chicken gut and bloodworms...I even got busted by a healthy looking tailor on a tiny piece of bloodworm floated down the berley trail.

    All in all i think the total was 13 bream,3 sand whiting,3 trumpeter whiting,2 trevs and 1 Snapper..in a 4 hour session.

    Its good to see the harbour still holds some nice fish.

    Hope the pics come through ok....actually having some trouble loading the pics..once i work it out i will post.



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