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Everything posted by DGF

  1. DGF

    Fuel Tanks

    alloy would prob be better in my opinion as its lighter
  2. Hey Guys, with great weather this weekend i couldn't pass up a fishing trip to avoca on Sunday as well my mrs even wanted to come up unfortunately she doesn't have cleats so i wouldn't let her fish this time. left home 10am went to local tackle shop hunting for some different coloured mack bait lures unfortunately blue was out of stock ended up with 2 different purple ones, got to avoca by roughly 1pm headed up to the spinning ledge and spotted "team bangus" so i introduced my self and we got fishing they were both trying for black fish at the time as they were in numbers. i kept trying to spin for bonnies had one follow my lure up but no takes, changed colours to the redhead again first cast got a big hit set the hook and started winding and it busted me off lost my lucky mack bait lure snaped at the trace which was 60lb, had to be somthing BIG, oh well put the purple one back on and tried again arms getting all tired etc.. then bangus jr. convinced me to try get some blackies after he landed 1 nice sized blackie! So i headed back to my car to grab some hooks etc.. got back and he had landed another! so i was keen i have never fished for blackfish before so i put on a small lil blackfish hook that i had which i used for small mullet etc.. put a lil weed that was growing on the rocks there on to the hook using my light spinning rod 3kg berkley dropshot 6'4 rod with a 2500 shimano reel within minutes i was hooked onto my first Blackfish/luderick ever!! and boy do they pull first one was 38cm! after a quick photo on the bragmat i was out for more after re-rigging a hook as the other was too far gone after that i had landed 4 with 2 dust offs, then tried spinning again for bonnies with no luck and went back to luderick fishing just as the sun was going down landed another 4! and wanted to go for more it was like i was addicted and it was getting really easy to catch them, got dusted off like 4 times but totaled 8 blackfish with 2 at 38cm rest 33-34cm boy were they heavy gave 1 away to some guy who wanted to try one to eat, and 3 to the bangus and son great fishing with you guys as well pics will be uploaded when i get home tonight PS. Sorry for the long report i tend to get carried away when talking about my trips EDIT: PICS ADDED
  3. Congrats on the first king mate there are many many more out there to be caught i landed 2 trolling the breakwall at botany on saturday as well
  4. is a 10ft rod completely necessary? or does it depend on conditions and area your fishing?
  5. heaps of us in sydney love our fishing but i hear ya sometimes its hard to get people to come along who will stick it out for the times i tend to go out there for
  6. ah ok i was there with the bangus duo on the spinning ledge till around 8 no bonnies but i got 8 fat blackfish
  7. hahah ray love that last pic what time did you leave? i was there today too
  8. hey guys, got out early this morning met up with a fellow raider down at kirribilli wharf as he was out catching squid etc.. for the his trip so i decided i would join him n get some for myself, the night was VERY slow managed 2 squid lost the 3rd one TWICE! and also got 2 yakkas kept them in my live tank went home took a nap @ around 5am woke up @ 10am got my boat preped up called my mate to see how he went earlier on in the morning in the harbour and he had no luck :/ so rather than waste more time n driving to the harbour to launch i decided to hit up botany bay as its nice n close, was out on the water by roughly 1pm anchored up @ the breakwall so i could rig everything up and set up the downrigger took about 5-10 minutes i had 3 rods set up differantly so i didnt have to keep trying to change rigs around one had a lure one was for the yakka and one for the squidso started downrigging with the lure first done 3 passes of the breakwall n nothing i could see the kings on the sounder coming up to my lure but they didnt seem interested, so i switched to the squid put on the smaller one first and first troll scored a 63cm rat king put up a decent fight considering i had 80lb braid :/ i thought it would of been bigger, anyway that was my first every botany bay king yay!, and back he went. so put a frozen/dead squid on and went for another pass on the 2nd pass i scored ANOTHER king and again same size but not much of a fight was up n in the boat without taking drag, now i put on my other live squid and did another pass he got chomped in half and missed the hook by 2mm . Southerly picked up soon after that and the waters were getting rough so i headed over to towra and the oyster leases to try popping for some bream, first cast start reeling in slowly and i hear n see a splash near the lure but he missed no hook up wind got even worse so i decided to head back up to the breakwall again with hopes for another king, water was really rough on the way up and said bugger it home time bouncing around botany bay on my way back and i hit a wave i lift off the seat and slam back down and yay i hurt my back :/ sorry no pics batteries were dead
  9. 60-80lb line 10kg+ rod maybe i seen people landing those blue gropers few weeks back freakn HUGE!
  10. well done ray those rays look awesome from far with the colours but that close up of its face looked like a walrus >< and your last pic had me laughing
  11. :1welcomeani: to fishraider
  12. DGF

    Wiring Up Gauges

    Yikes ive seen those are around the 300 mark :/ anyone know of a cheaper alternative with the fuel flow meters ?
  13. DGF

    Wiring Up Gauges

    i see so where can i find these inline fuel meters would any boating store have them ? also i just use the gauge as a rough estimate but if i am going to head offshore i really wanna know how much fuel is there and how much was used etc..
  14. i may have to take you up on this one day roberta ive still yet to catch anything on pencils n ive spent so much $$ on the lures
  15. Jason :)you will find that alot of the members on this site are VERY helpful!
  16. nice thumper i been seeing alot of rather large whiting lately my wife landed a 36-37cm model on the weekend at picnic point and seen 3 other whiting being pulled in around the same size
  17. happy bday guys :1happybday:
  18. under the spit bridge i get around 20-30 yakkas there at times + squid just past the spit bridge near the moorings
  19. too steep mate i recently bought a 97 model Allycraft 535 5.3mtr with epirb, live well, 70hp yamma, Furuno sounder, rocket launchers, underfloor fuel cell 120ltr got that for $9,500
  20. DGF

    King Madness

    very nice king, great report i cant wait to crack that 1 mtre king where abouts did you guys fish?
  21. haha make sure you leave some kings for me too lan
  22. where abouts in the harbour you launching ? im heading out this saturday as well
  23. haha nice self portrait Ray
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