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Posts posted by Terms

  1. Hi guys still can't up load photos, it's saying they are too large. It says the maximum is 150 pixels or 100kb. All the pics from my phone are heaps bigger than that and they aren't that good quality! Please help.

    You can compress the photo before you try to upload it and it should work.

  2. The swell must have been huge in the bay LOL. My brother inlaw is the same took him out from the hawkesbury

    and was spewing his heart out around lion island i just thought i would help things along by having a beer he

    hasnt been on my boat since still wandering why.

  3. Hi Guys

    I lent my Penn 760 Slammer to my brother a few months ago and have just received it back. :thumbup:

    It seems as if the reel has been dunked in salt water because it tends to seize up once in a while and especially under heavier load. :ranting2:

    Would anyone know if this will be an expensive fix or would I be better off buying a new reel. I thnk new Slammer reels go for $100 or so.

    If it is worth saving can someone can point me to someone who services reels around the Blacktown NSW area.

    I would attempt it myself but I have never serviced a reel and don't really have much time to spare (my kids usually take up all my time).


    Most tackle stores will service the reel for you and will probably cost you around $20 but its hard

    to tell whether its worth while until you pull it apart .

  4. hey raiders.

    in summer when the water warms up a bit ! i want to do some kingie fishing but im restricted to land based ! are there any well known spots that you's wouldnt mind me having ! doesnt matter where ! im willing to travel!

    thanks raiders

    Off the rocks at Avoca beach can get crowded there and you need to make sure the weather is good as it can be dangerous.

  5. Hi Raiders,

    Fished the Wall off Long Reef this morning and landed a solid Barracuta on a yakka.

    Can you eat these fish? I bled it and put it on ice right away.



    The cuta's are pretty thick out there at the moment and as far as eating them there not a highly rated table fish.

  6. Can't help you with a sounder but once you find one it's very easy to install only a matter of mounting it on the boat, connect the power supply, mount the transducer to the transom

    and run the cable into the unit, peace of cake really. Whatever unit you buy just go to the manufacturers website and you will probably be able to find installation instructions if it's not to old.

  7. Hi boys, hope all is well, weather is looking good, time to sneak out there again.

    Just for those interested, we weighed 2 y/fin last week at SGFC on 16/8/11 and got very accurate short measurements, the 40kg fish was 1340mm long and the 50kg fish was 1430mm long.

    Cheers guys, get out there and good luck.


    Do you recall what the water temp was.

  8. Nothing wrong with fishing land-based just a matter of being at the wright place and time you can fish from a boat

    and still go home without a feed. You can spend many hours on a boat chasing fish like Marlin waste a lot of fuel

    and don't even get a strike having said that I have a mate who fished jb land based and got one on his second


  9. They look like a parachute in under the water, they create extra drag to slow your drift down. You need to match the size of the sea anchor to the size of your boat. Cost about $25 for a basic one to suit boats up to 6m. You can spend up to $300 for a big "parachute" para anchor.

    They look like this:

    Basic one:

    post-12851-064735800 1312418805_thumb.jpg

    Large one:

    post-12851-061362200 1312418838_thumb.jpg

    Hope this helps.

    I recently bought a para anchor which is the second pic not cheap cost me $257 delivered that's to suit a boat up to 8 meters but i think it 's better

    spending a little more for something that's going to do it's job rather than a cheap one that does nothing.I have one like the first pic you can have it

    Pred if you like no charge.

  10. That's a great effort on 15kg your mate will probably be sore for days but I'm sure he thinks it was all worthwhile.

    Looking at that pic, you sure you got enough grog to go with that fish?:beersmile:

  11. Hi terms

    On Saturday We ended up bagging out on gemfish at browns.

    We then started cubing and after about 20 minutes we had 2 makos circling the boat. The only bait we had was the smallest gemfish of 4kg. I quickly rigged it on the shark rig and tossed it out and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the reel screamed and suddenly stopped and somehow the mono wind on frayed. The wire trace was about 2.5 metres long and the shark was at least that so I guess the tail must have whipped it while smashing the bait.

    The water temp was only 19.5 and the SST charts showed no temp breaks within our reach so we didnt hang around much longer. We heared of one boat hooking up to a large yellowfin to only have it smashed by a moko.

    Hi Jerry,

    Sounds like you were kept busy to, we would have liked to have a cube but had to return early as i had a few

    things i had to take care of that afternoon. It was nice to be out there tho and the weather was great the current was

    good and we powered back to the ramp in one hour couldn't believe how calm it got.

  12. Hi raiders, set out for a quick bottom fish at browns today the weather was great & so were

    the sea conditions on arrival the sounder was showing plenty of fish so we didn't waste any

    time in getting the bait down, first drop resulted in a snag but we were quick to re rig and get

    back down within 2 minutes we were on and up came a nice Gem of 104cm can't wait for dinner

    i thought then we were straight back down up came another which was 88cm then we lost 2 more

    rigs before we bought our third gem up. We only had a few more drops before we had to head

    home and managed a frost fish would have been nice to have an afternoon cube . Can anyone

    tell me why i cannot attache pics and the upload fails i re sized them and are only 43.6kb

  13. G'day Eastwood,

    What a healthy appetite you have.

    Not a big guy but can eat two pizzas (I'm thinking family size, deep pan, not small, thin-n-whimpy size).

    I fillet my fish too and one fish of 42cm is enough plus salad.

    Summer in the bay produces it's fair share of nice whiting while bream fishing so meeting your dinner quota isn't overly difficult.

    Winter is a bit different - a bit harder to meet your quota, especially after heavy rain...

    If you don't quite meet your quota, you coulf fillet what whiting you did catch and make two pizzas out of them..... :biggrin2:


    LMFAO :074::074::074:

  14. I'm not a big guy but i can eat 2 large pizzas by myself and 4 whiting ain't enough for me =p

    Don't know where you put it, I'm 95kg and struggle with one large pizza.

    Nice whiting by the way hookedonit.

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