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lure 1

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Posts posted by lure 1

  1. Today I treated my son to a mornings fishing for his birthday. We met at 5am at the ramp thinking it might be packed for NYE on the harbour but there was no other boat on the water except those already parked up. Went to the Flathead grounds south of the heads and had the best fishing in a couple of years. At one stage we were pulling up as soon as we hit bottom with plenty of double hookups. Caught 42 Flathead but kept only 7. Plenty of small fish but at least 7 legals went back as we fish for the thrill. Bait was prawn , slimy mac, and squid. All in all a great birthday for my son.Sorry no pics as phone flat.

  2. Finally got out for another fish with my 2 sons. Put the boat in and tried Mollino for a while. Only a few pickers then whilst fixing 2nd rod the other screamed off with a 38cm Bream on the end. We then had a school of trevs come through with double hookups on 3 occasions. All but 2 were just endersize so back they went to fight another day. Whilst the bacon & eggs were cooking a 2kg red Mowie was caught along with a ray that put on a good fight. Back at the ramp I was supprised to see that the Fisheries were there and checking Licence and catch (which was good to see). One group were caught with about 20 undersize fish so a huge fine was coming their way. All in all not a bad day. Sorry no picks as camera not in the boat.

  3. Decided to get out early to beat the heat. On the road at 430am,only to find a que up at the ramp. Anyway got to the flathead grounds at 5.45am to find we wern't alone with 2 others in the area. Dropped down and counted to 10 and hooked up (undersize). Dropped again count to 10 hook up again (undersize). In 2 hrs my son and I caught 18 flathead 1 tailer and 1 leathery. We moved a couple times but was being frustrated by leatheries and also power loss to fish finder which came back on when we finnished fishing. Got hit by something that went like a freight train, (possibly a Kingy). All up I kept 2 fish ,let the rest go for another time, and was out of the heat by 12pm. Also it was good to see the authorities out checking on boats ,licences and safety gear at the ramp today.

  4. Took the grand kids for a fish om friday arvo for a quick couple hrs. Pulled up at our usual hole and proceeded to drop the kids lines into the water. After 5 mins I pulled in a 42cm flattie which went into the live well. With the passing of another 25 mins my grandsons rod buckled over big time. He struggled to reel it in but with the help of my son a 41cm trevally was boated much to the excitement of Jackson my 4yr old grand son. It wasnt long before my grand daughter pulled in a fat 27cm bream and an undersized reddie. All in all not a bad result for a 4 & 8yr olds fishing arvo. The joy foy my son & I was to see the excitement on thi kids faces as the fish were released for another day. PS sorry batteries flat in camera so no pics but will be ready for next time

  5. I got a call from my son wanting to go for a fish with the grandkids. After doing the lawns I needed no excuse to hook up the boat. We put in at warf rd and proceeded to our favourite hole on a runout tide. Soon a just undersize flattie came in . Soon my 4yr old grandson caught a huge fish which was a legal Bream (lol) then my 7yr old grandaughter decided pop was too old and needed help bringing in a few more fish. We later moved to Coockatoo Island and caught a few more fish. Altogether the kids landed 13 fish from Brean ,Tailor , Flathead and reddies which were all later released unharmed as the kids love watching them swim away after release. My 2 sons ended up with donuts as they were reminded about all the way home. A great way to spend the arvo with the grandkids.

  6. Tried the fad off Manly after collecting some yakkers. Only response was my son adding burly. So we tried in close only to have a sgt B take the livie. Had some fun in midd harbour . but still brought home 1 leathery. Still a bad day fishing beats being at home being nagged

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