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Posts posted by corbs

  1. Hey Rebel, been following your posts on using peas for blackfish for a while now and being a keen luds fisherman myself decided to give them ago last week as couldn't get any weed from my local spots (Northern Beaches). Tried them at one of my spots around the spit but only caught small ones but got lots of decent 'dog food' Bream on them, wife will not eat Bream so all went back... do you burly with the peas as well?

    Decided to try with weed flies but due to lack of current (I think) the downs were very timid although got a few but the only way of hooking them was to strike quickly as soon as I got a down.

    Has anybody else had much success on the weed flies as they certainly look the business in the water?

    Cheers, Geoff 

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  2. 1352364336[/url]' post='460512']

    Good stuff Sailfish , thanks for the pic and i hope you enjoyed releasing them or eating them it as its YOUR choice. :) I most likely will not try your spot but its taught me a few things about where Jew may turn up.. Thanks for being a good raider :)

    And Mr Jew hunter can you explain a few things as being a member here i am very confused ? When Sailfish posted a very honest post about his catch stating when and where the fish was caught,, he recieved nothing but greif from you in regard to its location and the health of the fish etc , and then you followed and made the comment "Sounds like it will be as busy as Pitt St again.Another good spot ruined". Why is our fellow raider being ostracized for providing truthful information to his members and doing exactly what this forum has been created for ? It appears to me and no doubt others that you may be trying to persuade people against fishing here for your own selfish motives as you are the Jew Hunter and he has found a spot on your turf !! If he caught a leather jacket at Parra Weir you wouldnt say Boo !! As a Moderator your posts on this thread as well as others should remain impartial and not dictate to members on what they contribute to the greater raider forum .

    Well done Sailfish,

    Great catch from a very flogged area, very impressive!...(shame about the quality of the pic)

    Have to agree with GaryO's comments about 'Another good spot ruined'...as Jewhunter said himself 'keep it on topic'.


  3. After last weeks attempt at Lake Lyell with my mate Crazy Dan fishing in the rubbish and high winds it was good to get back to clean water, no rubbish and no wind.

    The day started well with Dans mate Matt cracking his first trout on a soft plastic (we didn't hold that against him as he was happy). We spent the rest of the morning polaroiding plenty of big rainbows chasing each other in the shallows ignoring most flies thrown at them. I spotted a big male rainbow cruising the shallows and spooked him on my first cast and off he went bag into deeper water. Within 5 minutes he came back into the clear shallow water sniffing around and this time I was not going to stuff it up with a bad cast...out went the brown wooly bugger, strip, strip and boom be woofed the fly down and tore off into the deep water. After a short fight 'net bitch' Dan got him safely in the net, my PB rainbow of around the 5-6lb mark! The rest of the day we saw plenty of rainbows but they were more interested in chasing after each other ignoring any flies we throw at them. Will give them a couple of weeks to settle down before we have another crack at them.

    post-12596-046671800 1347844995_thumb.jpg

  4. Yep it was tough fishing conditions, the wind kept changing direction and finding places with enough room to get a decent backcast in was hard due to the high water levels.

    We found some good looking water at the back of the lake BUT the amount of rubbish (plastic bags, beer bottles and bongs everywhere!) put us off fishing the area.

    I don't get it why idiots leave all their crap in such nice places to fish, it's not that hard to take your rubbish with you!

    Can't wait for the winds to die down so we can give TCD a decent go.


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