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Posts posted by Messi

  1. Hi guys. I went for one quick fishing trip while on holidays in June. We didn't catch anything, but I was hooked. When I got back home I picked up a second hand surf rod and reel and started reading anything relevant I could find on the net. I've caught one flathead so far out of six trips. I'm targeting tailor, salmon and flathead. So far I've been getting to the beach about 5am and fishing through until just after sunrise, but I'm happy to go in the evenings as well. It'd be good to tag along with someone who's got a bit more experience than me to try to pick up some tips. Here's my details:

    Your name: Alan

    Your Location: Canterbury

    Fishing technique: Surf Fishing

    Availability: Most mornings, some evenings

    Preferred location: Maroubra

    Provide your own gear? Yes

    Provide your own boat? NA



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