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Posts posted by steve_wint16

  1. Hi I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can find some spare bibs for my halco laser pro lures. I have the 190 laser pros with 7m+ diving bibs on them but want to replace with the 2m diving bibs. I have contacted halco but they said they won't sell me any spare bibs.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Cheers, Steve.

  2. Hi Everyone, I am just wondering if anybody has any info on where I can get marine charts for Rarotonga, Cook Islands. The type of chart is just the one with depth that show offshore reefs, mounds and canyons. If anybody has any info on where I can get one from I would appreciate it very much. Also if anyone has any co-ordinates for Rarotonga's reefs etc that would also be great.

    Thanks, Steve

  3. Hi everyone, im heading down to jervis bay 2nd weekend in september for a week to do some fishing. Will be trying to get out and get some yellowfin. Just wondering if anyone has heard any reports if there around down there yet. Also does anybody know where to buy bulk pilchards down that way for cubing. Any help would be great.

    Thanks, Steve.

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