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Posts posted by gazza0878

  1. I fish the lagoon a lot but I don't even go near it this time of year your just wasting your time just to many people fishing and its hard enough just to get your boat in. I'll get back there in middle of feb once its had time to settle down after all the pillaging.

    Its better out in Pittwater and the harbour at moment anyways.

  2. I was out sunday arvo, I agree the wind was horrible made it so hard. I saw one big school of fish working for a while near the heads but a big yacht decided to sail straight through them and they never came back :mad3: . I ended up finding a sheltered little cove and caught a 3 squid and a few legal bream on vibes for dinner. I was sounding up a heap of kings but they wouldn't bite anything.

  3. hey mate

    i was up there last weekend fished saturday arvo and sunday morning for a total of 6 flathead and some tailor the biggest going 48cm but did lose a couple which i think would of been bigger.

    All fish were caught on small lures wriggler type as probally look like prawn, Also all fish were caught well away from the dredging. Still the action was very slow it was one of the worst trips i`ve had up there.

    So i would think the dredging is definately having a impact and i won't be back till its finished especially as down my way its fishing so much better. got a nice 64cm flattie today in pittwater.

  4. yeah anywhere along there mate and even along the rocks further up you just need to explore. where the sand is there`s a good hole further out but you need to wade out there and in the winter its a little cold.

    thats why i have a kayak to get out to it. hope that helps a you catch a few

    Had a look on Google Earth, looks nice. Where do you fish from, the jetty alongside the bath area?

  5. hey mate,

    I fished the lake since i was a kid and one thing i've learn't is you don't bother fishing there in june, july and most of august you might get the odd good fish but its a hard slog. I always wait for the first few warmer days in late august to september to get back into the flatties there.

    If your landbased you better of to go try down around forty baskets, north harbour area where you should get some nice trevally, winter flatties was down there on saturday and got a few trevs on softies and a 50cm flattie.

    If you are gunna fish lake i would try the shallows on a nice sunny winters day as they should be up there trying to warm up thats my guess anyways.

  6. yeah i fished the lake on sunday and didn't get much either, the tide was rubbish a run in you don't get much in the lake when its like that and also every man and his dog was fishing or water skiing was just way to much activity, through the week is always better than weekends. tides should be better later in the week.

    I went for a flick at Narrabeen yesterday. I figured I would give it a shot as I've heard of some decent flatties coming out of the lake recently and without much success wading the lake last weekend I thought id give it another shot. I tried vibes, HBs, soft plastics and fresh prawns yet couldn't hook up with anything worthwhile. It was an uneventful night filled with mostly undersized bream and whiting. I had a couple of big takes, yet they spat the hook after a couple of strong runs. They felt like bream though and they weren't interested in my softies, vibes or ecos (there didn't seem to be a flatty anywhere near me either). I was wading the shore in front of the caravan park and one thing I noticed is how the floor of the lake has changed over just one week. A couple of the gutters I was fishing last week were gone and I struggled to get out as far as I did last time as there were a few big holes that weren't there before. I know sand bottoms change but I didn't think it would be such a significant change over 6 days. We fished from late arvo through to just after midnight and my girlfriend managed the only legal catch being a whopping 29cm bream It was somewhat disappointing but as the saying goes, a bad day fishing is better than a good day of work.

  7. Hi there

    Yes i was land based and i only use soft plastics these days in the lake mainly so i don't catch those little pesky bream which there are thousands of them.

    You do have to put alot more effort in working the lure but i feel the rewards do come eventually and i had been getting a fair few big flatties in the lake on them, but it has got fairly quiet of late sept to november is best before school holidays, then late feb to may. If you do have time tho freshly caught poddy mullet are the gun bait in the lake. Ive seen some bigger ones caught on them but i never have time to collect them. hope that helps.

    Awesome catch!!! Have been fishing narrabeen a bit lately n got nothing but tiny bream. Were u land based? And are soft plastics better for flatties or can the same result be achieved by using bait?

  8. Hey raiders

    Went down narrabeen lagoon today and got this nice 77cm flattie on soft plastic which was released to fight another day.

    I'm happy as its my biggest to date on soft plastic and my new years resolution is to always up my Pb flattie so done that day one of 2012.

    Now to get that metre lol.

    The lake was actually very quiet only got the 77cm and a 36cm. to many people out on the water do stupid things in boats.

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  9. Hello all raiders

    So my mate and i decided to take my boat out on saturday in pittwater for a softplastic session to hopefully catch a few flatties for a feed.

    Started off puting boat in and tried a spot close to ramp that i know and my mate on his second cast hooked onto a nice 35cm trevally which gave him a bit of stick on the light gear we use.

    We fished there a bit longer but went very quiet so we headed up to palm beach area to another spot i know which always produced some big flatties and on the first drift i hook onto a nice fish but then just before we got a view off it it fell off so after a few swear words:ranting2: i go to pull my line in and to my surprise the fish has taken the lure again so happy days i'm on again:thumbup: and this time i see a nice 61cm flattie come into the net.

    After that my mate pulled in 40cm flattie and i got a small snapper, then on next drift i hook onto a heavy fish i call it for a nice flattie when suddenly it just takes off like a train definately not a flattie and as we r fishing in between a whole lot of boats i thought i had no chance of getting this in, at this stage my line was already going across rope of a boat moaring so i get my mate to start up engine and we chase the fish all over the place. would of been funny to watch i think.

    Finally after 5 minutes i started getting line back and got my first sight of a 70cm kingy then it took of again and took heaps of line and nearly busted me off on a nearby boat but after that run it was spent and came up easily and into net.

    I was so stoked it is my first legal kingy on softplastic and my biggest i have caught and caught on flattie gear 4pound line and 8 pound leader, i feel i was very lucky to get this fish in i think if it really wanted to bust me off it could off done easily but still was a awesome fight on light gear.

    Also that day i ended up getting a 51cm flattie and 3 smaller ones.

    overall it Was a great day out on water and surprisingly hardly any boats out on water.

    can't wait to get out again.:1fishing1:

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  10. hey mate

    Yeah 2/0 jig head is ok if you are targeting smaller flatties with small softplastics like the 70mm squidgies but if you want something bigger you need to use atleast a 4/0 jighead with 80mm to 130mm squidgies.

    Your right with the tides i find runout tides the best but really for most of us its whenever you can get out on the water so i have spots that fish well both run in and out you just gotta get out there and find them.

    For places to fish as i'm not to familiar with where you fish, just look for broken weed patches and a nice little drop off and just keep moving if you don't get anything after a few casts.

    I fish in a boat with a electric motor and can totally recommend one they have increased our catch ten fold. So we are always moving on a certain drift i'm not a fan of being anchored when casting lures.

    With the types of lures/ colours, i find it depends on the colour of water, weather ect my favourites of late are squidgies fish- blackgold (best by far), grasshopper, poddy mullet, evil minnow and in the wrigglers Lava and red rum and bloodworm colours.

    With using the softies i have a double lift that works well for me( just 2 quick flicks of rod)

    Also don't forget to put on S factor or some other scent its a must.

    Oh yeah and the TT Blades are good also i've been killing em of late with them, i really find a blades works better this time of year when water is a bit cold and you get great bycatches as well like trevally, kingies, salmon and whiting i got a 43cm whiting a couple of weeks ago on one.

    Anyways i hope that helps you i'm sure you will get one soon and then you won't use bait again.

  11. I usually just buy beach worms up there at the local tackle store and also get pippi`s from the beach. I always catch big whiting and bream up there biggest so far is 45cm whiting and a 40cm bream.

    i just go searching through the day for the best gutters and fish them late arvo.

    I'm actually up there next weekend fishing so look out for my report hopefully i'll get lots and i can tell ya where to go.

  12. Hey raiders

    Just a quick one today.

    So the girlfriend arranged a weekend away on dangar island for me for my birthday with a few mates for some drinking and a bit of fishing.

    We didn't take our boats so we were stuck just fishing the flats on high tide.

    Didn't think we would get much as everyone who lived on the island said they had never got much where we were trying but we tried anyways.

    So after only 20 mins or so to get a little 40cm flattie to the shore i was happy.

    Soon after i tossed my soft plastic behind a boat and bang i was on again but this was a bigger fish and after a good little fight i pulled in a fat 66cm flattie which is a pb for me on softies.

    later that day i also got a nice 50cm flattie and another 40cm.

    The next day the weather wasn't the best but my mate picked up a small flattie and his girlfriend picked up a nice 30+cm bream.

    So was a great weekend fishing, drinking and watching the cricket , can't ask for more than that.

    oh and all fish were released to fight another day.

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  13. Nice report mate wondering how long it would take ya to put it up.

    I think it was more than 30 flatties we caught tho more in the 40`s. I also see that flattie is growing in size as well lol.

    Just joking was a great early season flattie hopefully more big ones to come.

    Can't wait to get up there again and hopefully we can get some fish on dangar island this weekend should be cool staying there i've got lots of beers ready lol.

  14. Hey Raiders

    Just a quick report, went down to narrabeen lakes with a mate and his boat on sunday for a quick sp fish as it was really windy and looked like it might rain.

    Got out there about 3.30 pm and within 5 mins picked up a 43cm flattie and was thinking well this might be alright.

    But things turned out to be very slow and only got another 39cm flattie.

    The water was so high that we couldn't even get our boat under the bridge near woolworths so i would say the entrance must be closed. All i say is when is the council gunna dredge this lake its absolutely disgusting they can let it get this bad the channel up the front is about 2 metres wide now.

    Anyways saw a few other people fishing but they weren't getting much and then the dreaded rain which i think all sydneysiders are sick the death off returned

    so we headed home.

    cheers cushie

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  15. hey fishraiders

    Went out for a quick sp session with the misses today in pittwater in my boat, was very hopefully after catching some flatties last time out a couple of weeks ago with mates.

    The tides weren`t the best but the weather was an amazing 25 degrees and sunny.

    So anyways got out to my usual flattie spot and there wasn't much going on, there was no tidal movement and no wind so the bites were hard to come by but after about 20 mins i hooked onto a very nice size leatherjacket i have a feeling if was using bait would of got heaps of them.

    So after getting a few more of them i finally hooked onto a nice fish and after a great little fight a nice 54cm flattie come up thats when i relised i forgot the landing net lol how stupid anyways used my lip grippers and got him in and took a few pics and let him go to fight another day.

    Things went quiet then and only got a 25cm bream.

    Then moved to another spot in very shallow water hoping to get a few on the flats but nothing , i saw a nice flattie take off for the deep and heaps of stingrays and mullet but nothing took the lure.

    So headed home after that, but was a great day out on water having a fish and a couple of beers can't ask for more than that i say

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  16. Hey fishraiders

    As This is my first post i'll keep it short went out today fishing in pittwater with a couple of mates for a early spring session on the soft plastics for flatties.

    Went and tried a few spots that we had success at last summer in really hope more than anything.

    Things started off not the best with 2 pikes but then my mate picked up a flattie off 42cm so expectations rised a fair bit.

    Then i hooked onto a big fish which for my little flattie outfit of 4lb mainline and 8lb leader was maybe a bit light and it sadly ended in tears after a 5min fight just hoping it wasn't a monster flattie but have a feeling it was.

    So re rigged and next cast i got a 45cm flattie so felt a little better i suppose. Then the fish went of for a while with only a small flounder caught.

    So we moved to another spot and straight away i got a small flatties of 35cm and my mate picked up a 27cm whiting on a flattie lure lol.

    Then i hooked onto a nice fish and after a few nice runs i pulled in a nice 51cm flattie which i have a pic of but can't upload it as the file is to big. also my mates picked up a a very nice flounder and another small flattie.

    So we ended up with 5 flatties 2 flounder and a whiting and prob lost a pb flattie, thought it was a good day for this time of year.

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