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Posts posted by Pgh

  1. Hey Ray,

    I haven't been up that way in over 6 years. Your photos reminded me of what a magic spot it is ( I hope the road b/w Crescent and Pt Plomer remains unsealed). Great pics and some good size bream by the look of things.


  2. Hey Raiders,

    Managed to get the young fella off the WII machine and out for a fish this morning to Balmoral jetty. The tide was coming in with overcast conditions and passing showers.

    After a short time waiting, the slack line on the kids rod went tight and after a hard fought battle, up came his first yakka (23 cms). After that, up came a couple of chopper tailor of about the same size. All fish were caught using an unweighted size 6 mustard with a bit of pilly.

    Great to see the kid enjoy fishing as much as I do.

    P.S - Also great to see the jetty kept clean by fellow anglers.

    post-15526-079443000 1294386219_thumb.jpg

  3. Greetings All

    Thought it was about time I contributed something here.

    We just spent a few days up at Nelson Bay. My daughter (5yo) got her first fishing rod for Xmas (from Dad not Santa). During the afternoon we went to the local tackle shop and picked up some bait - a pack of prawns. After a chat with Brent at the shop we decided we were going to blame him if she didnt catch anything - must be the bait, couldnt possibly be Dad's teaching :wacko: .

    So after dinner, off we went to the rockwall at the marina to test it out. There were quite a few people there and with a tide almost at high things were looking OK. We managed to find an unoccupied few metres of space that we decided looked the goods. It looked the goods mainly because it was the only few metres of unoccupied space.

    On with a prawn and a cast and within a few minutes she was on. And there was the excitement. The next 2 hours went something like this - she would peel a prawn, I would put it on the hook and cast for her, then she would hook the fish and wind it in. 7 in total, although 1 got off at the bottom of the rocks, so 6 landed. All thrown back. All would have been well undersize but we had not planned to take any home anyway.

    8.30 came around and it was time to go home - 7.30 is bed time so we were gonna be in trouble from mummy. Then comes the "Dad there is still some bait on the hook I think we should cast it again" "Ok darling just 1 more cast" - this went on for about 15 minutes before she finally caught her last fish and we were able to go.

    In between all of this I had a lure on the end of my line and I managed to get a couple of casts in for no luck luck at all. Last time I took her fishing (which was her fist time) was out in the boat. She used 1 of my rods and she comprehensively outfished both Daddy and her uncle. Looks like she did it again.

    Not sure what they were - blue/grey colouring, very smooth to touch. I thought the could have been small luderick, but I thought they only ate weed and not prawns. I didnt get a pic because I forgot to take my phone with me.



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