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Posts posted by KamakaziCroat

  1. Hey Kamakazi - have you considered Maroubra Beach?

    I fish there a lot and usually have good success, although of late all I can manage to raise is undersized flatties (in great numbers). It's a great spot, both off the beach and rocks, for whiting, tailor, salmon, bream, drummer, blackfish etc.

    Regardless of where you end up going (i.e. Maroubra, Cronulla, Brighton etc) I would suggest that you commit to a location that you know produces fish and then head back there many times, whether you're getting fish or not. In my personal experience I've found that you simply cannot get a fishing spot wired unless you frequent it enough that you come to know how it works. Once you know a spot well, you only need to look outside at the prevailing weather to know where to and how to fish it to maximise your chances.

    Unfortunately this process takes a very long time. I've fished in the Maroubra area over 50 times in the last year or two and am still working the place out. The locals whov'e been fishing it for decades (there are a few of them) almost never go home empty handed.

    Thanks for the advice Mondo, got the day off work today and im off on a scouting mission on a few of the mentioned places.. heading off to the shop to get a new rod/reel too so im pretty pumped. Not sure if ill wet a line today (have to check the tide chart) but when i do ill let you all know how it went at these locations.. :1prop:

  2. you can walk around there yes (i have seen people walking that way from the boat), keep in mind that the beach closest to the headland there is a nudist one :1prop:

    HAHAHA yeh i thought that would be the case... how far do you reckon browns Rock is from that beach? and would you know if id be casting off the rocks or?

  3. hi

    be very careful with molineux point. those large man made blocks are very steep, its

    very easy to fall in between them, potential of serious injuries are very high.

    further there are many large wave crashing into it, its just too unpredictable

    a good land based place in botany bay, is called browns rock. its just east of bare island

    past those two beaches. go to matraville bait and tackle they will give you good

    instructions how to get there. likely species are kingfish jewfish(when its very rough)

    bream salmon tailor etc.



    Hi ilk fish thanks for the tip about Browns rock..i think ill head out this weekend and check it out..is it possible to park at la perouse then walk around those two beaches to the east of Bare Island or is Brown's rock further out of the way towards henry head? Im looking at this map.. http://www.maritime.nsw.gov.au/docs/botanybay_front.pdf

    Also what sort of setup would you use to fish this spot? is it rock fishing or? But thanks for the tip! ill be sure to head down to Matraville bait and tackle and have a chat!

    hi KamakaziCroat

    Garie beach is a good beach, where good salmon, bream have been taken.

    Have a look there, or have at the northern beaches, palm etc.

    Btw im new to beach fishing too, ive only beach fished down in Culburra, and caught my first salmon! it was awesome. I picked up an outfit for about 200 bux with line. It's not the best outfit, but considering my experience with beach fishing, it was a good purchase and have confidence in taking it to any other beach.



    Hi Kantong,

    Whereabouts on Garie beach? do you walk all the way from the beach onto the rocks or was that just along the beach from the car park/canteen? Thats also another idea for the weekend! suppose i should head out early morning or late afternoon if i plan on hitting Garie beach...

  4. Hi kamakazicroat

    As for fishing molineaux point landbased, those artificial/ man made boulders you see on the rock wall have in some places 9 foot drops in between them. I tried it once without my gear and i got 1/5 of the way down and thought "stuff this". I dont know how athletic you are, and i know there are a few ppl who do it cos you see them there all the time from a boat but i certainly wouldnt recommend it. One slip and your gone! Very dangerous indeed

    As for the rod it kind of depends on what species you want to catch. If you decide to go off the beach, a beach rod of atleast 10ft (i use a 12ft) is a must, i would think to cast over the breakers and to keep the line high and out of the wash. For a reel i use a baitunner in 6500 series with 30lb mono but everyone has there one preferences. A ganged pilchard or a strip bait (mackeral, tuna, mullet or squid) also ganged with a star sinker would be a good start from the beach expect to catch salmon, tailor and flatties, and a jew if your lucky. Alternatively you could use prawns and beach worms for bream and whiting.

    Best of Luck

    Thanks for the tips for beach fishing, ill definately give it a crack one day soon and get a proper beach set up, dosent sound like people have much luck at cronulla from the beach, might take a trip down the gong one day...

  5. Went to Kurnell Sunday 28/08/2006 had a look at the rocks but decided the swell was a little on the rough side for us to fish, where we were fishing a couple of weeks ago was being swamped. There was somebody fishing a bit further north, no worries as a lot of people are more game rock hopping than me.

    What disturbed me is the guy turned his back to the ocean as he was rebaiting or rigging and he was fishing by himself, as no one else was around if he went in nobody would know possibly for hours. If you're rockfishing be careful, I've had a couple of close calls and am very cautious these days.

    I remember as a young fellow going fishing with my old man off the rocks at Garey beach (not sure the spelling, but down bundeena way) used to catch some massive Salmon or Tuna? (i was a young fellow dont remember much) But i do remember grabbing my old man's hand as he got hit by a wave and almost got washed off the rocks, and most of you know the rocks im talking about (a good 2km walk from the beach) he would of been finished, lucky for him i was 6 foot and 85kg at 12yrs old and hung on to him hahaha

    But in the typical our friends fashion he still worse those dodgy thongs and no safety gear when fishing off rocks and much like this bloke at kurnell more concerned with his line than keeping an eye on his footing or the waves coming in.. ill never forget that! So becareful off the rocks guys and if you have kids set a good example, not like my old man hahahaha :beersmile:

  6. Hi all, haven't posted on the forums for a while and like many i'm more of a reader than poster because of my complete rookie status! But was wanting to head out this weekend to catch something..anything...

    Everyone seems to mention molineaux point, Botany bay as an OK spot to wet a line, keeping in mind i am boatless and landbased, would it be worth it to head to Molineaux via Prince of Wales Drive, and try my luck from the land there? or would i be wasting my time...

    From reading the forum i've come up with a handful of possible spots....i was wondering if some of you experts could nudge me in the right direction.. these are my possible spots i might try this wkend..

    Off the beach at Greenhills, Cronulla...

    Molineaux point landbased.....

    south end of Brighton towards Dolls point...

    either way im going to hit the bait and tackle and pick up a new line ($200-$300) budget..so depending where i go depends on what i get i suppose... any tips on the type of rod/reel or bait for these three places (also time of tide, low or high?) Or any other spots im not aware of around this area...any info tips at all would be awesome...

    And thanks to you all for contributing to my ongoing fishing education hehe! :1fishing1:

  7. Ha this is all somewhat amusing... I serisouly doubt that eating the odd fish from the harbour will do you much harm after all everything else in this modern world will kill you sooner or later. (apparenlty however mobile phones Don't giv you cancer according to one study released this week)

    Perhaps the best result we can hope for is the permenant closure of Syd Harbour as a comercial fishery... (i can wish can't i)

    Who's gonna stop you taking fish? Am i gonna get a fine or just bowel cancer?

    True, i read a journal that says we have 400 more toxins in our bodies that our grandparents (well people in their 70's/80s) never had in their day... no wonder why there is so much cancer/bird flu/obese kids etc etc :thumbdown:

    its all of these scientifically manufactured flavours and preservatives. For example, to extract banana flavor from real bananas it would cost companies $14 for a litre of cencentrate whereas the artificial flavouring is only $3 a litre, if you are head of a big company which would you choose? and its all these untested chemicals we put into our body and the waste that these comapnies but into our waterways that are killing us and our sport/livelyhood! :mad3:

  8. I have had the same experience, i used to catch stingrays and keep them for a friend who liked eating them, one time we brought one home and found another 4 in the bucket :1yikes: Another occasion after catching a stingray in the time it took to take the hook out, it gave birth :wacko:

    I think it's a defence mechanism, when the animal is that stressed it releases as much body weight as it can to try and escape (you could compare it to a human pissing his pants when he gets scared i suppose?) saw something like that on discovery channel once but was half asleep..

  9. Yeh the babies came out dead, wern't ready to be born and i suppose the shock set in to the ray and she just released them, this was back in 2002 some time so i can't remember what type it was? But i had no idea how to cook it so i gave it to a fisho that was near by he said he knew how to cook it..

    now this is not a pic i took, found it on the net, but from memory this is what it looked like..even though i dont think the tail was as long as this one in the pic


  10. werent you?

    Well yes you are 100% correct there crazedfisherdude - threw in the spearing and just now trying to get into proper fishing, its got more of an art/challenge to it.

    Last time i went spearing i accidently shot a sting ray after chasing a flatty under a ledge, took a blind shot and when i got the stingy to land id say around 5/6 baby sting rays came gushing out of it (must of released them due to the shock) So yeh felt really bad about killing 7 of them! That's why i threw it away, at least when we fish and catch a real beauty we can release it and let it live!

  11. Yeh i used to go spearing and octopus hunting around La Pa almost every weekend, ran into a few little baby PJs a few times, Saw a couple of Sea Horses once, that was amazing i had never seen them in real life before and a couple of Sting Rays, but over the years there seems to be less and less of these types of creatures there... this was on the restaurant/cafe side, i hear there is good fishing on the other side of the old jail..tried once off the bridge but no luck.

    But the octopus were great, always a guaranteed feed, never forget the time i went into the water with no spear/knife and grabbed a good sized occy hiding under an old door that was in the water, snuck up on it quick and grabbed it before i lost it in the ink...the looks on the faces of the kids on the beach that day hahaha it wrapped around my whole upper arm/chest area as i walked out onto the beach, one little fella started crying coz he thought i was being attacked by it!

  12. Hi all, new on here, been reading the forum for the last week and decided to sign up (best fishing forum i have ever seen, great job everyone!) and i was just wondering...

    Haven't seen this question so apologies if i missed it..

    What is the Etiquette for naming a boat? What is seen as good luck and bad luck in terms of christening a new boat, renaming a second hand boat, naming the boat after a sunken one etc. etc... i was at a boat shop the other day down Carrs Park way having a look when the thought popped into my head (as you can tell never owned one but in the market for my first)

    any superstitions or thoughts?

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