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Posts posted by smallscott69

  1. What do you guys think about fishing a beach with lighting? Beaches like bulli and austimere are very well lit by the car parks and roads.

    I've heard that any sort of light including a head lamp will scare the fish away yet austimere is renown to be a great beach for jewies, it's the most lit up beach in the area

  2. So I've just come home from yet another unsuccessful trip and I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've been targeting Mulloway around the Illawarra beaches for about one and half years now on average once a fortnight. Since day 1 I've made sure only to fish the high tide changes during dusk/night and around the transition of the new/full moon. I've also made sure to only use fresh bait: live yakka, fresh yakka butterflied, slimey fillets, freshly caught squid, fresh tailor and salmon fillets. I've explored most of the Northern beaches and have fished the majority of them up to Austimere. Unfortunately most of the time I leave empty handed. I've even gone out and bought myself an expensive set up specifically to catch Jews... It's sad ain't it.

    One thing I noticed tonight is that the majority of the times I'm fishing there's just s#!@t loads of seaweed getting caught on my line which manages to cause tangles and screw my bait up. I've also noticed that a lot of the beaches are quite featureless and shallow. Tonight I walked up and down the entire beach only seeing huge shore dumpers, the white wash was about 30m in length and I couldn't cast anywhere decent without risking my life. I'm really struggling to find the motivation to head out now, can anyone help me hook onto one?

  3. I just went out yesterday and ended up getting the 12000OC with about 290m of 30lb mono on it. Paired it up with a Penn Prevail 12foot 8-12kg rod, it feels amazing compared to the piece of crap I was using before. Im hoping that I can cast over 30m with this bad boy so I don't have to go waist deep in the water just to get my bait in the gutter. Just have one more question, is it worth fishing beaches on the change of low tide at night for jews?

  4. Okay thanks guys! I think i'm going to go out and buy an entirely new combo. Thinking a baitunner 12000OC and a decent surf rod to increase my casting distance to accommodate for the mono. Do you think that reel is big enough for 30lb mono?

  5. Hey guys, I've been searching for the ultimate beach Mulloway for way too long now and I've been embarrassingly unsuccessful. Last night I went out, day after new moon, right on the change of high tide, casting out freshly butterflied yakka and a huge one at that. I had my reel on freespool and all of a sudden the line starts ripping off like you wouldn't believe. I pick it up and... The braid snaps above the swivel without even me tightening the drag...

    Im using 30lb braid main line with 40 lb leader. I use a large running star sinker going to a swivel, after the swivel 1m of leader with smelled hooks. I've had this problem before even when using the sinker clips it just seems to wear my line down. Could any of you recommend me a better rig?

  6. Hey guys,

    I'll start off by saying that over the past 30 days I've easily put in over 20 hours flicking for squid and haven't caught or seen one. I usually flick around Wollongong harbour/port Kembla boat ramps/kiama boat ramp with 2.5 yamashita ranging from natural to light colours. I've even bought squid spikes and put freshly caught yakka on them off the Wollongong breakwall ... Nothing. Could anyone please tell me which dimension they've warped to? :(

  7. Hey guys, was thinking about taking my 12ft inflatable out to Botany Bay on a calm day and try get some live yakka, just wondering what the best way to get livies around there is? I've heard Molineux is good, what's the best way to catch them?

  8. Mate good luck....reckon it could be standing room only down there after that 47kg jew (yep over 100 lb) was taken on a squidy gary glitter fish during the week....

    Yeah I heard about that, I'd be happy to catch a 30cm jewfish :P

  9. Hey guys, I'm heading out to Shoalhaven Heads tomorrow morning around 5am fishing till noon. I bought some 125mm Squidgy Shads and 5" Gulp Jerk Shads mostly targeting Flathead and if i'm lucky a Mulloway. Does anyone know of any decent spots for mulloway down there?

  10. Hey guys, I've recently been fishing at the northern Port Kembla breakwall with floats without much luck. I've seen people catch a fair amount of fish on the bottom, I attempted the bottom but got snagged every cast on rocks. Just wondering if there is a special type of rig that avoids snagging?

    I guess I could always try some lightly weighted soft plastics and jig them in the mid section of water anyway =).

  11. Went down the Clyde river with my parents on the inflatable and anchored up at some random spot near the shore, we couldn't even tell if there was structure underneath we just casted in. I was using some Rip Tide 3" mullet plastics and was sitting there for a good 20 minutes getting nothing. I was winding in and I felt it hit something I immediately said " I'm SNAGGED" but all of a sudden it was kicking back going crazy, I put my rod up high and got it up to the surface it was a monster flathead around 85cm, I got it to the side of the boat and my dad was saying GET IT AWAY FROM THE BOAT IT WILL POP IT, all of a sudden its tooth must of cut my line and it went straight back under (rough estimate but definitely 80+).

    We fished the same spot for the next hour my parents and I pulled in some little flatties and a flounder. And of course I was onto another big fish, this time my dad had the net ready and it surfaced, it was a huge flathead again! this time only around 75cm. Dad got it in the net but it wouldn't fit! next thing I see is my hook with my plastic fly out of the net and the flatty went beserk and fell out, my dad couldnt even lift the thing out of the water.

    This was the first time I have ever caught a flatty bigger then 50cm I was so happy I couldn't believe it. Unfortunately no pics but at least they were released and our boat is left unpopped =).

  12. Hey guys just wondering if you know any spots in port hacking accessible by boats and not rough, light tackle using 1/4 ounce jig heads.My dad and I launched from Grays Point but had no idea where to fish xD.

  13. My mate Dean and I fished Lake Illawarra Thursday afternoon on the run out tide. Landd 11 flathead in 2hrs on sqyudigy soft plastic between 40cm-55cm. The colour was evil minnow 80mm100mm and some old lime green squidgy. We also dropped about 5 each. Went back Saturday night and only got four.



    Hey mate where abouts in the lake were you fishing at? I might go out there soon but have no idea where to go

  14. Went down to Minnamurra river with my father a mate and our two month old inflatable zodiac. Dad just got a $170 shimano SP combo and was pretty keen to try it out. I was using some squidgy wrigglers on a light 2-4kg rod and my mate was using white bait. My mate and I have never gone out fishing together but it was definitely a bait vs plastics comp.

    Okay, so we set off at around 1:30pm and we drove out into the channel where the river bends (about 4 -5m deep), I'm the first to put a squidgy on so I cast out, and within literally 5 seconds I've got a fish on. It put up a pretty good fight, I bring it in and it's a 40cm flathead! perfect for dinner so we go ahead and chuck that on ice. My mate points out a marker it seems to be a drop off so were hoping for some good fish, I cast in and wham another 40cm flatty. For the next 30 mins i'm not getting much and so far my dad hasn't gotten anything, all of a sudden my mate hooks up on a 30cm trevally and then he turns to me and says "Trevally> flatty so Bait>SP"... hahaha. He then follows that up by catching a 25cm tailor which actually jumped out of the water. It went quiet for about half an hour so we decided to drift at the main intersection, and then again I hook up! and to my surprise it was another 40cm flatty! hahah this is great. My dad finally has a fish and its a tiny garfish that he hooked in the side of the body =). So all up it was a pretty good day for me not for my dad =( but he is still keen to go out with SP's from what I caught. Heres some pics: Excuse the \m/ signs we just did that to prove to our friend that it was us!

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  15. Hey guys! I just bought a 3.6m Zodiac inflatable with a 15hp motor, I live in Wollongong and need some advice on fishing spots around the illawarra area. I've heard Minamurra River is good but if anyone knows any good spots could they please share them with me. I'm using light tackle, 2-4kg rod with 6lb braid and 6lb FC leader so not really going for huge fish. Cheers :biggrin2:

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