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adams apple

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Posts posted by adams apple

  1. hi there

    i too would recomend bay and basin sports fishing greg is a champ and knows that area like the back of his hand.

    if you would like some kingie action you could try trolling around bowen island just keep in mind there is a marine park on one side of the island.

    i hope this helps and enjoy your trip.

  2. hi marlin ii

    if you would like to go for a troll i would suggest that you launch at murrys beach boat ramp. and head across to bowen island and troll some lures. you are most likley to get a salmon or tailor. i would also try squidding around the ramp break wall.

    hope this helps

    cheers adamsapple

  3. hi brettmann

    i would try trolling lures for tailor and salmon. you may also want to try squiding in the shallows.

    i wish you luck at jb hope this infomation helps.

    adams apple

  4. hi guys

    a friend of mine has an anglapro boat it looks to be soild and well made for the price. i cant say how soft the ride is as i have not been out in it.


    adams apple

  5. hi raiders

    i have a question about my humminbird 788ci. when i try to increse the sensitivity in sonar and gps view but the ammount of clutter and thing on the display does not change and when i decrese the sensitivity it does not change.

    could this be because i am using the sonar and gps view and i should be using the sonar view only when i want to increse and decrese sensitvity. or could it be that my transducer is mounted a little low and can be raised up a few mm or so.

    can i have some advice on thing to try to fix the problem

    cheers, adams apple

  6. hi guys

    nice work mate with the fish

    i will be going down in a few weeks time and am just wondering what bait / lures you used. and if you dont mind can you please put the gps cordinates up of the spot you found.

    cheers adams apple

  7. hi guys

    i have a stessco 4.2 with a 30 suzuki and i can troll for 5 hrs on a quater of a 25L tank with three blokes on board and heaps of gear. outboards of this size are very economic.

    cheers adamsapple

  8. hi guys

    i got the same unit from the states last year. it works well and does everything it is supose to do i use the built in uni maps and that works fine.

    the only down side is that the unit works in imperial measurements and can not be changed but you are saving a few hundred dollars and thats a big bonus.

    i would recomend buying from the states but on the other hand it is good to support local shops too.


  9. hi raiders

    i am going to buy my matirials for the casting deck soon.

    i am thinking of using

    40 x 40 x 3 aliminium angle

    aliminum t section for around the hatch

    3mm thick checker plate i am thinking checker plate because it will last longer than marine ply and i will not need to carpet it.

    can i have some advice on this plz

    thanks heaps

  10. hi all

    you can get the marine park maps from the national park infomation center. or when you pay your entry free to the park.

    the fishing is awsome down there i will be there for most of january and hope to catch a few kingies as well.


  11. hi all

    my name is adam aka adams apple i am 17 years old and i am doing a landscaping appreniceship. i have been fishng for most of my life down at jervis bay. i am mostly trolling for kingies, tailor and squiding. some of my other hobbies are gardening and wood work. but any chance i get i hook up the boat and go down for a fish.

    merry christmas & happy new year

  12. hi bennoz

    the best place to go for tailor and salmon is murrys beach. when you arive at the beach walk over to where the rocks are and cast out into the wash. and you shold catch fish. the best time for this is sunrise and sunset.

    best of luck

    Adams apple

  13. hi kosta 1

    that problem with your lure can be caused by a number of things. but i have been told that this can happen if you are using a long fishing rod. another reasion could be that there was a big swell on the day you where trolling

    adams apple

  14. hi guys

    i use the skirts. i find that on sunny days white or clear work best and brighter ones work on dark days. try not to go any faster that 4 - 5 knots or it will start skiming on the surface of the water.

    adams apple

  15. i have a holiday house there some good fishing spots near where u will be. make sure u go to the artifical reefs early morning or late afternoon. also if u got time go to jervis bay another good fishing place.

    hope u enjoy ur trip and good luck

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