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Posts posted by manama

  1. Hi James,

    I usually head North for most local getaways but recently went to Gerringong. It is a beautiful place, very close to Sydney, about 1.5hrs away and is pretty close to the many waterways of the south coast. I was down there for a 3 day getaway with my wife. I only managed one fishing session which was cut drastically short, the reason for this was there was a manta ray (massive) swimming right to the edge of the boat ramp I was fishing from, anyway it swam close to me 3 times so I thought I would grab my camera to get a snap shot. Well as I'm turning around to get the camera with fishing rod in hand the hook from my rod goes into my wife's mouth, I was unaware of this until I hear a scream, a bloody loud high pitch one, I have never heard my wife scream and it scared the sh** out of me. I turn around and see the fishing line going into her mouth and no sight of the hook, I crap myself then somehow, amazingly she pulls the hook out without any major damage, just some serious scraping. By the way my wife if allergic to seafood and I was lucky the prawn that I had on the hook had just fallen off. This was one time I was very happy that i wasn't using my chemically sharpened hooks. A quick run to the chemist see us get some antiseptic then straight home to have some vodka shots to clean the mouth out.

    Back to the topic, top place and extremely nice. I am sure with some local knowledge you will be onto some good fish. I know there are a couple raiders who know the area well and would be able to give you some insight to the immediate area and also the surrounding areas.

    Have fun and good luck


  2. A woman comes home and tells her husband, "Remember those headaches I've been having all these years when you want to make love to me? Well, they're gone."

    "No more headaches?" the husband asks, "What happened?"

    His wife replies, "Margie referred me to a hypnotist. He told me to stand in front of a mirror,

    stare at myself and repeat: I do not have a headache. I do not have a headache.

    I do not have a headache. It worked! The headaches are all gone!"

    The husband replies, "Well, that is wonderful."

    His wife then says, "You know, you haven't been exactly a ball of fire in the bedroom these

    last few years in the times I didn't have a headache. Why don't you go see the hypnotist and

    see if he can do anything for that?"

    The husband agrees to try it.

    Following his appointment, the husband comes home, rips off his clothes grabs his wife

    and carries her into the bedroom. He puts her on the bed and says, "Don't move, I'll be right back." He goes into the bathroom and comes back a few minutes later and jumps into bed and makes passionate love to his wife like never before.

    His wife says, "Boy, that was wonderful!"

    The husband says, "Don't move! I will be right back."

    He goes back into the bathroom, comes back and round two was even better than the first time.

    The wife sits up and her head is spinning.

    Her husband again says, "Don't move, I'll be right back."

    With that, he goes back in the bathroom. This time, his wife quietly follows him and there, in the bathroom, she sees him standing at the mirror and saying: "She's not my wife. She's not my wife. She's not my wife!"


    His funeral service will be held on Monday.~~

  3. Hi Stephen,

    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on the new purchase! :1clap:

    Thats a great first boat you got yourself there.

    My first boat was also a cruise craft, it was a 4.42m walk through cabin. I learnt so much in it, it had great hull for everything I needed to do and I had some great fishing sessions.

    Looks like yours is in great nick. I wish you many enjoyable fishing/boating days in it.


  4. I have never seen a number ray before but have heard plenty about them. At least if I ever catch one I know what it looks like and definitley wont' be touching it.

  5. nice squid netic,

    At least those squid are some form of consolation for the Tigers loss. I cannot believe them, they are going to be the end of me. They almost brought a grown man to tears. I think I would rather that they get thrashed than lose by 2 or 1 point... To make matters worse my wife goes for Manly, she is gloating even more tonight. :1badmood:

  6. Hi,

    I know how you guys feel. We went out yesterday into Sydney Harbour with little success, lots of snapper (pushing legal limits but no keepers) and a flattie but besides that not too much.

    We did see one of the charter guys pull up some nice size kingies and Beach fisho hooked up to a nice kingy but unfortunately it lost him under the boat. We tried hard for a few more hours all over the harbour including middle harbour and it proved quite annoying.

    On our way back to Roseville my mate "Beach Fisho" was trolling at 5-6 knots and my other buddy " I'm on" luckily noticed some rope at the very last second which was heading straight into the props directions. This rope did get wrapped around the prop but due to the slow speed I was able to cut the motor and it only went around a few times and we were able to unwind. The rope seemed to be from someones mooring, unfortunately it didn't have the yellow buoy on it and was virutally impossible to see. We couldn't do anything with the rope, had nothing to tie to it so no-one else would get it stuck around their prop. At speed this rope could be very dangerous and cause some serious damage to someone or their boat.

    I have called NSW maritime and reported it to them so hopefully something will be done about it.

    I'm glad you guys didn't hit the log, could of been very dangerous.



  7. Hi all,

    Thanks to everyone for their positive feedback. I will be heading out in the next couple of weeks to get the monkey off my back.

    Have a good weekend everyone! :1fishing1:



  8. First of all I would like to thank everyone for their kind words.

    Second of all I feel bringing this soft spot up has been a good counselling session (hopefully not just for me) . Its nice to know that I am not the only one having troubles. See, who needs a counsellor when you have fishraider!

    There are some really good points made by everyone and I will keep fishing and using some of the suggestions.

    Wastin time,

    Your quote "Just tell everyone that you are going boating & not fishing - then its a surprise to everyone when you bring a fish home." that is a winner. I will be using that one from now on but the only problem is they see me getting the fishing gear out and this makes it hard to disguise.


    When you say you slimey mackerals I assume you mean live slimeys?

    I keep an eye on the sounder but to be honest its relatively new to me and I am still trying to figure it out. Just starting to understand all the settings. I read the posts from forum members and see snap shots of bait balls and I am yet to see anything like that on mine, oh... only when I am going flat out and the sounder is saying there is fish everywhere, more like bubbles.

    In regards to catching the squid, the other day I spent 2-3 hours trying to catch em but didnt one. Will keep perservering.


    I did the charter thing last year and caught zip as well, couldn't even get a squid. I am really hoping what happened to you at clifton is just around the corner and things may change from there on in. keep the posts going to give me and others some incentive :)


    Mate, I really hope we are getting closer, I feel like I'm getting close to the big fish and then you have a session that produces nothing. I keep thinking its because I am targeting the bigger species and that one is just around the corner. Fingers are crossed.


    Because I take some mates who don't know too much about fishing I generally give them the lighter gear so at least they are catching something. I think from now on I will keep a heavier and lighter setup for me. When I have my knowledgeable mates aboard I generally have my heavier set up on board, maybe I need to try different setups on different occasions.

    I am also suss that bringing along my camera could be causing the issue, it must put off a bad vibe and the fish don't want to be photographed. I'm thinking I might have to leave the camera at home. See if this fixes the no show of fish. The 2 kings I caught last year there was no camera around.

    I really can't wait till I have a session worth reporting about. :1clap:

  9. Thanks Pete,

    What you said makes sense. I think I just needed to get it off my chest. You get all excited everytime you know you are going out, spend the time and money to do it and come home with no rewards except for spending a glorious day on our beautful harbour (which I am very thankful for).

    I will never give up but sometimes it discourages you.

    I have caught a couple yakkas before but have mainly focused on the squid.

    Will keep trying :1fishing1:

  10. All these reports of people catching kingies, actually any legal size fish is killing me... at the moment I would have to say that the last 2 months have been the worst of my short fishing career. The most annoying part is, I have a newish boat, have brought lots of new fishing gear, reading everyones more than helpful reports and tips and yet I and my mates just don't seem to be catching anything worthy. last year with hardly any knowledge or info on fishing I was catching fish reguarly, now I am lucky to get a keeper. :angry:

    I keep my boat at the parent in laws as its very close to the ramp and everytime I come home from a fishing trip they ask,"did you catch anything" knowing I havent and they have a laugh at me. Same with my wife, she just asks to be nice these days.

    I have been taking out some mates and havent caught zip. EMBARRASING!! :05:

    I only go to the harbour, try all the spots mentioned by the members on the forum. I just don't know what I am doing wrong or whether karma is getting me back, what for I don't know. I ave a feeling its my bait, like I said I'm not having any success with live bait but as a back up I buy squid from the fish shop and that hasn't done a thing for me. :badmood:

    To make matters worse, last week I went out and watched from around 30-50m away the charter boys pull in around 10 kingies within an 1hr period while my mate and I caught to undersize snappers.

    I have been trying to catch my own bait, no success, have decent equipment and just no success. Anyway I just wanted to have a whinge. :byebye:

  11. Hi,

    I have recently purchased some new equipment in the quest of hopefully catching myself some kingies. There is one area where I need assistance. I dont know how long my mono leader should be. I am using 30lb braid with running sinker, swivel then attaching 50lb mono. I just don't know how long this mono leader should be. I used it over the weekend (without success) and the leader was about 90-120cm. If someone could tell me thats ok or what their preferred length is it would be great to see what other people are using.



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