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Posts posted by triton07

  1. Got out on the bay at 6am today & straight into getting some live bait, yellow tails.

    Set 2 rods with live bait & dropped them low, not even a minute one rod starts screaming, after a 5 minutes battle a nice King was on board, measuring at 70cm :yahoo: , also another 5 rats caught & released.

    After that moved on by drifting & caught a Bonito & Travely.

    Back at ramp at 10:30am, a bit of a slow day today but geeee so many boats out on the bay today, I don’t think I’ve seen so many.



    post-16799-093606700 1298776188_thumb.jpg

  2. Hi All,

    I'm interested in hiring a fishing boat & would like to know if anyone interested in splitting the cost. Would be Ok with 2 members but better that we get at least 4 keen fisho's, lowers our cost.

    I know that notice is short, but would like to get out on the water 2moro or Saturday, offcourse that's if a boat is available for hire.

    Places for fishing; Botany Bay, Harbour or Port Hacking.

    I'm dying to get out there for some fishing, but lacking a boat to do so, sold my boat about 2 years ago, big mistake I made. :(

    Or if anyone is interested in getting me on board their boat for company & a fish session, please let me know. We can split to cost or even better I'll pay for fuel & bait. :thumbup:


    Triton (Gaza ) :biggrin2:

  3. Hi Brian,

    I used to own a boat the past 5 years & was fishing always the bay, so have a fair bit of knowledge of the bay. My boat was sold last year & looking at getting another one this year.

    I would be happy to come out with you & show you some of the fishing spots I’ve had success.

    Send me a PM if you’re interested taking me on board. :biggrin2:



    Hi guys, I've been lurking here for a bit but now I've got the new boat I'm keen to get more involved in the Fishraider team!

    I'm based In Summer Hill/Ashfield area and my usual haunt would be around the lower Hawkesbury but I'm keen to learn more about the Bay since its a bit closer.

    If any Raiders would be interested I'd be grateful to take some of you out in exchange for a little local knowledge.

    My boat is a 4.75m Brooker runabout (with bimini and clears) and a 60hp Yamaha 4 stroke. It could fish 3 reasonably comfortably. I've got a colour sounder and chart plotter plugged in too. My fishing gear is copious but pretty basic. Mostly I've been into bream & flathead on soft plastics, as well as bait fishing with the other half. I do have some heavier gear but nothing too flash.

    As this is my first boat ever (altough my Dad had boats all my life growing up so I'm not a complete amateur) I'd appreciate a few tips from some of you guys (or ladies) who know the ropes a bit better than me.

    I can make time on the weekends and I get RDO's periodically I can use during the week.

    Thanks in advance!


  4. Nice. Btw, i heard my fren said it's quite dangerous there and you might fall into those concrete. You think it's safe?

    Yes, it can be dangerous falling in those deep holes, but I don’t think it’s as bad as going rock fishing with huge waves smashing nearby.

    All you need to make sure is that you have a good pair of grip shoes, be light with your fishing gear and balance. I don’t recommend it for young kids & make sure there is another person with you.

    I recommend you check the place out before fishing & see if it’s a place for you to fish.



  5. :1welcomeani: Triton

    Nice work getting a couple of kings landbased. :thumbup:

    What gear were you using?

    Don't forget the camera next time.



    Thanks Peter. The gear I used was an Okuma Reel / 8 Foot Ugly stick rod, 20lb line, sluggo's (white), no leader with a size 2 ball sinker.

    Botany Bay seems to be on fire with bait fish feeding, allot of fish appearing on top of water.

    Camera is now charged & in my fishing bag, all ready. Now just need to pick a day to get out there.

    Cheers :biggrin2:


  6. Hi All,

    I'm new to forum & my first fishing report.

    Yep, I can tell ya that those King's are out there for sure. Yesterday morning I went fishing at Yarra Bay (Prince of Wales Drive, Port Botany) landbased from the concrete pylons. I was flicking plastic slagos & landed 2 Kingies :yahoo: , one measuring 68cm & the other a rat at 55cm, both released.

    Have hooked Kingies from a boat but yesterday was my first experience caught from landbase :yahoo: , only disadvantage is that they try to cut your line when heading towards a sharp rock, so need have a tuff line setup.

    Sadly I did not take my camera with me to take any photo's, but will be back these days at same spot to try once again & hopefully hook another nice King to take that great photo.



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