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Posts posted by Dfishin

  1. I know that motor well. Definitly sounds like the choke is stuck on. Although I found if it got flooded a bit it would take a fair run time or a good burst to get rid of the fuel and stop it being too rich.

    I take it you know the motor well? You do know that when starting the motor if you push the key imwards while turning it or cranking the motor that gives it choke.?

    I found my motor never wanted choke even after a long time off the water just a prime at the bulb and turn the key till it fires. No choke at all, if any one short push in with the key. They flooded easy and once they do a %%%%% to start and run rough and rich for a while. My mechanic told me that about the starting of that motor.

    Sounds like maybe the choke mechanism in the key maybe stuck on slightly, although if my old one had that much choke for that long it would not run at all no way. It might just need a real good run on the water at good revs to clear it out? Plugs oiled up a bit? Oil mix a bit rich?

    If that alarm sound doesnt beep to say all functions are clear maybe the replacement was not correct part? They are a good tough engine though


  2. Well I didn't reply last night because I've been wrong plenty of times before. But todsy was a cracker. Today I got it right. Complete glass out from 9 -10 am. Blew slight Ne this arvo. There you go aye. You gotta go out. Can always turn it around and head for home.



  3. Do It.Best desision you will make. so quite, No smoke. My Yamaha four stroke has close to 800 hours on it now and has not had a hicup. Never stalled once from the time I hit the Key. You will start trying to hit the key while the motor is running in idle to start as you dont hear them idle. Mine is a F150 so heaps bigger but I love the Yammy four strokes. Will be going on every boat of mine. And my Last motor was a 90hp Johnson Ocean runner about the same age as yours. They are a great motor also but you just cant compare the fuel Econemy, Noise , Smell etc. They are magic


  4. If it is a Four stroke you dont add oil to the fuel nor is oil mwed with the fuel. if this is the case it is a 2 stroke. Check to make sure you have either a 4 stroke or 2 stroke. If you have a 4 stroke it shouldnt use oil just check it as you would check oil level in you car. Dip stick under the cowling. If it is a 2 stroke it will either have an oil resevoir and mixed automatically with the fuel or you mix it yourself into the fuel.

    Hope this helps mate


  5. Simple weather lesson, The clouds on the shelf are caused by the water you are steaming over to get to Browns or wherever. Clouds form by evaporation. Water turns to steam and rises hitting the dew point. The warm air is now cool and fills with water vapour and bingo a cloud. Rains, process starts again Simple.

    Now you know this you can convert that cloud to water temps and currents. You see that line of cloud in front of you and you know its warm water, but if you know your cloud types, they denote the temp breaks. Im not going to tell you what cloud means what water temp your gunna have to figure that out yourselves!

  6. If your worried about doing it than you probably shouldn't do it or your not prepared.

    I have spent some time fishing beyond the shelf at night and yes it is very dark. Like finin said you can't see shit

    About this time of year last year I was out 5-10 mile east of browns fished until about 10 pm. We lost all GPS it didn't worry me as I have a method of knowing what heading to head on my compass to get myself back in. I have spent a few not full nights but several hours on the shelf after dark but I started off doing night snapper trips offshore in like 30 m of water first.

    If I had to ask someone should I do it or can I do it, I wouldn't do it. It's what your confidence and experience tells if you should do it or not. My opinion only


  7. Dave Is on the money.

    Reef anchor for reef. Sand anchor for sand. Join with a good quality D for quick change over. I keep both anchors in the well. Both are very basic anchors ( Nothing Expensive ) Its more about your chain length. You need the Chain to hold the rop down so that the weight of your boat or load on the rope is pullig along the seabed not straight up. Make Sense? More chain anyway. Very rare drag anchor


  8. I dont see a problem. we never did get clear shots when there is cloud cover. We have just had nearly a month of overcast rainy conditions I would of thought all SST providers would of been the same. Today with the first clear day in a long time we have good pictures again. Nothing has changed.

  9. Well done fellas

    We were in the tuna comp at Batemans and could hear you down that way. 1 of the very few caught down there that weekend. Not one captured for the comp at all. One was taggged so would of been a baby. Well done.


  10. I didnt realise this post has been made in relation to another post or veiws from these young fisherman. I actually thought it was raised just to have a debate for shits and giggles. So to the young fellas that this is relating to please dont take this as a personal attack. I did think that it was illegal to throw them back until a couple of years ago when I was informed by reading on hear that it wasnt illegal to throw them back. Anyway if this is about you young fishos throwing back Carp and it is not against fisheries regulations you do as you please. Just the same as we are not allowed to bag out fisherman for taking big fat female flatties, or tacking a marlin for a feed, you have the choice. I really wish you woulkd stop throwing them back though.

  11. Im not sure mate, but, Believe it or not as much as some people whinge about fisheries policies and rules. Fisheries have some very smart environmental scientists, marine bioligists and the like to scientifically research issues. They are doing a great job with Size limits and bag limits and our ocean fish are coming back in a big way. They recommend to not let them back in the waterways for a reason.

    I use to hear stories from my Pop and still from my father about the smallest of inland creeks and waterways full of fish rarley seen these days, Macqaurie Perch, Silver perch in abudance and I know Trout are introduced themselves but them to thriving in our waterways living alongside our natives though not wiping them out.

    Carp and also Redfin should be put in the same category have done a good job of destroying many inland waterways and it is very dissapointing when I go out to waterways and dams that my dad would take our family to years ago to catch Trout, yellowbelly, Cod, Silver perch. Now we go out there and all we see is mass schools of carp in the shallows destroying banks and breeding like nothing else, Cant catch anything else but carp. Sounds just like the lake you have been fishing actually, nothing but stinking old filthly carp

  12. because no other fish have been stocked into the lakes other than carp they were there from the start

    Im sure Carp where not stocked into this lake so where did they come from? Must have been through a creek ? or something? Which would otherwise have natives? I dont care where it is, if there is carp there and nothing else they have devestated that waterway. wherever they came from our natives would have came in the same way if they had not been demolished by the carp.

  13. Yes your right at dead low tide you can get someone to run the car around to Myola and drive the boat around into the creek at Huskisson up the river and to Myola. Gravel Ramp but deffinetly deeper than Callala at low tide. No ameneties, wharf anything like that at all. I would only use it if deffinetly cant get back in at callala.


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