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Posts posted by wezbre

  1. Livebaiting from Tomaree headland is the gun place to fish there. You will have to be on the rocks by 4am at the latest to secure the nice high platform which can easily handle 3 live baits at any given time.

    To access this place,drive and park for Zenith Beach. You will have to locate the walking track that starts at the gabian walls just inside the hospital. The track leads up several hundred metres and goes around the right hand side of Tonaree Headland. this track takes you to the front and down an easy approach to the two platforms that are there.it takes about 20 minutes to walk from the carpark.

    Live bait is usually pretty easy to find by using bait jigs with a small snapper lead and cast as far as posible. you will soon fill your bait bucket/pool with slimies or yakkas. you can expect anything from Cobia, any form of Tuna, to Shark. Good luck all the same, and i usually fish 10kg and up for here.

  2. So after replacing the water pump in the Merc, we decided to water test it and chase whatever we could find. We started by trying to get some live baits. Pulled up in Yarra Bay and berleyed up on one of the reefs and sent down the jigs. We got fish straight away only for them to get smashed by What turned out to be a combination of different sized Kings.

    My son Joel finally got a Yakka up, put a hook into it and sent it straight back down. As expected, it got nailed straight away and he was on for his first ever Kingfish. After about 10 minutes, he landed a 68cm Kingy, the smile on his face was priceless. We followed the same procedure for the next two hours and ended up landing 5 Kingfish, and got busted off another half a dozen times.

    We only kept the one fish, Joel's first one and released the rest. I had a fantastic day on the water with my son and have not been able to wipe the smile off his face.

    Looking at heading offshore in the next few days after a bit more research where to go


  3. I want to thank everyone for the replies and the comments trying to rectify this problem. As stated, I have had this issue since new and the boat is now 10 years old. I was told by the marine place that sold me the boat new that there was no issue with heating and that they had actually replaced the water pum, ( at a cost of $500, 'Warranty?, the water pump doesn't fall under warranty'

    Well last weekend, being 29th April, 2014, I chose to buy a water pump, impella kit, and replaced the water pump and housing myself. To my dismay, and disgust, I found the bottom gasket of the water pump housing, had a tear in it. It was therefore replaced and after water testing that day, the temperature gauge did not get above 1/4 warm. All this time, a $3 gasket was the reason for this temp issue. I was not able to use this boat for its intended purpose because I believed what I was told by the marine place that sold me the boat and motor.

    They are yet to hear from me about this as my anger has yet to calm. They will hear from me in the coming weeks. I wish I could name and shame this place but am not able to as I don't wish for repercussions from this site.

    In this time, I had lost interest in using the boat, taking my family out in it, and after consulting with mechanic authorised to Solve this issue, was not able to for fear of the unknown costs involved.

    I have a renewed passion for fishing, have taken my youngest son last week into Botany, and have has the pleasure of seeing him hooked up to decent sized Kingfish on several occasions. We are about to join the local fishing club in Sans Souci and plan on making up for lost time.

    Thanks again all who took the time to try to help..



  4. Hey there, just outside South Head is the place to pull live baits from boat. You can also fish land based from there heading around by easy track walk from Tomaree Headland. Plenty of large Yaccas and Slimeys if they are about. Just berley there and jigs do the trick nicely.

    As for chasing Jew, Box Beach holds some nice deep holes at the edge of the rocks and have had some good success there. Also inside Salamander Bay there is a wreck that when fished at the change of tide, can hold different sized Jew. Call into Salamander bait and tackle, they will happily give you the marks for the wreck but is easy to find with general directions.

    Good luck

  5. I have had the alarm sound only 2 times, and now I guess that I am just concerned that the motor is just running too hot. I will give the motor a run by the weekend and just keep running it to see if the alarm will sound.

    Thankyou for all the replies as it has put my mind at somewhat at ease.



  6. Hey there Chrisg,

    Thanks for the reply. I have replaced the factory thermostats with cooler running thermostats and have replaced the water pump and water pump housing three times and replaced the impella a another three times on top of that. You mention a 'poppet valve', is this associated with the thermostat?

    Appreciate all the feedback


  7. Dear fellow Fishraiders,

    I have a 2004 Mercury 140hp motor that i have had since I purchased my boat new. The hull is a 5.95 Trailcraft Trailblazer plate alloy. Since new I have had continual problems with overheating. I have had the boat back to the supplier so many times that I have lost count.

    I have the problems when the boat is being pushed along just fast enough to troll skirted lures, from 2000-3000 rpm. As you can imagine, this is frustrating the heck out me. If I reduce the speed to that of an idle, then the temperature returns to below 1/4, otherwise the temperature rises to above 3/4 and nears the red section of the temperature gauge. The response that I get from the supplier and another mechanic is that the temperature, when checked by laser gauge, is at an acceptable level. The second mechanic hasn't been able to wet test the motor to put the motor under load and therefore cant test it appropriately.

    Any advice on this would be much appreciated.



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