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Posts posted by t3zza

  1. You really seem to have that bridge downpat. What size jigheads do you use if you don't mind me asking.

    A friend and I tried a bit further down the corner at the rocks at the tourist park as well as from the rocks at the mouth a few weeks back and found that even with 1/4 jigheads we couldn't get to the bottom as the current was quite strong. Maybe it's different a bit further up at the bridge where you are.


  2. Lung fai,

    Where abouts can I get a reel case like this? And if you don't mind me asking, how much would one set me back?

    Wouldn't mind getting one for my Stella's!



    They can an be found for around $40; google search Plano 1404 reel case and you should be able to find some online stores in Australia.

  3. Apparently those gulp containers still leak; if you Google search berkley bait management container leak you'll find some results from another Australian forum with 2 users that have had problems. That's not to say that everyone has had that problem and I'm sure there are many people that are happy with their container but with Gulp juice better safe than sorry.

    The container I'm using at the moment is the Plano Liqua bait locker bottle. Can be found at a certain large chain fishing store for about $10 (should be less) and even though I've got next to no gulp juice in it (after emptying out about 8 or so packs) the plastics are still moist.



  4. Hi, are the constructions at Gymea Baths complete now?


    Apparently they are; quote from a media release posted on the 9th of November

    "A $250,000 upgrade of the Gymea Bay Baths by Sutherland Shire Council has been completed in time for

    summer, enabling local residents, visitors and the Gymea Bay Baths Swimming Club to once again enjoy

    the popular historic baths set in an idyllic location."

    As for the next time I run into one, I think I'll just let it have my lure.

  5. Looks like a productive morning, although if I made the effort to drag myself out of bed that early I'd feel obligated to stay longer :biggrin2:

    Any trick to getting the bread to stay on the hook? The last time I tried with bread I found it didn't stay on very long. I tried rolling into a ball as well as flattening it onto the hook.

  6. Mate, parking is the trick for Alfords. (if you are driving)

    I fish there land based at times so if you want a local "guide" PM me.

    Otherwise there is a parking bay north bound on the northern side and some parking on the southern side south and north bound. If you know where to go you can also access it via Henry Lawson drive Padstow.


    The last time a friend and I went by there were no parking/stopping signs on the northern side you mentioned. Assuming you've parked there have you run into any problems with fines?

  7. Gamakatsu hooks are available in 100 packs on a certain auction site for $27 + $12 (both in USD) for postage, which is about $37 AUD.

    I can only find them in 50 packs on Australian tackle store websites, with the cheapest coming to ($14.95 x 2) + $10 postage for a total of $39.90

    For 100 hooks you're probably better off buying local to save on waiting time as the savings are negligible. The savings if you buy say about 400 hooks are:

    [uS] (4 x $27) + $12 combined postage = $120 USD which is $114 AUD

    [AUS] (8 x $14.95) + $10 (might be $15 instead) = $129.6 or $134.6

    You're only saving about $15-20 for 400 hooks so you'll have to decide whether that's worth waiting for.

    For this comparison I was using the prices for the Gamakatsu #4 Red Octopus hooks, perhaps there are bigger savings to be had on other hook types.

  8. Hey, lately ive been using super pe braid 10lb for normal fishing with a ball sinker mostly around size 3 to 4a, sumtimes wen i cast the braid snaps off its not because of the knot i know that for sure, can it be bcause of dry line and not washing it after trips? or what can it be ?


    When I use a running sinker rig when I'm bait fishing every now and again I need to cut off a small segment of braided line where the sinker and swivel connect. It seems that the sinker rubbing up against the braid seems to weaken it over time but I haven't yet had a problem with the line just snapping like you've described.

  9. That's a nice looking bream, I haven't so much as seen a decent sized bream in a while. Mind you that's probably a problem on my end though.

    As far as the problem with your reel is concerned, the saltwater may have done its damage despite you trying to wash it. A post from this forum seems to cover it pretty well.


    I wouldn't recommend stripping it down if you don't know what you're doing though, if you're anything like me it will probably end up as reel parts in a container :1prop:.

    Knotwise, I've just been using the uni knot and making sure it has been lubricated before tightening so as not to weaken the line.

    Hope that helps!

  10. I'm fairly new to soft plastics and have been fishing there a number of times (on the southside). On the last outing managed to finally get a flathead on a Gulp 3" Minnow Grub in the Pumpkinseed variety only to have it spit the hook as I was trying to land it. That one would've been my first on plastics but nevertheless it's renewed my confidence in finally catching something.

    Heading out there in an hour or two armed with some Squidgies as well this time so hopefully I'll be able to get off the mark today.

    In relation to bait fishing though a friend has caught two trevally from the north side; one directly under the bridge and one from the wharf/pontoon), both on cut up pilchards.

  11. Hi all,

    This would be my 3rd outing trying to land a fish on soft plastics and also the 3rd outing without so much as a bite so I've come to you for help.

    I've been having a number of difficulties and also had questions regarding braid and jig head sizes.

    Just for a bit of background the 1st outing was to the Cpt Cook Bridge in the middle of winter, not much was caught on anything that day; only saw 2 trevalley caught for the whole day by a man down from us as well as my friend on a whole pilchard.

    2nd outing was at Fitzpatrick Park, Picnic Point as well as Lambeth Park about a month ago and that was on a rainy day following that week of rain we had.

    Went back to Fitzpatrick Park again today and encountered the same problems I had on the 2nd occasion. Now for those of you who may be familiar to this area or I suppose the Georges River in general do you think a 3 gram jig head is too light? I couldn't really tell if the jig head was reaching the bottom because it was being carried in the current as well as a problem I was having with the braid.

    I found I was cast into the river and the current would carry it until any slack line was gone and my line was pretty much being pulled to the right. I figured that this wasn't heavy enough and I didn't have any heavier jig heads on me so I thought I'd make do and put a sinker (slightly smaller than a 5c coin) just above the jig head and even then it didnt feel as though it hit the bottom. I'll probably be heading out to buy some heavier heads but I'm also finding that the heavier you go the hook size increases and they seem a bit big for plastics like the 2" Shrimp/Minnow Grub. Is there a better solution for this or should I just resort to the 3" varieties.

    Also, I think I may be having problems with braid as I can only seem to cast the 3gr jig head about 5-10M which isn't all that far considering I'm landbased. Would I be right in saying that's a fairly short cast or is that to be expected because of the light weight. I found that using the sinker would improve my distance by another 5M or so but I thought the added weight might snap my rod upon casting so I opted to sort of swing a cast from my side as opposed to over my shoulder. The lure weight for the rod says 4-10G and perhaps it can handle it but I'm still about wary considering how fragile graphite rods supposedly are.

    For those of you that are still reading I also seemed to be having a problem with the braid on my reel (6LB Stren Microfuse and a 1500 Rovex Duren). I didn't think there were any problems after spooling it; I did so with the spool in a bucket of water and a cloth in my hand for tension when winding it on but I found that when I was casting the 3gr jig head there was a lot of slack line upon casting. That and the line was sort of coiling off the spool rather slowly and erratically and that the coils continued through to the guides. They weren't so bad to the point where I was concerned it may knot but it definitely seemed like a problem as when I went to wind in the slack it was going onto the spool a bit loose. It didn't affect the subsequent casts and the line would eventually straighten when the current picked it up but as soon as I lifted it the coils/kinks returned and I'd be winding more loose line onto the spool. Is this something to be expected with braid or have I spooled incorrectly or possibly received a dud batch? I tried taking a photo to show how bad it was but didn't really come out well.

    As far as the location goes there isn't much in the way of structure to cast to besides moored boats and I'd rather avoid them for the time being in case I damage someone's property. The plastics I tried using were the Gulp 2" Shrimp Banana Prawn & Cocktail Prawn, 6" Sandworm cut in half, 4" Minnow Nuclear Chicken and the 3" Minnow Grub Pumpkinseed. Retrieves tried were Lift and drop, double twitch and wait, Slow roll but it seemed a bit pointless considering I didn't think I was reaching the bottom anyway.

    Once again thanks for the help, hopefully I'll get it right sooner or later!

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  12. I recently purchased a Pflueger Trion rod second hand that has arrived missing about 12cm off the tip of the rod and wanted to examine the options available about its repair.

    It seems that the tip was broken/missing prior to delivery and wanted to know if repairing it was actually possible given that I don't have the tip and if so, how much would I be looking at for repairs. I'd rather not attempt it myself as I'm certain I would make it worse.

    Alternatively, would it actually be possible to use the rod in its current condition as it seems to have broken right next to the second closest guide. I measured the rod against another 7ft rod and as mentioned it only seems to be missing the section from the 2nd guide to the tip and the tip guide itself.

    Would the rod (action and otherwise) be significantly affected if I just used it as is?


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