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Posts posted by duncan.march

  1. Afternoon all,

    With the swell forecasts really low for this week a mate and I decided to go and have a fish off Manly beach to see what was around.

    Started off at the old gas works to get yakkas, a couple of pike and a decent squid for bait then headed down to the beach.

    Fished one rod with squid strips, one with butterflied yakkas and a third with the whole pike.

    Off to a good start with a little Whaler then it went quiet for a bit.

    Then got a couple of decent sambos (though one grabbed the shark rig with a whole yakka on it which I currently have spooled up with 100lb braid having been smoked off the beach on 30 lb line a couple of times on the bounce :1yikes: - wasn't a particularly fair contest)

    Finished up with a little shovelnose having also missed a couple of massive hits including on a whole squid head (bit through the trace so probably another shark).

    Lovely night for it - was planning on going again tonight but looking out the window...maybe not.



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  2. Good effort there on the sharks. My biggest smokings have come from the beach with big sharks and always awesome to feel their power. Well done on the release as poor old sharks get flogged these days. Mind you they taste bloody good.


    Yeah - I was thinking about it but just think they're pretty cool so didn't want to give one the chop - which is bad news for the local whiting :biggrin2:

  3. Well done Dunc !!!

    Bet you can't wait to show the pics of those little beauties to your coarse fishing, slingshot berleying, 20foot long pole carrying buddies back home !!!!

    You will be the king of the pub for months !!. :thumbup:


    Hahaha - must admit I mainly fly fish for trout back in the motherland - though i know a couple of bloke's who'll swear blind they could catch one of those on a size 22 hook, bloodworm and an elasticated pole!

  4. Afternoon all,

    Now for Aussies this probably isn't particulalry exciting...but we don't get many of these in SW London!

    Went out last night to have a crack at a shark off Manly beach - I'd spoken to a few blokes who fish down there regualarly and they were all pretty confident that I would get one - I was less convinced...

    Fished from 8pm until ten using half blue mackerels on a size 9/0 circle.

    The upshot was six runs with three landed, two not hooked (first two - struck too early rather than letting the circles do their job) and one that absolutely smoked me - seriously couldn't even slow it on 25lb line and damn nearly got spooled before I clamped on enough pressure for the knot to the trace to give :1yikes:

    I assume they were bronze whalers?

    Anyway - all returned in good shape with the hook taken out - got to love circle hooks - all caught in the scissors of the jaw.



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  5. There are definitely some decent whiting there if you can get past the small ones and in particular the dart...of which there are far too many.

    I have found the trick to the big ones is live worms - since I have figured out how to catch them I have started to get much better whiting. That said, enough worms for an hours fishing takes me about a bloody hour to catch!!!

    Managed to turn this

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    into this there one night last week - great fun on light tackle.

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    I'm also keen to have a crack for a shark down there one night - particularly with the inlaws about to descend....for a month so if you fancy a bit of company let me know.



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