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Posts posted by Johnbob

  1. Inshore I actually find them to be deeper more often than yakkas but offshore when dropping on sounded bait you can never be sure what it is until you pull it up. Personally i would say the other boat was getting them because they had them around your boaty and you did not. Cheers.

  2. Johnbob, jokes aside :biggrin2:. The current must be screaming down the coast for them to go so far South, unless bait is the factor. What temps are you getting down there? What is the water colour? Rumour has it that there is also footage to be shown. The boys involved must be totally shattered. Possible vic record down the drain? Honestly would it be the first ever caught in vic waters?

    This could seriously opoen vic gamefishing, you blokes have stolen the thunder for the bluefin, so why do none explore the possibility of Marlin or Broadies. Maybe you should pose this question to a certain bwana, if anyone he would be in the know of the real possibilities!

    Hi Finin its certainly not the first. A fish or two is perhaps hooked every other year around the oil rigs which hold a lot of bait in their own right, they are a mightly big fad and well inside the shelf although a bloody long run from any port. The NZ Starbanks out east are well known for yellowfin and beakies just not many are game - its a serious distance and you will be on your own. I guess from an east vic perspective, new frontiers may be opening up because the guys have the boats to try these days and they have more of a clue than in the past, technology kinda helps too. Your right, JJ would be right on the money to talk to.


  3. Thats Good news for the mexicans! :thumbup: Now they have discovered marlin, after they have just found that they can also catch kingies outside. Seems like there may be more to life than just catching snapper, whiting, elephant sharks and gummies. There is life outside Port Phillip Bay :yahoo:. Mexicans are to closely related to their 2 headed cousins in Tassie :074::074:

    Maybe it will stop them crossing the border to get to our fish! :beersmile:

    You forgot to mention that the marlin from Tassie was caught out of a tinny. Looks about 40kg. Caught by the vice-preso? St Helens GFC I think?

    Yes it was actually 2 hooked, a blue and a stripe. Massive run out to them tho, exciting times for waters where these things dont happen very often as pointed out kindly by my friend. I forgot this is a NSW forum I should know better!

  4. Yes thats right reports of several Vic beakies on Saturday... I believe 3 hooked up for zero's but on film. More details as they are available, a stripey taken in Tassie in Fridat as well.

  5. Time I shared a capture report with you guys. I have been a member here for a while but an infrequent poster, mostly coz it seems this was a NSW site and me being from Vic and all (dont throw rocks pls lol). Anyway after meeting the Swordies in Bali I thought it was time to get involved.

    Now this trip report is pretty old, almost a year. I was meant to be going to Port Stephens with mates on the beakies when I found out that the school year for preppies began on a Thursday (WTF??) which ruled me out of the trip, no way I was going to miss my little ones first day at school which was right in the middle of the trip. Anyway feeling a little displeased a mate and I went out for a pre work fish as a consolation prize. Jan and Feb is a prime time in southern Port Phillip Bay for big female gummy sharks – they seem so come in from the open ocean and pup at that time. We have out technique for these fish pretty wired and usually catch one or two a session and we release all but one a year unless we find some smaller versions. Any way we motored to a favoured ‘big fish’ mark off Sorrento and set anchor pre dawn – two rods out each mine baited with occy and a salmon filet. Within 10 mins one of mine buckles quickly followed by the other and we are both on. Straight away we realised we were hooked up to the same fish and we discussed one cutting away but what if one pulled anyway? we both fought on lol. It was clearly a very good fish and 10 mins later no sign of it, suddenly big splashes back behind the boat and my line is cut. We still couldn’t see this thing but we were starting to think thresher by the surface activity. The fish was now a dead weight and was pulled along the surface to the waiting net – this was no easy task as what had occurred was our prize had been savaged by a big bull seal – her organs were crushed and this seal later cost me a prized rod as well grrrrrrrrr.

    Anyway with the fish on board we were simply amazed. Jay and I have caught hundreds of these things between us and many over 20kgs but this thing was out of the ballpark and among my mates the biggest we know of – it pulle dthe scales to 37 kgs but we have rounded down to 36. was a shame we could not release her but not a scrap was wasted. Cheers! IMG_5868.jpg


  6. Hi ladies and gents - a new member here but been around various forums for eons. I am a Mexican but please don't hold that against me I don't own a freezer trailer! I am an avid blue water (actually all water) angler and write for a few fishing mags on the side. The reason for joining this forum was that in researching Bali fishing on the net there are so many hits that relate to this site! I am going to be living in Bali all of 2012 and all I plan to do is fish and write about it!

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