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Posts posted by starclassix

  1. I was with the boys on Sunday, hoping to get my first kingy (would've made for a nice bday present!) but no luck. Seeing the charter boat land 3 wasn't too upsetting - nice to just see it happen for once.

    Maybe one of these days...

  2. i wouldnt mind catching anything there since i've had next to no luck at all each time i've fished. Mind you i haven't been there in a while (though i'm just in Chatswood and my bro's in Manly :blink: ) and i'd like to think i've learnt alot more in between.

  3. CaineS, thanks mate :biggrinthumb:

    inhlanzi, i've never dropped it, but that's not to say it hasn't had a knock from anyone else in the family. I bought it just over a year ago. I'll see if warranty will cover it. If not, no big deal.

    Cheers guys!

  4. I have a Shimano 3500btr which i love but the last time i went fishing i discovered that the baitrunner would not click over fully once i turned the handle. :(

    Has anyone experienced this? It's not really a big deal, I can just flip the thumb over, but just in case i was REALLY on a big one...

  5. I was wondering if missing the show meant I would be kicking myself as I wouldn't have minded hunting for some specials for my bro-in-law's boat, but after what you guys have said I'm kinda glad I went out on the water instead.

    Didn't catch a thing, that's right, not one fish in the boat for me :mad3: , but I'm thinking I would've been alot more disappointed going to the show.

    Here's to next year!

  6. I've had my share of bullies. I was landbased fishing around Botany and ran into a bunch of idiots in a tinnie making big waves in a 4kn zone who happened to have mates on shore too. Had all my tackle kicked in the water, the missus was crappin herself and almost lost my rod too when they were trying to cast at their boat mates. In the end they thought it was a game and walked off laughing. What can you do? Just show em up with a bigger fish i guess...not worth the 'fight' :1fish:

    Let's just hope there's more fish stocks than the people who kill off the babies...

  7. Hey fisherpeople!

    Just wanted to introduce myself (i should have posted a pic but last time i went fishing i threw up somehow!) and hopefully you'll see more of me in the future.

    Tight lines :1fishing1: and plenty of beer :beersmile: !!!

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