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lady ginny

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Posts posted by lady ginny

  1. Hi Raiders

    Having a get together tomorrow with family and friends and they are looking forward to my Mako Souvlakia which I have told them all about :thumbup:

    Ingredients are: Mako Shark, green capsicum, onion, grape tomatoes and bacon all cut up into wedges and placed on skewer. I then drizzle the souvlakia with a marinated olive oil and garlic and leave in fridge overnight. All that is left is to cook on BBQ the next day.

    I found this to be an absolute beautiful way to eat Mako Shark as there is so much meat you get sick of always eating just plain fillets.

    A must try to all fisho's.


    looks simply yummie! never thought of putting bacon with shark before, will give this a go for sure!

  2. lifejackets will not replace common sense! how simple does "if you cant swim, stay away from rock fishing sound?" My sincerest condolences to the families and the people left behind on what will be a very sad day... but sometimes we DO have to accept responsibility for our actions and unfortunately I don't believe forcing fishermen to wear lifejackets will save for lives, it may even cause more deaths as they "promote an even greater sense of security" and will lead to more danger and risk taking... then the battering on rocks that you cannot get away from.

    We have fire bans on certain days, why don't we just have rock fishing bans on certain days based on safety criteria or swell size??

  3. I would put myself in the 100M bracket, maybe a little over but when it comes to distance there are always better casters,there are a lot of variables, weight of line, type of reel, Rod etc. If you go to youtube you will see swing casters and even world championships, those guys can swing a piece of led around 300M, typically it is with very low weights, a pilchard weighs about 60 grams and a lot of the distant caserss all talk about a 40 - 60 gram weight... so after a "flick" or a "whip" like that what is left of the bait once it hits the water? a small sinker and a prawn maybe... but then how much effect the small sinker has in a ocean current remains the question but I suppose it would depend on what you are after.

    check out this link for an idea on what I am talking about.




  4. im useless on the beach probably 25m i dont like to get half undressed to have a cast than freeze my ass off lol on a wharf with a beach rod probably 40m and out of a boat using a decent rod/reel about 35m+ with a light sinker and small piece of bait some guys will say they can cast 80-100m a bit of bull shit IMO im yet to see someone cast that far but have seen people brag about it

  5. Guys,

    With winter knocking on our door if I was to go our the Pittwater and troll towards the harbour... what species should I target. a lot of posts refer to the warmer water and what species come in with each degree but what about when the water cooles down? Also do chances improve the further out we go or should we not bother closer in and head straight for the shelf? Would welcome any hints / tips/ advice?


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