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Posts posted by jamesc5562

  1. hey mate i have a 2500 aird and for the price it is one of the best reels going around. The extra spool you can get with them really increases their versatility. I would choose the daiwa combo !

  2. Haha I think two rods might be the go! How is line capacity on the saltiga? they look like awesome pieces of gear, hoping some of the tackle stores discount them!

    Also have you got any suggestions for a hss rod, I'm think a custom job is going to be the way to go. Not too many 10ft overhead rods out there to fit the bill

  3. I use my FSU5120 wilson supergraph O/H for casting(lobbing) live(legal) tailor and massive slab baits and 6oz star sinkers. It is a great rod for this work.

    My favorite O/H rod for jew would have to be my 13ft Nitro Messiah. It can still handle reasonable size slabs baits and sinkers, but gives me the ability to send baits into distant gutters when required. It is quite light also, which is appreciated during long nights.

    I also own and use, a BBE 10, a Penn Spinfisher 10ft and a 12ft Catana. But i keep opting for the FSU and Nitro.

    None of my o/h casting rods have pistol grips, nor do i think they need them.

    What reel are you looking at?

    Hey mate,

    What overhead reel do you use for this type of work?


    iv got an abu 7000 that ill use off the beach and a daiwa sl50sh for HSS. i did like the look of the FSU and it is relatively inexpensive. However Im not sure that using it for casting 80g metals all day would be too user friendly. Iv just heard people saying the sensor surfs are a bit light lower down and dont have the cojones to throw out a decent size bait?

  4. Hey Guys,

    Iv got a bit of a dilemma with choosing a new beach rod for jew. Im looking for a overhead rod that can cast big slab baits and sinkers. So far I reduced my choices to 3:

    -shimano tiralejo 12ft

    -daiwa sensor surf 11ft4

    -wilson 10ft FSU5120

    I also want to use the rod as a high speed spinning stick for longtails. So far i leaning towards the daiwa as it has a pistol grip, decent cast weight and slightly shorter to handle the tuna off the rocks

    Any suggestions would be good. Thanks!

  5. Gday all. spot on hooked up, you need to let the backcast unroll fully before beginning the front casting stroke.

    Also if you are using weighted flys you dont want really tight loops, you need to open up your casting stroke a little more than usual.

    hope this helps cheers troutboy :thumbup:

    I have being using weighted flies so that could be part of the problem. But i reckon i need to let the backcast straighten out slightly more, going to go down to waterfront tomorrow and give it a go. Hopefully it will solve the problem

  6. Hey James,

    Are you practicising your casting on the water or over land? If practicising over land it is most likely your leader is breaking due to wear and tear of the impact of the fly hitting the ground. If you're practising over water, I have no idea...



    Yeah im practising on the water

    I've been fly fishing for years, and whilst only Freshwater, I've always used a Clinch knot to tie my flies on to my tippet.

    I have never had one fail in all those years.

    You could always use the improved clinch knot too.

    Hope this helps...

    I liked the loop knot because it allows the fly to move freely. But I might give the clinch knot, hopefully it solves the problem


  7. Hi Raiders,

    Iv recently delved into the world of saltwater fly fishing as a new challenge in my fishing exploits. Picked up a wildfish combo which consists of 8wt rod, large arbor reel and 8wt floating line. While the line is not ideal for what i want to do, which is fish off the rocks for mack tuna, bonnies etc its good enough for now to allow me to learn how to cast.

    Im getting to hang of it pretty well but I am having one issue. After practising my casting for 30min or so, my tippet will break at the fly and i lose the fly. Im using a 15lb tapered leader with a 20lb shock tippet. Iv been connecting the fly with a lefty loop knot however it seems however i vary the knot it will keep breaking (just to note it is not the knot that breaks but the loop which will actually break in two). I think it possibly could be due to my casting technique and beginning my forward cast too early, creating a whipping effect at the tippet. However i would really appreciate if anyone had some ideas as to why this could be happened as i'd prefer not to lose flies every fishing trip

    Cheers James

  8. Mate around the rip you will get some corker bream, flathead and jews. Use big plastics for the crocs that lie there. Oyster leashes around woy woy and ettalong produce good bream. Sand flats at ettalong will get you some good whiting, use bloodworms or small poppers for a bit of surface action.

    Travel out to Lion Island with a few deep divers and you will surely hook up on some bonnies, salmon, tailor. And if you drop a line out the front of the island you can get some good trev's and flatties.

    Hope this helps

  9. I have never really paid to much attention to tides when fishing for bonnies. I guess I have probably caught most of mine in the afternoons but when the big schools are here I don't think it matters to much. For the last few years they have seemed to come around in the big schools around late January and they are smaller models which I think will be great bait size for big kings. Although I've never actually used them for live bait yet, nor have I caught a king from the rocks yet. What lbg gear are you using?

    iv got a 8ft live fibre 15-24kg with a tyrnos 30 and 50lb mono. iv only started out so im not expecting results straight away but its frustrating when you see 'pillie under float people' pulling in bonnies and im spinning, floating bait and using lures and cant get a hook up...thats fishing unfortunately :ranting2:

  10. Yakkas need to be sent out on a torpedo float and try hooking them in the tail above the lateral line.

    You need to feed out the line constantly to allow a belly in the line that acts like a sail and will allow your yakka to head east.

    Regards Stewy

    iv been hooking them through to shoulder so that could be why, is there any benefits to bridle rigging?

    iv been keeping the line tight as yakkas pull against tension, however next time i might trying leaving slack in the line

  11. Hi James,

    Where on the coast have you been fishing? I too have bought some LBG gear recently and am hoping to get a few kings.

    With bonnies I only use 20g surecatch knights. I have tried lots of other metals in different sizes but have always come back to using the 20g surecatch knights. I only use my bream gear for catching the bonnies. Ie 2-4kg rod, 2000 size reel and 6lb braid. You can throw the 20g lures pretty far with this light setup and you can have a bit of fun catching the bonnies.

    Unfortunately the only bonnies i've caught so far this season have been massive. The big schools of smaller bonnies haven't seemed to have turned up yet. They should be here soon though. I've been hearing that the bonnies have been pretty thick at Avoca lately. I'm going to give Terrigal ago tomorrow afternoon.

    As for the yakkas, i too seem to be having trouble getting them to swim out. I've given up on them. I did catch a big squid a few weeks back and he swam out great. But didn't get touched. I'm hoping to go quite a bit over the christmas break. I think i'm just going to keep trying for the bonnies. If i keep catching the big ones i think i'm going to put some wire trace on and see if any sharks want to play.

    Hook size should be ok. Although i have been using the mustad hoodlums in 8/0 to 10/0 size. Hopefully some warmer water pushes in soon and the kings will come with it. Although is seems that there are some big kings around Sydney at the moment.



    mainly been fishing off avoca but im gunna try winney and maybe up north (wybung and hat head)

    yeah the bonnies have been pretty big, although i havent got any yet. is it better dawn and dusk on a run in tide? (thats when iv had the most success in the past)

    i might go out and upgrade my light gear as the rod just broke.

    im definitely keen to give it a fair go over the christmas period, might see you around (would be good as i dont have anyone to go with which restricts me going to more remote places)

  12. Hey raiders hope the christmas break is treating you all well

    i recently set myself a goal of catching a 20kg+ king off the rocks (yes i am crazy!). went out and bought myself all the gear i need however one problem...i cant catch any fish.

    i know lbg is 99% waiting on the rocks and watching but i have had zero luck. i cant even catch a bonnie to use as live bait, only using yakkas at the moment.

    so my first question is: im spinning 40 / 60g chromies and floating pilchards, all with 20lb fluro, am i doing anything wrong to catch bonnies? iv even been using waxwing lures but to no success

    second question: how do you control the drift of your bait? every time i throw out the yakka it ends up at my feet, is it just about throwing into some wash so it can be dragged out

    third question: im using 2X6/0 gamakatsu live bait hooks, should i bridle rig instead?

    muck thanks in advance as im starting to wonder whether spending the $$$$$ on all the gear was worth it (although it is fishing gear so its always worth it)


  13. Youtube has loads of videos if you are after technique. Search for the japanese videos. My catch rate rocketed using their technique. I only use the slow retrieve when nothing else works.

    yeah iv been watching a few of them and many people say they work more effectively, you cant put too much action into the jig! as long as you let it sink enough. i suppose now its just the process of putting them to use. cheers guys

  14. thanks mate. iv got a few different colours to cover most situations (goodbye paycheck but owell you dont die with it :1prop: )

    got a 2.5 in the yakka colour that ill be really interested to see how it works, its a yamashita with the live cloth covering.

  15. Mate blue 1.8 works for me at night time, as for jigging, I find I catch more when I leave it to sink to the bottom before a couple of twitches to get it back off the sand.

    really blue? i guess they respond more to movement and the shadow than the actual colour of the jig.

  16. Hey Raiders looking for some wisdom,

    I know that squid, whether live or dead, are probably THE gun bait for jewies and kingies. iv been using yakkas but i want to get some squid instead.

    i recently purchased some yamashita jigs in olive and silver bait fish colour. however after doing some more reading it seems more people prefer pink, green and orange coloured jigs to naturals.

    so what would you say would be 3-4 colours to cover dawn/dusk situations, overcast and night fishing.

    also what are some good jigging techniques? i have seen the japanese squidders using really vigorous techniques but i would think this would scare off the squid.

    any help would be great

  17. Hey Raiders.

    I just laybyed a new Shimano Starlo Stix Classix shore spin rod and i've matched this up with a Shimano Stradic 5000fi and i had a feel of it yesterday and it feels pretty good. My question is what line should I use for the Stradic, I was thinking maybe braid but I'm not sure, I will be using this outfit for spinning off the rocks and off the beach with 20-40 gram metals and possibly some 30 gram surface poppers for off the rocks. The main target species include salmon, tailor, bonito and maybe some small kings.

    Thanks :biggrin2:

    hey mate iv got the exact same reel on a 9ft 6-8kg shorespin. put 20lb fins braid on it and casts 40g raiders a country mile. caught 2 nice salmon the other and handled with ease. the 5000 has a spare spool so you could put 15lb on one and 20lb on the other, cover all bases!

  18. the stinger hook looks like a good option, thanks! its happened a few times, just the other day hook onto something fairly decent, then bait popped out. :ranting2:

    iv seen a few different variations, would you say a treble or light gauge live bait hook would be better

    appreciate the help as im new to livebaiting so every trip is a lesson learned at the moment...which is good and bad

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