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Posts posted by nzwarriors

  1. Hey mate,

    Your be fine, my mate landed a 93cm jew on a 2-4kg with a 1000 size shimano. From memory I think his main line was 6 or 8lb and his leader was 10lb or 12lb. Was one of the best fights i have ever seen.

    Finesse fishing all the way!!!

  2. Hi Slinky,

    thanks for your advice, sorry to ask dumb qs, but when you say leave it in gear are you refering to dont loosen the drag or if the reel is a baitrunner dont use baitrunner feature. I also heard alot of good things about circle hooks that the fish will pretty much hook itself without striking?

    Thanks again.

  3. Hi All,

    Decided to give the mighty jewfish a crack on friday night.

    Got to the local spot, the conditions were good, very calm, was a bit late so was fishing about 2-3hours into the run out tide. Using fresh squid strip with a 3/0 hook and 20lb leader.

    As the night went on I finally got a solid run, from what I read so far, jewies play with there food so your meant to let them run a bit before strike. So when it started to run I was a bit hesitant to strike, after the second run I striked, but ended up losing the fish. When i got the bait back, the bait was still there no teeth marks just a bit scrunched up?.

    There was a another fellow fisherman there targeting jews also, his advice was that I should of striked hard first go when the fish went for the first run as it was very solid and woke everyone up.

    So now Im left gutted and confused, should I have striked straight away or should I have waited even longer before strike.

    Many thanks.

  4. Hey Bream Mad,

    I think the titanium guides are awesome. Currently using recoils on my flick stick and dont have any problems at all when using braid e.t.c and casting is great.

    Looking at the price range of rods your looking at, why not go custom. I had Tony from fishfinder put my rod together for me, when i was at the shop he showed us some very impressive stuff.

    He had a TX carbon blank that made me and crystalliser think twice about our loomis imx blank.

    Also he showed us guides made by American Titan which is just as light a recoils but in my opinion a lot more solid. Another advantage about getting custom is he will tailer the rod to suit ur reel to maximize casting.

    Anyways Titanium guides are great, and suggest giving Fishfinder a call eh.



  5. Hi Ross,

    I have about 15L ( I think) mixed with xd-100 ( brought from huey at the time to try) at 25:1 ratio was breaking in new motor, but since switched back to valvoline as didnt want to void the warranty as dealer recommends valvo. This would not be more than 3 months old. The other is about 15-20L of standard stuff mixed at 50:1 with valvo, which was used with the old motor i think this stuff would be about 5 months old. Both Stored in plastic.

    Yeh if u want any of it, its free to a good home.

    Otherwise i guess im going to give Department of Environment and Climate Change a call recommended by the local council.




  6. Hi Guys

    I have about 30L of old premix, does anyone know where to dispose of this safely.

    I heard that some garages take them, does anyone know of any round the city area.

    Many thanks.



  7. Hi Guys, older engines with an hour meter in the dash are wired to the ignition switch so yes if the key is on (even if the outboard is not running) the hours tick up, or the opposite, it is easy to just disconnect the hour meter. When we get a boat to trade I do not pay much attention to a dash fitted hour meter because you just can not trust what they are telling you in relation to engine hours.

    Modern engine with EMM are 100% correct when you plug in the laptop because the EMM only records engine operating hours.

    What we sell alot of and recomend instead of a dash hour meter is a digital hour meter that runs from the high tension leads of the outboard and only works when the outboard is actually running and the good thing is these hour meters are no dearer than the dash mounted ones, which as I said are pretty useless when wired to tick over any time the key is on.



    Hi Huey,

    Just wondering is this digital hour meter easy to install?

    Many thanks.



  8. Hi guys i just got a quote for a trailer rebuild for a trailer to carry a 4.5m boat, basically eventhing at the bottom is changed, axle, bearings, springs, couplings e.t.c except for the frame and the wheels. the cost all up is $580 bucks

    Just wondering if thats resonable or did i just get ripped.

    thanks heaps


  9. Hi guys, just wondering if anyone knows how much it would roughly cost to replace a powerhead and exhaust of a old evinrude. the mechanic is quoting $500. Just wondering if anyone knows if thats resonable? and if its a big job?

    Thanks heaps.


  10. Hey guys im really new to this boat business, just wondering can anyone recommend a good reliable boat mechanic to fix a blown head gasket thats close to the city. I've read a lot of good things about Independant Outboards at Blacktown but just wondering does anyone know of any joints thats a bit closer.

    Thanks heaps.


  11. Hey pk-fishn thanks heaps for the info your a legend :thumbup: . We got to pittwater boat hire just two hours before the high. We firstly headed out to this deep drop off where the boat hire person said produce good flatties, however when we got there the water was dam deep and we couldnt anchor, and the current was too strong, so we basically just drifted and caught nothing but a undersize snaper and flattie. We then headed to another bay where heaps of boats were moored but still caught nothing. this was already 2 hours into our boat hire and everyone started to look a bit grim. We then headed to Mackeral beach and thats when the action started firing. At first when we got there, we never realised that the water was really shallow about 3-4m max, but we dropped the anchor and burley pot, and bingo a school of trev started to hang around us. caught about 20 between the 4 of us. One of our mate who only believes in catching big fish after a catching a trev he changed hooks and baited a pillie and chucked it down to see what he can hit. After a few minutes his rod started to buckle and bam, he was onto a ray ( not sure what type as when we pulled it close to the boat couldnt really see the sting on the tail), anyways after securing the tail in the net we unhooked it and put it back. he then rebaited and within 20min caught a shavol nose, which didnt put up that much a fight, but got it out took a quick photo and was then released. After that everyone was exhausted so we headed back.

    So not bad for a first trip to the area. Once again thanks for the info bro saved our day.

    cheers :beersmile:

  12. Hi guys, A group of us were planning to go out on boat hire at our local Rose Bay joint to fish the harbour tomorrow, but unfortunately the guy doesnt do weekday boat hires no more :( . So we now changed plans and instead rucking up to pittwater, where its uncharted territory for us. Just wondering does anyone know any usual spots or hints of where we can fish at? if we go out on hired boat.

    Thanks heaps.


  13. Hey Little Flattie, Nice to meet another raider too bro. A Big Congrats :thumbup: on the thumping 42cm. It put our catches to shame man, and it was really exciting watching it give your gear a workout. By the way It was our trusty mate Jeff who helped you net the fish bro, not me eh.

    Anyways Congrats and best of luck on your future catches bro.

    see you around :1fishing1: .


  14. Hey guys thanks for your help, i guess my chances are slim, i brought exactly gulp and power grubs. I think im stuffed, the customs people i talked to was a bit hoey and i stressed that you can actually buy it from any store e.t.c but they pretty much said too bad. so yeah, ill give pure fishing a call

    Thanks heaps guys

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