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Posts posted by ch00kster

  1. On page 41 in the NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guide 2013 it states you are allowed 5 "Witches Hats" per person and on page 42 it states 1 crab trap person so my question is "Am I allowed to use both at the same time that is 5 nets and 1 trap during the same crabbing trip"? No where can I find where it states you can't use both.

  2. This may sound silly but if i run a 30m Rapala lure out and then attach a paravane on my line set for a depth of say 15m, does this mean my lure will now be 45m deep? I know there are down-riggers on the market but i have never used a paravane and just wondering if it could do a similar thing as a down-rigger.

  3. Thanks Lyn and coming up to 8yrs on the 31 july :yahoo: I have a FACEBOOK page but it doesnt get a lot of traffic either.

    Its just to stay in touch with a few close friends like yourself :biggrin2:

    Regards Swordy

    Dear Administrators, please do not kill this website. :ranting2: It is far more informative than bloody fb and you are correct that's it's not fair to the sponsors who have been very supportive. :thumbup:

  4. Copy that.

    But as a side issue, it is much harder to rig up at night than in daylight the day before, even with a torch. Logic does not exist with some regulations.

    Hey Yowie your right but then again when was the last time anyone saw a Fisheries Officer out and about at night time!!

  5. Hi everyone,

    Just recently joined and I find this site way better than the other 2 I was with.

    My name is Steve aka Chook or Chookster, 52 yr and I have been fishing since I was 8.

    I have been busy buying stuff online for my first game fishing comp coming up on the 19th May, cannot wait.

    Hopefully I can put some pictures up after the comp.

    When I say recently, 5 months ago, but I have just managed to finally read most of the previous posts plus work has prevented me from accessing this website. I have managed to get around that so now I can pay closer attention to this site. :D

  6. Hi everyone,

    Just recently joined and I find this site way better than the other 2 I was with.

    My name is Steve aka Chook or Chookster, 52 yr and I have been fishing since I was 8.

    I have been busy buying stuff online for my first game fishing comp coming up on the 19th May, cannot wait.

    Hopefully I can put some pictures up after the comp.

  7. Try this one guys,

    I work over seas and one day I get a call from the son, who has borrowed the boat to do some fishing on JB.

    Picture this if you can, son and his mad mate sitting in the boat in the middle of Jervis Bay, good conditions for fishing with water filling up the boat.

    SON" Dad there's heaps of water coming into the boat"

    DAD " did you put the bungs in?"

    SON " yeah just the one"

    DAD " ONE!!!! there are three bungs, get your arse back to the ramp and put the other two bungs in"

    SON "ok"

    He hangs up and I think ok he should be alright now. Wrong

    Gets another call from son telling me he cannot find the other two bung holes.

    Eventually he found them after a few choice words between the two of us.

    He went back out but didn't catch anything.a

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