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Posts posted by #1son

  1. yeah that was fun

    i reccon we should get kyaks and all the fish were on 4lb fire line so itll sooner than you think roberta.

    now i just gotta go out and by me misses her own rod cause whats the point of bein a raider if you dont have a rod.


  2. g'day raiders talk about a top day

    started off a bit slow but with a few position changes by our spectacular captain stumpy ended up turning the goods and about 20 secs before we found the gun kingy spot we told boofhead thiers nothing around here and off he went in the opposite direction bett you he's kicking himself now.

    Also a day of firsts and PB's with cambo on his first ever king a new Pb for me at 71cm than another PB at 78cm :yahoo::yahoo:

    And now for the thank yous:

    To stewy and donna another spectacular social but no less was expected

    To the boys on the barby without you guys we all would have dropped into the water when the hunger got to much.

    A big thank you to the members for showing up without you it would have 3 blokes in a boat fishing and not the great social that it was.

    And the biggest to mr murray bolan aka stumpy who took me out on his boat lent me the gear put me in the right spot and netted the winning fish, pre made rigs for when i got snagged someone get that man a beer.

    Also Thanks to gofish pete for the winnings look forward to spending it.

    so all in all a bloody top day on the water got a bit choppy in the end but that just makes it more fun, and i didnt hear but was wondering how little slinky went on the kings?


  3. after reading many reports of "kings everywhere dad(flightmanager) and i decided to hit the harbour on sunday really early and leave about one so dad could get back home to get ready for work.

    Tried to sleep saturday night but was too pumped and sat up staring at the clock till about 12:30ish when i fell asleep and was promptly woken up at 2:30 to go fishing. :yahoo:

    limited to only 2 rods each i had to choose wisely so a plastics rod for the livies and for fun an abu garcia muscle tip with a shimano fx4000fb for the kings loaded up the boat smashed down breaky and we were off.

    Arrived at rose bay about 4:30-5and headed off to the "red marker" just outside rosebay flicked around some plastics for nothin forabout an hour and by then the sun was starting to come out so we started to head over to balmoral to get some yakkas backed up got our livies and made the break for north head anchored up their and set out the kingfish spread live and butterflied yakka and some squid strip all set out now to play the waiting game.

    look to the right big bend in the rod and then nothing pull up an empty hook slap on another livie and send hem down holding onto the rod this time within 2 minutes hes hit and the lovely zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zz confirms its a king an after a nice fight i boat a 63cm kingy and first on a livie a quick snap and off he went



    smacked on another livie and dropped him down on the drop he gets smashed and im on straight away, after a bit more fighting i pull up a nice 68cm kingy and a new pb for me :thumbup::thumbup::yahoo:post-2225-1202183051_thumb.jpg

    after hat we had to head back of to balmoral to get more yakkas as we were out got their and realised we left the other cans of whiskers at home so we mulled up some old yakkas and slimies got our yakkas after alot of work getting them up pulled up anchor and headed to the yellow marker for nothing but a drift in the rain so up again with the anchor and off to clifton gardens sent out the same spread and an even longer round of the waitng game then i am hit on the live yakka within about 20 seconds im in the reef and busted off couldnt stop this one :ranting2::ranting2:

    and within a 180 degree turn dads over head kicks into life and after a good fight flightmanager lands a nice 67 harbour king and were out of livies again but not to worry some fellow raiders are calling it stumps and offer us some yakkas via air mail i get sent one strait from the hook and place my hook aboout 15mm further down its back and send him down again dad does the same witha fresh one within 20 seconds im on and line is screaming of the 4000 drags locked up he stopped got back some ground and he started to run again similar to a yellowfins first run into the reef and pop thats all she wrote and then bang dads on again after a really good fight i trace up a 73cm king for him high 5s all round and we call it stumps and head back to the ramp in the rain.

    all in all a top days fishing and well worth the early wakeup and time in the rain for a good result.

    here are some pics



  4. thanks to everyone for the comments>

    Talk about a top session and stewy and donna are just a sea of information i learnt more in 20 minutes over the breaky table then i ever could have imagined and then to hook me up with the fishing apparell and rods for the days fishing beyond anything i can afford on a 1st year apprentice wage :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: a big thumbs up to the swordies and a big thank you i know now my fishing will improve and am looking forward to getting out thier again to test out the new skills and perfect the art of prescision casting.

    And for malacoota pete good to hear youve made the conversion to plastics you will see the results and enjoy your fishing far more using plastics and because of the great variety of plastics availible you will always find something to turn up the goods, look forward to a fish anytime between now and the 14th of january with you Pete name time & place im thier and know i have an arsenal of Hb's if the soft plastics arent turning up the goodsand am more thane happy to teach what was taught to me yesterday. and thanks to davemmm on the tip for the Hb's im mad keen to get into them again to see if i really did learn anything.

    till then good fishen


  5. hey all, having fished nothing but berkley plastics all year i was keen to give the gulp alive a go, on my first 3 cast i got fish having never had that happen on the packet plastics i thought this might be the go and it seemed even the smaller fish were fighting harder, i was watching the fish as they were coming up and they seemed to be still trying to hit the bait even though they were hooked and apon reading the container i found out that the liquid acts as a blood trail in the water so im picking thats whats sending them nuts.

    As far as leaky containers go i found that if you half peel back the foil seal it minimises the amount of leaks and just leave them somewhere flat leakage should not be a problem eg: the boat floor, and because of all the liquid in the bottom even in a fair bit of chop they dont flip over.

    Apart from all the unnecessary precautions you have to take because they stuffed up the packaging i highly recomend gulp alive.

    cheers brett

  6. hey guys

    oh what a top weekend, saturday on fishfinder getting onto a PB mowie it was on bait but its only a matter of time till a bigger one has a gulp in his mouth and a temporary PB snapper on bait but on sunday we decided to hit harbour and i only fish plastics in our boat second cast on a new moring in watsons bay something jumped up and made me tighten the drag twice ( no zzzzzzzzzz on the baitcasters) and then after a good fight on 6lb fireline up comes the new PB snapper at 38cm. :thumbup::yahoo::yahoo:

    And to danilo, in watsons bay i get good results on soft plastics tied up to a moring casting 360 degrees always get flatties between 30-65cm medium flounder, bream. tailor and even the odd trevally my dad fishs bait casting and retrieving and he gets the same thing just more pinkies thrown in between.

    till next time


  7. Happy Birthday Brett,

    Does this mean you will be old enough to pull your pants up

    OVER your bum :1prop:

    Or are we still claiming that its the latest fashion to wear them around your ankles ?????

    You must get an awefully cold wind tunnel down in that lower area during winter :1yikes:

    Cheers little fella! :thumbup:

    Happy Birthday Leaky,

    Just make sure you wear a belt on your pants when hanging around Brett, you don't need his type of fashion !!

    Hey yall

    Thanks for the birthday wishes , it was a good day and then coming home and seeing this in the afternoon just made my day.

    Love ya work Stumpy the only reason they're down so low is because I'm too busy catchin' fish to pull 'em up. :074:

    So till next time Up Ya Go.

    Brett m.u.u.c

  8. Howdy to all ,

    Today , Dad (flightmanager) and I hit the Bay and were greeted at the ramp by a queue of boats . It was chockas ,and when we finally got the boat in the water it decided to turn windy and get really choppy and it would have been ok but the fish weren't on the bite at Molly Point , so we decided to head to the refinery , but still nothing , so over to the third run way with us and still nothing ! :( So i decided to try my luck with my new rod and try trolling, and hey presto :yahoo: a tailor!! After that Dad thought he'd give trolling a go , so we were trolling towards the refinery , and something took my line , burnt my finger and then busted me off :ranting2: , and then nothing for a little while .Tried again at the refinery , but once again , nothing. We went to go to Molly Point , but stopped when the fish finder started going nuts , so we dropped a line , and Dad pulled in a baby snapper , followed shortly after by a flat head that he got up to the boat, but it spat his hook out , and then just continuous nibbles and baiting . Then finaly we reached Molly Point , and we got 4 red rock cod and a black rock cod , and then a rock that swallowed our anchor :ranting2: and then we called it stumps , packed up and came home. Here is a pic of the Tailor :



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