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Posts posted by Reesn

  1. G day Raiders.

    My mate gave me this rod and reel about a year back before he left to move over seas. I don't venture out side the heads in my boat so I have no need for such heavy gear

    So I want to sell it but I have no idea what it's worth or if it's worth selling. I was just wondering if any raiders have used this brand of rod and reel. And what they thought of it.

    Rod: Hypafin

    Custom built heavy game 6'2

    Pelican Extreme

    It has a roller system on it

    Reel: Omoto

    Kam 700H

    Stainless steel 4 ball bearings

    Gear ratio - 3.8:1

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    Any advise would be awesome. Thanks heaps

  2. I have noticed a couple of boats with the blue LED lights on the stern of there boat. My question is

    Are they there to attract squid or just for show.

    If they are there to attract squid,How well does it work.

    Thanks heaps

  3. G day mate.

    The starter on my 40hp mariner threw in the towel. I got quoted $350 to replace it from my local boat mechanic. I went on e bay and got a brand new one from the USA for $90 and sent over express post for a extra $80 ( had it in 3 days ). It was really easy to pull the old one off and put the new one on. Took about 10 minutes. It has not missed a beat since.hope this helps.

  4. G day Raiders

    All summer long my mates and I have been doing nothing but fishing and talking about going fishing,Kings and Jews being the main target!!

    My wife finally got sic of listening to all my mates winging and wining about how they have NEVER caught a King fish. So she says to me. I wanna come fishing. I'll show you boys how its done. I said Ok.

    I take her out at 5am the next morning heading towards the 3 markers sitting of dobroyd heads.Its only the second time she has been on the boat. I give her the 4-6kg rod with a pilchard hanging of the end of it.She wanted the pilchard over the fresh squid and live bait. I said Ok

    I kept the heavier rods for myself just in case the king swam threw. I watch my wife drop her bait,Thinking snapper attack. But instantly her rod buckles over and starts screaming off line.

    She screams, what do I do.

    I tell her to hold on and keep the rod high. Watching my wife catch this king fish was AWESOME. After a 5 minute battle the fish was finally in the net. We where cheering. Best day fishing ever!!! My wife at 6 in the morning called all my mates and said ' I told you so I told you so'

    A few photos and my wife let the king go to fight another day. She has retired champion from fishing. And tells me it ain't that hard to catch king fishpost-22270-135893244974_thumb.jpg

    53cm king fish

    Never take your wife fishing

  5. G day mate. If your keen to drive to the nothern beaches.Middle harbour would be my first choice. I have been having a lot of luck with the Jewie at night there. There is a nice pontoon down of sangardo st seaforth. Safe for kids and easy to catch live bait. Good Luck

  6. G day mate. I pulled a couple of squid up on a pillie the other day sitting just of the spit bridge. If I had my squid jig on I'm sure I would of caught a lot more. The where attacking the hell out of the pillie. I didn't even have to try mate. Live squid = BIG KING

    Good luck

  7. Launched at Roseville 3 times over last week. The weekdays being Tuesday and Friday where fine. No traffic at all. But on Monday being the public holiday was a bit hectic.

    Putting the boat in the water @ 5am was ok. A thew fishing boats where heading out at the same time. Not a real hassle. Coming back In at 11am and it was chaos. 4 boats waiting to be pulled out. 10 boats waiting to go in. It wasn't a big problem. Took a little while longer then usual to get my boat out. But that's ok. I like upgrades they did to the ramp. And I'm in no real rush to get my boat out or in.

    We just need a little patience.

  8. G day all.

    I went out in middle harbour for a quick bash. Caught your usual suspects of bream, snapper, trevally and a 62cm salmon.

    Just as I was about to leave my rod buckled over and started screaming off line. A few quick moves and a bit of swearing, I landed a nice 74cm king fish. I was pumped.

    King was caught on a twin hook rig with fresh squid.

    Happy Fishinggyjybe3y.jpg

  9. I'll keep it quick and simple. Threw the boat in at Roseville on both Saturday and Sunday around 5am. Armed with pillies,squid and we picked up some live bait on the way. We went to

    Seaforth bluff - caught nothing

    Spit bridge- caught nothing

    North head- caught nothing

    Wedding cakes- caught nothing

    And 10 other places for a quick bash. We noticed some surface action between the heads. But it was way to windy to get a good cast amongst it.

    Managed one 75cm Salmon on a live bait in two sessions ,12 hours of fishing. I'll be back out there this weekend to try my luck again.

    Has any one else had any thoughts on the harbour at the moment.


  10. In a boat. You cannot fish beyond the red markers. The navy boys cruise out in there flash boat and tell us to move on

    But I still drift past every couple of weeks just to keep them on their toes.

    I'm not sure about land based fishing.

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