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Stellar fish

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Posts posted by Stellar fish

  1. I agree the issue is with the fat.

    I haven't seen too many fat fish in the Parramatta river.

    Toxins are naturally flushed out of the body when ingested.

    They only get deposited in the fatty tissue, where they accumulate over time.

    So simple solution is..... don't get fat or eat fatty foods.

    My theory has been proven by the Japanese. Since the early 1900's heavy metals and toxins have abounded in Japan's estuaries.

    They eat anything that lives in the water and have one of the highest life expectancies in the world.

    But it's hard to find a fat Japanese person, well....apart from the odd Sumo wrestler.

  2. And one thing worth noting was, all fish were caught with the braid tied directly to the jighead. When I had mono or flurocarbon leader, the fish would bite straight through it and that was even without lifting their heads out of the water. The bright yellow braid certainly did not spook them today.

  3. Gday everyone

    It's been almost a month since I started this thread but I am absolutely stoked to say I have finally found some success. Went down to tarban creek today for the run out tide after midday with the old man who was using prawns. I managed three solid flatties to 45cm. The squidgy 80mm bloodworm wriggler smothered in s factor on a 1/6oz tt jighead did the damage! My dad and his prawns on the other hand only produced an undersized bream. Was great to finally outfish him haha. Heading out again tommorow to try and repeat today's efforts.

  4. G'day all,

    I was wondering if there was anyone willing to lend me a hand with my lure fishing. I am restricted to landbased and have been trying my luck with plastics and vibes for a few months now, mainly in middle harbour and the parramatta river regularly for zero success other than a few bitten tails. Really keen to pop my cherry on lures haha. I am based in the hills area and am willing to travel. Please pm me if you are interested.

    Cheers, Antonio.

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