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Posts posted by MitchM

  1. Hi guys. Headed out from botany today with a reef bash in mind. Did a few usual spots for a few fish then had a search around for some new ground. I wasnt expecting to find this spot. Ended up with 10 pearlies and a few snapper the biggest two going 50cm and 51cm. I just hope they are there next time. Catch of the month maybe?????



  2. Hey, just a quick report from Friday 7th. Headed to botany and collected some yakkas and squid. The squid were thick and easy to get. Headed to the fad for zero, maybe a little early for them to be there. Then went to the peak to find the sounder full of kings. The only problem they would not touch a live bait, even squid. So I grabbed a jig and the first drop I was on. Most were small but did manage a few 80s. After about 30min I couldn't be bothered jigging anymore and headed into about 50m off Coogee to finish the day off with some snapper. A great day on the water. Only managed one photo of my mate holding one of them sorry.


  3. Hi guys, just a quick report from Monday 22nd. Headed from botany to the peak after getting some bait, we got there about 7am. It was pretty dead and full of jackets so we decided to headed in to the reefs off Coogee We anchored on our favorite spot and ended up having a good day. A few snapper biggest went 55cm, plenty of nannys and jackets, trevs,mowies just to name a few. A good day on the water and a good start to spring. post-23871-14116012473399_thumb.jpgpost-23871-14116012620536_thumb.jpg

  4. Both species were taken on live yakkas. This seems to sought out the bigger fish. For the dollies I run a 25lb metre trace with a 5/0 hoodlum hook unweighted. And the kings a large single dropper paternoster rig 80lb.

  5. Hi guys. Just a quick report. Started early sat morning from botany and headed straight to the first fad. I was stoked we were the first there. Fished it for a bit for one keeper 67cm. Then went to the far fad for three more keepers, the biggest went 86cm, and also seen three to four boats out there keeping undersized dollies, really got to me. But anyway headed back to the peak and managed two kings one going 80cm. After that we tried off Coogee for some snapper but the current was running way to quick so we pulled the pin.


  6. Hi guys

    I went for a fish on Monday the 30th out from botany, the day started well with plenty of yakkas and a few squid. We trolled a few x-raps past malabar with plenty of rat kings smashing everything. We used about 5 big yakkas and still got rats so we moved on. The next stop was off Coogee in about 70m. There wasn't much current so drifting was the plan. After a few hours we had a few snapper around the 40cm mark and the trag wouldn't stop. Then all of a sudden my rod buckles, 30lb braid is peeling off fast, after a 15min fight back a forward my old man netted this beast. It went 72cm, not bad for a Coogee snapper. After a few more drifts we left them biting and headed back. I was using the squid and yakkas for bait which worked for the trag but the big snapper took a small piece of pillie believe it or not. post-23871-0-40075400-1388715813_thumb.jpgpost-23871-0-73685700-1388715845_thumb.jpgpost-23871-0-38606800-1388715906_thumb.jpg

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