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Posts posted by Longfish

  1. Baby 3" sluggos rigged whacky and fished almost static with the odd twitch were what was working for me. Great fun! Hooked one king on a 4.5" sluggo fished a bit deeper on a weighted offset worm hook...the rest on the smaller whacky rigged ones on an unweighted offset worm hook.

    They are fixated on feeding on tiny 'eyes' baitfish at the moment so it is not that easy to get them to take...hence the whacky rigged tiny plastics.

  2. Pretty easy to do. Mine is 90mm pvc with tapered endcaps like you put on a stink pipe.

    Start with about 1m pvc.

    Cut last 10cm off the end. Cut this piece lengthways one side so it can wrap around the rest of the pipe.

    Cut door opening about 2/3 of the way along the remaining section. Wrap cut piece around door.

    Attach a float with cable ties I used a length of pool noodle.

    Just remember the bigger the diameter the more drag it creates. Some have gone down to 50mm pipe. Also clean up any burrs inside or yr baits will get scaled.

    Will try to remember to take photos & post them

    Yes please mate. That would be great.
  3. Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has had any luck with an 'over the side' type live well for storing squid/yakkas....I was thinking of maybe a little piece of 100mm conduit with holes drilled in it either end and some sort of streamlining at one end attached to the side of the yak just below the waterline... would have to be easy to lift in and out... anyone run anything like this?

  4. Took an inexperienced friend of mine out to chase some salmon bust ups from the shore in middle harbour as he has been banging on about wanting to catch one since my last report. Anyway i finished work at 3am and headed home to get the gear ready...pick up said mate and head out to a new spot i wanted to try at first light...

    Anyway we arrive at our spot and i can just see through the gloom that the tide is about right for what i wanted. There were no fish showing as we walked onto the rocks...ah i thought...maybe this spot is a dud.

    Anyway we start casting around...i had lent my 2-4KG outfit with the 10lb pp to my mate and i would therefore have to bash away with my 1-3kg and 3lb braid (i am far more experienced in playing fish than him so thought it would be better to let him take the heavier gear).

    After about twn minutes i see a fish smashing into something about 30 yards infeont of me and land a nice cast about 5 yards beyond it...a couple of twitches and my little sammy 65 gets smashed...nice salmon, nice start i think to myself as it runs...but it doesnt stop running i was looking at the braid melt of my 1000 spool...then the backing start to follow suit and i start to get suspicious!

    Anyway...not being able to believe that i have hooked my first kingie i assume it is a very large salmon...and i need new shorts everytime it runs as there are oyster clad rocks poking up everywhere infront of me and the braid is heading straight at them...i am waiting for that horrible PING any moment...but it doesnt come...i now realise jumping onto this rock was a bad idea as the only way off it without getting wet is a long jump behind me...to do that would mean almost certainly loosing the fish...but i had to get off to stop my braid contacting thw rocks infront of me...so i got wet! With the improved angle on the fish i eventually got my braid back, the fish is still running but less frequently now...but the braid is still dangerously close to contacting those oysters...then i see it in the water 'KINGY KINGY KINGY!' I shout to my mate get the bloody net!

    And soon it was all over...to say i was happy was an understatement...for my firat ever kingy to come off the rocks on bream gear is epic...and i learnt something...bream kit is bream kit, its for catching bream...not kings...like i didnt already know that!



    Anyway...to cap it all off we then changed location as it went quiet and my mate caught his first ever salmon...which he was made up with...



    All in all a great morning out full of firsts and PBs...looks like the season may be starting early...thank god!

  5. Working night shift this week and managed to knock off early enough to hit middle harbour for a shore fishing session from bream and flathead on the flats as the tide was peaking an hour or so after sunrise. Took two outfits with me...my 1-3 kilo bream rod with 6lb braid and my 2-4 kilo plastics outfit on 10lb braid.

    Got to the spot around 6ish to find tailor busting up everywhere and got into them straight away on the sugerpen.


    After a few tailor had been landed the splashes began to look more serious and within moments i was into my first salmon 'off the top'. Took me by surprise on my bream outfit and 6lb...he had all my braid out and nearly kept it!...fortunately managed to get all my backing back and once the braid was back on the reel it was all over for mr.salmon...hooking them over a flat is epic...they only have one way to go and thats away from you as quickly as possible...I swear i saw smoke coming out my little 1000 stradic drag!


    Anyway...switched to the heavier outfit as i now realised salmon were about...and i didnt fancy loosing all my braid for good!

    The fish had wised up and were busting up consistantly just out of range and would only move within range in lightning fast raids...if you couldnt get to them fast enough...no fish for you! I was charging up and down the wall like a maniac! Eventually hooked my second...a Sammy 65 doing the damage this time...once i had changed to a different coloured chartreus one...for some reason they were following my clear sammy but not hitting it...change of colour and BANG i am on almost first cast...weird.


    The action then dried up so i headed home...on the way back home i drove past a little park in neutral bay...i couldnt resist a little bash for a flattie as the spot looked good for it...i stick a little plastic on my bream rod and within ten minutes i feel a little tap as the motor oil 2.5 " zman grub drops back to the seabed...instant strike and ON...only small but fun none the less...especially within walking distance of my house in north sydney.


    Saw a big school of blackfish mooching about but couldnt get them interested in a plastic...nor the whiting that were there...shame.

    Anyway...bed time for me i'm knackered!

  6. Fished the northern end of dee why tonight as we thought it might be the only spot with any swell at all...got there...it was quite flat but at least there was something breaking.

    Anyway...had a couple of reasonable trevs and my mate had this stunning port jackson...then as the tide got near the top and the moon got high and bright it switched off...not a bad session to start the new season off. Humble frozen pillies did the damage.



  7. Right, as promised here it is for anyone who is interested. My home made 'Maltby' anti wind rig.

    Start with the biggest paperclip you can find, straighten it and cut it in half...then bend a little hook in one end and twist a loop into the other untill you end up with something that looks like this...


    Then tie the looped end onto a 2-3 foot length of line. Once you have tied the clip onto this line then slide on a bead followed by a clip swivel like so...


    Then tie a swivel to the other end of this line and run your main reel line through this swivel...


    Run another bead onto your mainline and then tie a swivel onto the end of the mainline.


    To this swivel attach your hook link ensuring that it is slightly shorter than the length of line with the clip on it. Then attach your sinker to the clip swivel you put on earlier. The clip can now slide up to where your hook is and catch it, and the weight of the lead will ensure it stays clipped to the hook...cast out (with bait!) and as soon as the lead hits the water the whole rig will go slack causing the clip and the hook to uncouple...you will notice how much better it casts...wind or no wind as lead and bait travel through the air as one streamlined object adding yards and yards to your cast... (works best without circle hooks as very occasionally their inward turned points prevent release).


    A word of advice...dont make the little hook on the end of the clip too big...you want it as small as possible so it just catches your bait hook so any slack or release of tension from the lead causes it to release your baited hook.


  8. Hi mate...google 'clipped up baits' and you will see the techniques uk sea anglers use to beat wind resistance on the bait...hard to get the kit for it in oz...if i have time at some point i will post my home made variation with photos.

  9. Decided to go for a fish sunday (despite poor conditions). We headed to long reef beach to try and catch some of the southerly swell but we were out of luck...tiny swell and gin clear water...abandoned it after an hour or so and switched the plan from beach bream to estuary flathead and headed to clontarf drop off...long story short the small tode meant a good concentration of fish was unlikely...infact any fish was unlikely...no flatties landed, only tiny pinkies and this lovely gurnard (or what we call gurnard in the uk) Maybe another name here...anyway these photos make an unbelievable background for PC or phone if your interested...thought id just put them up anyway. (If they work that is!)



  10. well I did head back to little bay on Saturday... the swell was big so fished a higher spot on the south side near the 'jump'. No drummer taken... despite a lot of swell... maybe too much. Got a nice bream (mid 30s) and a good sized luderick around 40cm fishing over a shallow reef that was protected from the main swell by a ledge... looked great for drummer and I was surprise by the lack of them....particularly to catch bream and blackfish but no pigs.

    Quick question, when there is a big wash do you guys continue to use bread baits or is something smellier such as a cooked prawn a better bet? I am sure they were down there in those conditions but not finding the bait.

  11. hmm how do you get to D? only way i can think is to walk from C to D at low tide.

    That's the way I go although I have heard you can park up on a road above the cliff and sneak across the golf coarse and down a gully although I have never done it...i believe the road is biglia crescent or something like that.

  12. If you are going through a lot of hooks, your sinker is too heavy.

    It is a trade off in terms of line strength. The heavier you go the less fish you will catch. The lighter you go, the more fish you will hook but you'll lose the big ones.

    Look through the iso fishing videos on youtube. I fish with those guys often, as we don't usually go over 20lb leaders. I personally fish with 8-10lb leaders for drummer.

    Okay that's good to know...in hindsight i should have switched down to micro sinkers (00/000) as the tide dropped away but the edge of the ledge that all the bites were coming from was a cast away and i may have struggled to get the distance if i went much smaller than the little bean sinkers i was using...also if i didn't get the bait down quick enough it was washing back over the top of the ledge and under my feet....may just be a tricky spot...you can see the sinker i was using in one of the photos.

    What brands of line do you drummer boys use...the platinum is low diameter and nice but just isn't really 'cutting it' for abrasion resistance (excuse the pun!)...just feels delicate.

    Sent from my Windows Phone with Tapatalk

  13. Yeah...i wasn't loosing the hooks to fish reefing me (unfortunately!) i was just snagging up every second or third cast..

    (particularly at low tide).

    The location i was fishing was D...be carefull. Although i have hooked and lost good drummer at B also.

    Sent from my Windows Phone Tapatalk

  14. Well...I ended up going out on Tuesday as i got the day off...the swell was small at around 0.7m from the south so i decided to fish the northern side of little bay as i thought it would be one of the only places with a reasonable wash. Turned up around 2pm and the wash looked reasonable but safe so burleyed up with liquidized bread and began fishing with bread hookbaits and a pea sinker running to the hook...anyway it didn't disappoint and i finished with 6 pigs...not big 38cm being the largest but they really go! and they were my first so i was chuffed....boy do you go through alot of hooks though...2 packets plus! What line strength/ brand of mainline are you guys using cos i am over tying up endless leaders and want to fish straight through...i am currently using platypus premium in 20lbs but it isn't tough enough without using a rubbing leader...

    Sent from my Windows Phone Tapatalk





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