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Posts posted by Chewy

  1. Awesome weekend on the basin.

    All quiet until I got the 4" pink wrigglers on.

    Then it was cast for cast flattie - all up 6 flatties before we had to pull stumps.

    Missus wasnt fairing that well, but then she trumped me with this stonker. She saw the swirl of the tail and threw at it.


    Great fish.

    Candidate for catch of the month?


  2. I ate it!!!

    And so did the non fish eating missus.

    Filleted and deboned.... a very usefull trick deboneing.

    Baked with veggies - oven cooked with a can of tinned peaches - yummo!

    Sorry mr brown trout - I am sorry I ate you... but you were the first one I have ever caught and I wanted to know what you tasted like.


  3. Just when you think the cold waters should be bringing on Yellow-fin - out comes this Beast.

    Caught by me mate Mo - trolling for yellows in the 22degree waters near browns on Sat the 2nd - whilst looking for the mythical fin!

    Anyhow - a surprisingly easy catch on the tackle designed for fin.

    A swift and heavy handed gaff shot by Dave ensured this fish was coming home for the plate!! I'm surprised Dave didn't break its back he gaffed it so hard!

    Anyhow - congrats to all - great fish!!

    post-2645-028487700 1309732629_thumb.jpg

  4. ps - I thought it was a gemfish

    so - according to google :

    barracouta is a relatively short-lived species that is related to gemfish. It is widely distributed in the Southern oceans and whilst abundant in New Zealand’s cooler waters south of Cook Strait, they also occur in our northern waters, ranging from shallow inshore areas to depths of 200m. Once an undesirable bycatch species, barracouta are now an important part of trawl fishery catches.

    He said it was a barracuda!

    So I vote that we split the hat 50/50 and each have a portion...?

    ps Moski - In some areas its South African name of "snoek" or "snook" is also used.

  5. Damn those birds.

    We did the same on Sunday... and they were an absolute nuisance. I saw a bird gagging on a fish - realizing it was my livie - I managed a hard pull and saved the poor livie from the jaws of bird!!

    Pain in the asses they are!! Where is a bronzie when you need one!!

    Anyhow managed two dollies - then all went still...

    Sorry to hear the boss called before you got more!.


  6. Went out this weekend!!

    Always a good thing when I am out-fished by my girlie - so I have to show you how she did it!



    About 4.5kg - on 12 pound line... the 2500 reel screamed louder then her, as the fireline bit her finger in the process. But after 20mins of pumping and winding and pumping and winding.... and one tense getting stuck on the reef moment - out it can and it was high fives and screams of joy all round. A few sexy poses and back to fishing!!

    Hot I tell ya!!!

    Anyhows - offshore round long reef and the fad most weekend.

    Total tally

    5 good sized, One monster snapper.

    2 Bonnies

    1 King,

    2 Dollies

    Great weekend out!! The waters look alive!!


  7. Miller....

    Hmm.. not sure y the smiles - I saw the pic and said "hes got my rod" - and then saw - he's got a broken version of my rod...

    Mate - thats a $250 kingy you got there.... I hope it was worth it :-)

    Jeez - I hope they swap it for a new rod....

    Anyhow great fish - nice to know the kingies are back!!

    Time to go fishing!!


  8. Posted on SMH


    All I can say is I'm not sure if my freezer is big enough - but hey I'd enjoy seeing how many of these suckers I could get into it!


    PS - since when did Squid have razor sharp teeth?


    .. Just saw that Tan posted this before me...

    From one recession victim to another... when do you want to go fishing... ?


    Chewy stuck at home and not very employable.

  9. Yeah - if anyone has fished Clifton G in the last few weeks - they would have seen the bull shark...

    Trust the media to go and try catch it...

    When people go on safari in africa - they expect to see lion.... and when they do - they dont pull out a rifle and try and shoot it...

    What the hell were the media up to? I say someone should have sent them in for a swim...

    Just venting - but I dont think an all out shark hunt is the answer to the latest media feeding frenzy...


    Can of worms opened!


  10. Heres a can of worms to open: What happens if the greenies get their way and ban fishing all the way to newcastle....

    Does that mean even more sharkies get to come visit the tourists?

    I Jumped in a few weeks ago at clifton... I knew the shark was there.. but as my other life of a dive instructor has taught me - its the ones you dont know are there that get you....

    Anyhow - it was only a matter of time.. I just feel sorry for the Navy Diver - I hope he recovers to dive again. (It should have been a greenie that got ate!!!) :tease:


  11. hahahah

    I watched yesterday as my mate Polly tried to hold a flathead by the lip - he then got munched by it....

    I know I shouldn’t laugh... but as it was only a flesh wound.... hahahahaha - its a lesson we all have learnt the hard way....

    I say as long as it doesn’t require stitches - it’s okay to have a little laugh when your mate gets bitten by a fish!! (I’ve been waiting for Rex hunt to get nailed on the lips for many years....)

    Anyhow nice post - I have been tempted to fish middle harbour, but always get distracted way before I get there by the main harbour itself!


  12. The harbour is firing!!

    Caught a squid, loads of yakka - hit clifton gardens!!

    Moored next a charter and was leaning over the side - when my mobile made a break for freedom. Dived in after it and caught it on the way down!!

    As i got out of the water - a charter boat next to us was stunned when a 6-8 foot shark (i'd call it for a bronzie) broke the surface next to the charter....

    After much abuse for being in the water fishing resumed...... Now my boatie Polly is now shattered as his arvo swim will never be reinacted in the harbour again!!

    Two mins later my good luck hat blew off..... guess who couldnt help himself - yes me... went in to get it...

    After much abuse from the charter again we got down to some serious fishing...

    Anyhow - loads of takes and a few boated rat kingies later - we were all smiles!!

    The kingies were prefering fresh squid on very light gear... 25 mins per rat on 10 pound tackle!! But they were also prone to prawns....

    Anyhow - general concensus is that the harbour is firing!!

    Hope the mobile recovers - its currently drying out.... but it was worth it!!!

    Sorry no photos... besides... who wants to see my rats..... I'm waiting for the hoods.....


  13. Gotto love the new range of Halco Laser Kayaks........ bound to catch the biggest of fish: :074:

    NSW: Shark knocks man from kayak

    Article from: AAP General News (Australia) Article date: February 8, 2002

    By Kylie Williams

    SYDNEY, Feb 8 AAP - A man has narrowly escaped serious injury after a terrifying battle with a shark in Sydney's Parramatta River.

    Paul McNamara, from Ermington in Sydney's west, was knocked off his kayak by the shark as he paddled in Cabarita Marina last night.

    The shark circled him, coming in once to headbutt him and again for a nudge but did not attempt to bite.

    Part of a shark's tooth was later found embedded in the kayak as well as a large bite mark.

    Mr McNamara today said he was pretty scared when the shark knocked him into the water.

  14. Jonas

    Clovelly bay - it is a bay that has concrete on either sides.... (2 bays to the left of cooggee - if u facing the sea - maps.google.com)

    On the left of the swimming area and outside - off the rocks - at low tide- you can fish for drummer and black fish under a float using sea cabbage, bread, chickenguts etc.... Always good on a North westerly / northely wind...

    Its an easy fish and when the fish are on the bite - always good...

    Keep an eye on the ocean, and fish safe!!


  15. Hi All - just looking round ebay - and noticed this PEX spectra braid floating around....

    I have two needs for braid - 8-10 pound on my light stick, and say 80 pound on my heavy (which i normally fill will 40pound mono).

    Anyone used , heard of this PEX spectra selling on ebay?

    Its funny that the PEX 10 pound has a diameter of .15 - I have checked that firreline has a .2 diam.

    Pex = $45 for 500m - fireline -$90 for 300....

    So question is: Am I being penny wise pound foolish... or should I give the thinner , better vale pex a go?


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