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Posts posted by mollers

  1. Coming from WA, metals are the business off the beach and rocks as they can get great distance and are very successful.

    One observation I have made when casting into schools of salmon with little or no surface action is that youll only get hits if you let

    it sink right to the bottom as often they just sulk on the bottom when not really hungry and you have to get it into their eye line

    to have a chance.

  2. Went for a quick squid yesterday (Sunday) afternoon to get a bit of sun and try to finally break free of a lingering hangover. We were squidding off some rocks near Coogee on a headland (not sure it's name as new to Sydney) but our jigs were a bit light for the water depth so were about to move when my mate i was with hooked onto a nice salmon. At first I was spewing as my previous experience hooking fish in jigs is that the jig gets ruined but after a good fight on light tackle he landed it and we found it had swallowed the jig and got it hooked deep down so we unable to spit the prongs. It spat up about 20 whitebait we landed which matched the white jig perfectly so if you're chasing a few salmon whitebait could be the key. Got a couple of follows from other salmon on a metal slice afterwards but no more hits.

  3. Fished off a mates jetty at lilli pilli in port hacking last weekend and caught a 45cm spangled emporer. Was wondering if this is a rare catch as have recently moved over from Perth and had never heard of these getting caught in Sydney.

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