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Posts posted by Snagmaster

  1. Shimano Socorro is a good reel, but the drag pins are known to break and I don't think they are covered by the warranty, so it's like a $60-$80 repair...so...good luck in your choice.

    I meant the Shimano Saragosa...Socorro is a cheaper model.

    For in depth reel reviews that are not sponsored or biassed...Google Alan Hawk's reel reviews.

  2. Hey folks, I have an old Daiwa Millinoaire overhead reel in pretty good working condition and I would like to get it into action. Does anyone know what line class they're suited to and the type of rod that was used with them back in the day? I don't have any specs available.


    I currently have it spooled with 10lb Berkley Trilene although I'm stumped with rod choice...length, weight, style etc? I don't want to spend too much, so I'm looking at the lower priced overhead rods, like Abu Garcia Muscle Tips or the cheaper Ugly Stiks. Something to practice on.

    Any thoughts from the more experienced among us?



  3. This discussion is about Recreational Fishing, not Commercial fishing. Of course commercial fishers have an enlarged catch because they're feeding the 86% of the population who don't fish. But, lets not get side tracked. This topic on discussion is Recreational fishing rule changes.

    • Please note the future implementation of new fishing arrangements to achieve recovery of mulloway is not part of the above review.

    Written on the Info review page and within the FAQs. The Mulloway discussion paper closed from public review on 16 October 2012. No use bleating like a stuck lamb now that you've missed it, place your focus on something you can change.

    2. We are already restricted in terms of size limits with dusky flathead, with only one above 70cm.

    My Opinion on the proposed rule changes:

    I agree with the changes to reduce bag limits for sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; having set bag limits of 10, 5 and 2 keeps things simple. Reducing baglimits is a way to increase fish stocks without creating more locked out of areas.

    Section 1.4: I believe the lenient baglimits should be adopted. As fishmaniac has pointed out the money spent on boat fuel chasing larger game fish is not worth the dividends if the bag limit is set too low. Sea conditions already limit the amount of times boats can chase these larger fish. Catch rates are highly variable compared to inshore species.

    Section 1.5: I agree a 20 finfish (not including baitfish) limit per person is plenty! Even if that person only gets out for a fish every few months.

    I would also support fin clipping of fish with bag limits under 5 to reduce Illegal fishing for commercial gain.

    5 (just) legal flathead gives 10 fillets so it would easily feed 5 people, if one of your teenagers came out with you then you would have enough for 2-3 days of fish. That's just one species, nothing says you can't go target bream or whiting after that.

    The rationale is written in the discussion paper, I won't post it here but you'll find it on page 10. I agree with their deduction.

    The waterways are not exclusive to just you or just line fishers, they're used by many other user groups. I can't think of any logical reason why we wouldn't allow bow hunting of carp. It's just another form of 'sight fishing' a declared noxious species.

    What makes that blue groper more special than a black drummer? Both are great eating fish, both are amazing fighters.

    Groper are majestic and beautiful creatures...that is all. Like I said, it's just my choice. I see them differently to you, obviously. You see them as sport and food, I see them as majestic beasts of the sea. I can't bring myself to kill something so beautiful. But drummer, tailor, salmon, trevs, squid...no problem.

    It was a comment, I'm not debating.

  4. I've been looking at the Salina 3 also. I have a friend who swears by them and has a few and they get a workout, believe me. Big kings, GTs, spaniards etc off the rocks. But the point made by Roylo^^^ is a good one...speed isn't everything, sometimes torque is more important for big fish...especially when you're not in a boat that can chase a fish down while tiring it out. 15 kg drag is ample and line capacity??? If you've lost 300yds of 40-50lb line on a reel with 15kg drag...then you're pretty much burnt anyway!

    I like the reviews and specs of the Pfleuger Crank and Salt reels....seem like good value for money. I have a 40SW Salt and it's as smooth as butter and spooled with 15lb braid, it's got some gumption too! The Penn Spinfishers have a good rep, but only 4.9kg drag...a little light-on by today's standards. Still, a fairly bulletproof reel.

    Shimano Socorro is a good reel, but the drag pins are known to break and I don't think they are covered by the warranty, so it's like a $60-$80 repair...so...good luck in your choice.

    My money's on the Salina 3, and they are available at WELL below retail if you know where to look! :-)

  5. Hi guys,

    I was just wondering if anyone had some experience with this rod or nanospeeds in general. It is 6'6 and im not sure whether that will be a large factor as my last rod was the Catana 7' and i want something around that height. Any suggestions around the 100-200 price range? Mostly going to be landbased, from bream to hopefully pelagics. Also a reel to match it around 100-230 price range, 2500 reel.


    Sneaky fisho ey? ;-)

  6. It is the pro's that are the true "fishraiders", but every time I go fishing, I see people keeping every little finned creature they hook...straight into the bucket.

    I'd rather follow rules and feel good about it, than have no guidelines at all.

    I would never keep an undersized fish or a large flathead, groper or cod. Nor will I ever kill another octopus after discovering that they are intelligent.

    That's just my choice as a responsible person.

    I saw a huge blue groper yesterday morning, cruising around the kelp beds. Would have been about 90cm long. A lot of fishermen would kill to get their hands on such a fish. If an animal doesn't need to be killed, why kill it just because the law allows us to?

  7. What an awesome day it must have been. I've never experienced anything like that before. At first I thought...do you really need to keep everything you catch? But then I thought, commercial fisho's do it DAILY...and they do it for profit. You're going to eat or use all of it...so well bloody done mate!! :thumbup:

  8. I always take extra plastic bags with wherever I go so I can take other people's rubbish. A few weeks ago on the rocks at Kiama, a couple of locals and I filled a large garbage bag of rubbish left by other fisho's. Makes me angry and gives me a feeling of hopelessness that clashes with the pleasant nature of spending a day fishing.

  9. The difference between a low mount and an alvey low mount is the position of the first runner. On a rod made to suit alvey reels it will be near halfway up the full length of the rod, this is to facilitate casting and the resistance placed against the line from a runner situated closer to the reel seat


    Thanks, I'll go out and check it now. A low mount barge pole of a rod with anything other than an Alvey reel seems useless.

  10. Great advice and positive feedback on the Alveys! I have a low mount 12ft Abu Garcia beach rod(cheapy I think) with a fairly thick top end...medium to heavy action. I'm thinking I'll get an Alvey and get into the heavier side of beach fishing with bigger baits. It seems pretty simple and hassle free. The rod was given to me so I might as well use it.

    Thanks for the motivation!

  11. Guys are you thinking of long-finned pike aka smelly pike (has a yellow tail)? I am talking about short-finned pike, barracuda's cousin, which is supposed to be excellent eating if you follow the same rules as Aussie salmon: bleed and ice immediately, eat within 48 hours and above all keep them in the fridge, not the freezer. Generally I like to keep my fish alive in the (big) bucket, then kill at home and refrigerate straight away.

    It seems Fisheries NSW has no info on Middle harbour water quality, unless anyone knows where to find it?

    G'day...keeping the fish alive until you get home sounds a little extreme. I just gut and gill every fish on location and if it's not too far, I like to take a bag of ice for either the bucket or a rock pool, to make a slurry. This keeps em in tip top condition and you can scale and wash them in sea water rather than fresh water.

    Never tried pike, but not sure if I'm keen for that.

  12. G'day fellow fishing addicts! I'm Anthony...the "Snagmaster"! Can you guess why I gave myself that name?? Well...no reason... <_<...except to say that I've caught my fair share of reef over the years.

    Anyway, I've been in and out of fishing since I was 10, but due to not living close to decent water, no friends with boats, couldn't afford tackle or travel, I've just slipped out of it. Now I'm equipped with transport and I'm gathering tackle as my budget allows, I'm seriously trying to get back into it on all levels...rocks, beach, jetty, estuary....but still no friends with boats. Guess I'm just not one of those guys that gets picked for the team. I've discovered that I don't need a boat and actually think land based fishing is far more challenging AND rewarding. Not to mention cheaper, albeit limited.

    Saw a couple of guys pull hammerheads onto the rocks a few weeks ago and I want some of that action!

    Sooo....I'm here to pester you all and hopefully offer some input into discussions.


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