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Posts posted by mike2153

  1. It is very minimal with the heavy braid I can see it on the sounder and it is only a couple of feet higher than where I set it if I'm dowrigging 15m down and that's about as far as I ever downrig.

    I've experimented with different weights and lines etc I've found 300lb with the 6lb works perfect

  2. They hve been missing since winter, I remember we had a big storm and seas, I went out the next week and 1 or 2 sticks were missing then the third went a few weeks later.

    Does anyone know what the purpose of that marker is?

  3. More chance of being murdered than attacked by a shark, pretty good odds to me, jump in and have swim!


    You think that you have been swimming in te beach before and there hasn't been a shark within 1 km of you your kidding yourself.

    One thing to see a shark it's another for that shark to actually attack you.

  4. Headed out last Monday at 7am (delayed report I know).

    Stopped at the arti and got a full string of slimies, with the wind due to pick up decided that 6 baits was enough (just wanted one fish for dinner that week).

    Hammering out at 20knits with the wind behind my back I was out to the spot in no time, first bait down lasts 30 secs and I'm on.

    Bring him up 85cm and straight in the esky.

    Each bait down was either a fish or missed hook up ended with 4 ranging from 75-85cm with a tag in each back they went.

    With the wind picking up and the esky full I was heading back home in a lovely 15knot wind straight in face.

    Ended up heading back at 10knots and soaking wet, all in good fun but glad to be back at the ramp by 11am home for a warm shower and arvo nap.

    The Kings are around, be persistent and don't follow everyone else, have a look around and where people aren't fishing and you will find them. If not always listen to 21 ;)


  5. Headed out to Browns to try for a mako.

    Got to the mountain about 7 had a drop using the alvey deck whinch (what hard work!!)

    Pulled up a nice gemmie. 1 metre on the dot, first gem I've caught!

    Burlyed for about 2 hours drifting South off the mountain. Not a single shark to be seen!

    Headed home stopped at the half way mark had a quick jig and got an 80cm king.


  6. That's a great result considering most people are finding it tough going ATM. Well done :)

    Cheers scratchie!!!

    You've just gotta keep looking till you find em mate! There's no secret it's just time in the water and hope the stars align lol.

    No guys theybwouldnt touch live squid. First time ever I've put squid infront of them and they didn't want it.

    All caught on yakkas and slimies.

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