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Posts posted by VViCKiD

  1. Hi guys, 

    just wondering if anyone has a transducer in a wet box or in hull mount? And what kind of performance are you getting out of it? I’m particularly interested if you have a 1kw transducer and fish deep water 500m mark


    thanks in advance!

  2. On 05/03/2017 at 6:20 PM, Foghorn said:

    I have a retractable cord clipped onto belt when fishing alone outside. Very cheap.

    On 09/03/2017 at 7:10 PM, Foghorn said:

    Sorry, been off fishing, I think I got it from a junk shop, usually comes with a boat key, sometimes. It is about 2 metres long, haven't fallen overboard yet but the wife keeps hoping.

    Hahahah thanks foghorn

  3. From my brief research on Google, I found  a page that recommended:

    1. removing all the flesh with a butter knife.

    2. Then soaking the skin in brine for an hour

    3. Let the skin dry so that it's no longer dripping

    4. Stretch it out as much as u can over a card board box with thumb tacks(I used staples since I didn't have any). U will need to place them about 0.5" apart

    5. Leave to dry in direct sunlight for 2 days

    i'll have to see how the skin turns out. But I'm planning on gluing it to inserts. Also possibly making some skirts and wings out of it

  4. yeh .. It was taken from a black Bart tuna xxx lure. 

    Regarding the color of the eyes, are u leaving the lures in the sun to dry up? 

    Ive noticed that on some of my lures, the holographic tape fades or something.. I suspect it's not uv resistant or something

    heres a few more I made. I water tested today and was pleased they swam well. I had the bullets in 30g and 50g heads.. The 50g definitely swam much better


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