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Posts posted by Nas

  1. Squid tend to follow bait fish, so they tend to be right behind the yellowtail, walsh bay is pretty deep, and yellowtail usually like deep water with some light nearby where they sit close to the surface, lurking beneath them are usually large numbers of arrow squid. I've experienced this in Botany bay, one night we were fishing really deep water and trying to catch yellowtail, but I kept catching arrow squid on bait with my line only about 2-3m in the water and we were fishing 15-20m deep. So the answer is simply squid go where ever the bait fish sit.

  2. the lowest air pressure I caught on is 1001, but it was like 30mins before a thunderstorm hit, I reckon as long as the air pressure is above 1000 you still have a good chance, i've talked to many experienced jew fishermen, and they all say they've caught jewies on high and low tide, on high air pressure and low air pressure, day and night, theres always a good chance, bait presentation and spot and fishing around the tide changes is probably the most important.

  3. The harbour is infested with big bream, just pickup $5 worth of breast or thigh chicken and $2 worth of parmesan cheese, and cut the chicken into strips, sprinkle with parmesan and you're almost guaranteed some bream, I've caught bream, snapper, flathead, flounder, tailor, just about anything with chicken, It sits on the hook really good and its really cheap, good luck!

  4. SgtBundy, the closest ive been to a jew is a few nights ago, the guy next to me caught 4 soapies measuring between 55-65cm. It was an awesome sight, but I didn't get anything :(, going down to that beach again sometime this week to try again, your free to join me :)

  5. I've usually caught tailor around the tide change and mostly at night, but also in the day, almost any NSW beach can produce (if they are there). I've seen people fishing for tailor using a glowing float, however, I haven't tried this maybe you can do some research about that.

  6. Yes, everyone that has a boat is really privileged lol, I haven't caught a legal fish in 5 trips, and I drive an hour just to get to any water. I just came back from Dolans bay caught a 24cm undersize bream and some undersize snapper, but we keep trying, one day...hopefully will get something worthwhile :)

  7. Yes, it is sad, but mail is dying and it was inevitable, the government isn't doing enough to prepare Australia for the future, most jobs in the future will be technology-related, to be honest I think if the government doesn't make the right decisions right now, Australia will be really behind in the future, alot of the jobs can be replaced by computer, that's why the workforce needs to adapt to those changes and fast or else there will be alot of unemployed people left behind. IT is the future...

  8. Was fishing botany bay late at night yesterday targeting bream and jewies and I started reeling in squid stuck on my chicken bait. They were small squid but they kept coming up one after the other, but the problem is they kept letting go as I tried to land them. Has this ever happened to anyone before? They would have been great live bait for jewies thats for sure. No jewies yet, but some legal bream, octopus and plenty of big eels. Was great fun though!

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