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Posts posted by John'O'

  1. I have tried that many different braids off the rocks and surf that I can truly say the Daiwa j braid is the best on the market and it's actually reasonably priced for s Japanese braid
    One thing is a must though. Atleast 2m of mono leader for casting with any braid! Using an fg knot
    500m of 65lb for 90 about 6 -9 months ago from tackle shop at Coffs Harbour

  2. Well ive caught myself quite a few flounder and flounder look exactly the same but with a very obvious tail. Infact i cooked some up on good friday and i learnt something new. They csn be perled like leather jacket. Head off and use s good psir of scissors to cut off the flesh just before it mrrts the spines snd tail. Turn it over and peel away. Very easy

  3. Those cliffs are very dangerous snd many lives have been lost especially at devils elbow.

    If your land based try caves beach off the rocks or a much safer spot like hole in the wall or plsntstion point at vincentia

  4. yes and they store for a very very long time easily up to a year.

    they don't fall apart when casting and they don't fall apart as soon as they get wet and the fish love them.


    Alot of bait shops will brine them which isn't quite the same as salted.

    brineing involves keeping the pillies in a salted liquid until they become infused then they are dried and frozen.

    still good but i find my way is better as when the fish bite into them they are not salted all the way through and this minimises your spit out rate

  5. OK this used to be my pet Hate untill i discovered salted pilchards.

    I NEVER ever buy pilchards or blue bait that isnt salted anymore.

    Now a days tweed bait actually sell salted pillies and bluebait.

    otherwise good bait shops brine their own (brine being salted)

    OR you can do what i do and arm yourself with a couple 4 litre icecream containers and a bag or rocksalt or plain salt if you can find it (not iodised salt) and follow these instructions.

    • go to the fish shop and buy a few kilos (or however much you want) of pilchards or any other bait fish
    • organise them onto some sort of airing device such as a wire rack and place out to dry (not in the direct sun)
    • after they become 1/4-1/2 dryied then put a layer of salt on the bottom of the container ( not too much just about a few mm thick)
    • place a layer of pillie down and salt again with no more than a few mm of salt and repeat this process although alternate the layout of the fish so they are not all lying the same way. do this per layer so one layer differs from the one below or above

    now place in the freezer and VOOOLLAAAAAA done

  6. I fished the northern wall yesterday at the top of the tide and recently before that and it's quite dead. Nothing on the surface a few squid at night and if you can cast out far enough there are a lot of smallish snapper that strip you as soon as you hit the bottom. As for the south wall they were concreting it yesterday about 50-100 m back from the end. I seen 3 concrete trucks plus other trucks

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