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Posts posted by land_based_fish0316

  1. Hey guys anyone know of good locations to get snapper from the rocks around Wollongong? I usually hit down around black head at gerroa and around bombo north headland but looking for locations a bit closer. Any suggestions would be great. Really want to rip in a good snapper on plastics this winter.

  2. Hey everyone mrs parents have a house at lake conjola went down last Christmas and hit some monster flatties. Got busted off by something huge. 

    My question is does anyone know if Jewfish can be found in the lake? I would presume that there would be but mrs dad is not Much of a fisherman at all so other then him I have no knowledge of the place. Fished it for 4 days over Christmas last year in the Yak and did really well. So really just self taught about the lake ATM. Any help regarding jewfish in the area would be great even off the beach. Thanks guys.

  3. Hey Guys

    My Brother has recently purchased land at Razorback in NSW.

    On this property is a Dam/Lake that is approx 14 acres in size.

    We have taken a depth at the deepest point we could find and that is approx 10mtrs.

    The water is extremely clear and I think that is due to all the vegetation under the water.

    It also has around maybe 20 old dead trees coming up out of the water spread across the dam.

    We are looking to stock the dam and I was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions on where to start as we have never done this before.

    I thought maybe starting with yabbies would be a good idea to get them up and running and giving the future stocked fish as well as our selves something extra to eat. I have had a couple of traps in the dam already a couple of times and a couple of over nighters and had no success with yabbies which I thought was a bit strange.

    Fish well we were looking for types that will breed in the dam thinking the likes of gold and silver perch.

    also I am thinking that there would have to be eels in this dam as it is huge. birds will also play there part as they are already perched in the old dead trees coming out of the water.

    Any suggestions on where to start and what would be good suggestions for future success.

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