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Posts posted by davonyx

  1. Question: why is everyone so anti leather jacket? I catch some thumping sized ones at up to 100m depth I outside Jervis Bay, and filling the esky with them is great.

    They are excellent on the table, and generally fun to catch.

    Like paikea states, wire and your set. Why the hate on leather jackets?

  2. Davonyx where abouts do you fish? IM in holsworthy so under the liverpool branch

    Hey mate, I'm from Prestons, funnily enough I get almost zero fishing done in Sydney, I've been going to Jervis Bay most of my life for the blue water fix.

    Not much Sydney fishing, but I do like the salmon and whiting off Wanda beach in Kurnell / Cronulla when I can, and generally anywhere on isolated rocks.

    Something about being perched on a ledge with just miles of blue in front of you, and jagged, unforgiving rock underneath and behind you, usually gets the philosophical part of me revving haha. Hence why isolated national park rocks in JB appeal to me so much!

  3. Living in Liverpool, I actually drove over the bridge at the weir and noticed the water was in a terrible state. Then I read this.

    4 tonnes of dead fish! How unbelievably sad. I remember catching my first eel in the fresh water part upstream of the weir. And bream from the weir.

    Looking at those photos, most of the dead tonnage looks to be carp. So I don't think too many will be worried. But even the humble carp is a great fight and awesome fish to catch in the heavily urbanised, polluted, and typical city river these days.

    How sad.

  4. I have only ever succeeded with bait. Lures and soft plastic, I have tried and tried and tried, and disappointingly always come up empty.

    I dream of smashing them in on plastic, it's such a success in my mind, an art, catching a fish by fooling it! I will continue to try, but again, I just disappoint myself every time.

    I have so much stocked soft plastic, and nothing.

    However I just recalled I caught a golden perch on one of my very rare fresh water outings. It was a baby, was released, but the satisfaction was huge.

    But my usual, rock, reef and surf favourites, unfortunately have led to nothing. I need to find some one that can show me the art form one day, the videos, DVDs, articles etc have not helped! Maybe I'm just useless with it haha.

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