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Posts posted by panama

  1. Hey all,

    I'm new here, first post as a matter of fact.

    Over the past couple of years my girlfriend, my mate and I have been fishing a few spots around Sydney, namely Darling Point, Camp Cove, Shark Bay, Parsley Bay and Yarra Bay. We have had some success, I caught a decent 60cm flatty a couple of weeks ago but aside from that it's usually just little squire, bream or flatties. We go fishing whenever we get a spare moment and the funny thing is my girlfriend is usually the instigator. She'll often ask mid week if we can go fishing over the weekend, a new rod was #1 on her Christmas list this year, I often have to drag her away from the wharf when i've had enough. Yep, I've got a keeper.

    Anyway, we want to start upping our game and try to catch some bigger stuff. We are interested in learning to use soft plastics and also interested in learning what gear to use etc. She's currently on a budget k-mart rod and i've got a ridiculously large beach rod but we are looking at picking up a lighter rod each in the coming weeks. We are all really social so there'll be no shortage of conversation if we were tag along with some experienced crew.

    Your name: Jarrad, Nadine and Baldie
    Your Location: Alexandria
    Fishing technique: Would ideally like to target Jew or Kingfish
    Availability: Weeknights or weekends
    Preferred location: Preferably somewhere around Sydney
    Provide your own gear? Yes
    Provide your own boat? No

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