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Tony S

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Posts posted by Tony S

  1. Hi Swoffa,

    The trebble for Sx-48 is size 8 at front and size 10 at rear. The reason is that it will be sliently heavier at front to make a better dive angle and better actions in that case. Hope it help :)

    SX-48F is a floater in slatwater for sure. I assure it might suspend or slow float depends on the water temperature too.


  2. Hi Guys,

    Went fishing in Morten Bay last Thursday and absolutely have a ball tracing snapper.

    I caught about 4 snapper, 2 estury cod(45cm), 1 Tuna 5kg, 1 mackerel, 1 bream, and 5 tailor!

    The the biggest snapper went 62cm.(photo)....and one snapper on poppers(50cm)

    Enjoy fishing!



  3. Hi Aero,

    I already said. If people want to spend the money for quality...and they can afford. Then go for it.

    If people think it is over price and you have cheaper alternative. It is fine. If you can catch lots of fish on them. It is very cool! I already explain enough and I don't want to lead to another arguments.

    Hi Dave,

    Is that true? Um...I better tell them wiith better quality control. Thanks for your advice and opinions.


  4. Hi Guys,

    I have to state again that Ecogear and Juro are from different factory. Also according to the fit out with Sx-40. The reason why is more expensive is that Asutralia JML trading/Ecogear Japan has invest money and time to make an overall good balance body, swimming action , bouyancy in the water and colour finished. Which if someone want to copy, it is very easy to send it and make the exactly same thing with no cost.

    If you guys think it is a good trend for lure market, I just have to accept :(

    However I believe Ecogear Sx's have better finish, also straight out of box to use. I believe most Sx's user has confident and pride to use such a good quality lure. Even though Ecogear in the future will still make expensive lure as usual :05:

    But the main thing is that Ecogear want to bring the best possible lure we can for the high end user and promote high quality tackle sport fishing( I think it is a trend anyway).

    I don't have to say too much about how good is Sx's but the figure can tell. I have 150 pcs of all 10 colours on back orders in less a month and I have no stock in the office at all now.

    Last words, if you can afford Sx-40 and you are happy with it..then go for it. It won't let you down. If you don't want to spend that sort of money. Then go for the cheaper one.

    I often make this statement, Camry and Lexcus 300 has same engine but half the price. Why is people still want Lexus? And why Lexsus win best luxury car in the world. I don't know if Lexsus make more money than Carmy, but I believe the people from Lexsus have pride about their cars.

    happy fishing

  5. Hi Guys,

    Went out to do a bit of fishing early this mornig near Peel Island. Fishing the shallow reef and drop off.

    I fished from 6-9am with 4 Snapper/squire from 37-46cm. ANd also lots of smaller one aound 30cm. Ther are also some 35cm Tailors being caught as well. It is good to spend a couple hours in moring as Ken mentioned" Pre-Breaky" session :thumbup:

    I rekon these guys are good fun are 2-4kg tackle :)

    The lure used today was using smaller bait like Grass Minnows M and Pad Tue ( people seems to forgot them already :1prop: )

    The biggest two are caught on Pad Tue new colour 110 pumkin copper and 066 marsh schrimp. Fish seems to love it.....it has no chance to drop to the bottom everytime I cast :biggrin2: Well...

    Here is the photo of average Snapper caught today


  6. Nice fish Lance!! :1prop:

    Good to see you all enjoy in the water!

    Regards to 2' bugants. Apparently it almost about the same size as 3' bugants. In Japan, They have released 3' bugants as well. I have few samples here but I personally think it is a bit too big.

    PS. 2' bugants arrive today!! Along with 4 new SX-40 colours!!Hohoho... :thumbup:

    happy fishing :1fishing1:

  7. HI Guys,

    For the time I am working hard in the office. I finally find a morning to go out for " product testing" :1fishing1:

    I fished the Tweed River with 3' Shirasu, New Pad tue colours and 2' bugants and of course SX-40 and 48 :)

    I had 15 breams 5 trevelly, 1 whiting, 2 flathead. Not a bad session eh:) The biggest bream is 39cm overall,and second and third goes 36cm and 32cm. I am inpressed with 2' bugants!!It works very well as I predicted :)

    Here is the picture of the 2 bigger bream I caught.



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