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Posts posted by stickel

  1. Recently returned from Fiji where I must say the the fishing was amazing.

    Went out to the back of Frigates reef and popped for GT. New experience and lots of hard work but the rewards were inspiring.

    At one point I had 3 or 4 Red sea Bass chasing the rooster haymaker and hastened my retrieve when smash this 20kg GT muscles them out of the way. What a fight trying to keep the fish away from the shallower reef.


  2. Hi Fishraiders

    Took my kayak Bass Fishing on the weekend and caught my first Australian Bass at 40cm. Got a couple of tiddlers and smoked on one occasion getting busted off on snag. Great fighting fish so will definately be back for more.


  3. Hi, this is my first post.

    Mate called late Friday to say he was in middle harbour and did i want to pop down for a quick fish. Grabbed a couple of rods, fanged down to Rosey ramp and jumped on the boat. After drifting for 20mins the reel screams as something takes off for a 50m run. Damn of course its on my kayak rod, a 3 1/2 ft Abu solid glass with a recently purchased $30 Shimano reel and 4kg mono.

    A careful battle ensued and several minutes later 6kg Jewie was boated.

    Nothing like taking opportunity when it comes along!



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