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Posts posted by jabass

  1. They look identical to me!!!

    It is a real pleasure to take part in this scientific exercise - there is no doubt the only differance is that the animal on th right has only one pelvic fin. This is an oddity that is rarely encountered in the animal world - and one that leaves me completely non-plussed - or plus- plussed - or even minus plussed. In fact I am "buggered" if I can recover from the shock of seeing and recording such a discovery.

    Forever in your debt.

    Sincerely John Bethunre

    It is a real pleasure to take part in this scientific exercise - there is no doubt the only differance is that the animal on the left has only one pelvic fin. This is an oddity that is rarely encountered in the animal world - and one that leaves me completely non-plussed - or plus- plussed - or even minus plussed. In fact I am "buggered" if I can recover from the shock of seeing and recording such a discovery.

    Forever in your debt.

    Sincerely John Bethunre

  2. KingfIsher

    The two posts you mention, especially the second one, refer to overhead reels usually used on beach or overhead rods – and not baitcasting reels. These reels operate at much higher speeds and cast much heavier weights – and so the reason for thumbing the spool shoulders instead of the line. Otherwise, many a thumb burn would be experienced.

    Most modern baitcasters do not have spool shoulders and so the impossibility of thumbing same. Baitcasters also operate at much lower casting speeds and of course cast much lighter weights. Thus making the thumbing and feathering of the line both a practical and in fact the only way to go.

    Please do not see this as a criticism of the two posts, but simply pointing out the difference between an overhead and a baitcasting reel.

    Sincerely John Bethune.

  3. Please read this short article through completely before beginning to practice your baitcasting - then re-read as you practice.

    Baitcasting made easy

    Above all else, the biggest "secret" to improving your revolving drum baitcasting skills, is in mastering "Thumb Control". For no matter how efficient are the latest anti backlash devices - and some are brilliant. Witness the Daiwa Magforce V system. Mastering thumb control remains as the most important skill required in becoming adept at this most satisfying facet of lure fishing. Moreover, for any person with normal reflexes, this is a skill that can be learnt and very easily mastered. It just requires the basic equipment and the following of a simple regime that can be practiced at home in one's spare time. And it works thus.


     Any good, light baitcasting outfit consisting of a light to medium action rod with a length of from 5' 8" to 6' 6" with a recommended line weight of from 4lb to 8 or 10lbs or 2 to 5kgs - and with recommended casting weights of from 1/4oz to 5/8oz (or 7 to 18grams).

     One of the smaller baitcasting reels with a capacity of say up to 200 yards of 12lb mono (most baitcasting reels still show capacities in pounds). I recommend purchasing the smallest and most expensive reel that you can afford. This is a once only purchase that with a minimum of maintenance can last a lifetime - and is worth saving for.


     If you are right handed, purchase a right hand wind reel - do not let anyone persuade you to wind left handed. For although this may be correct for threadline or spinning reels, it is not the case with a baitcaster.

     Purchase some practice casting plugs in both 1/4oz and 5/8oz (or 7 and 18grams).

     Fill the reel with 4kilo mono or 20lb - 6lb diameter gelspun line. The gelspun, though more expensive, lasts much longer, is more manageable and has virtually no stretch giving much better "feel" and contact with both lure and fish. With gelspun I recommend using a mono leader of approx. one and a half rod lengths joined to the gelspun with either a triple surgeons knot or a double, four turn uni knot. The stretch in the mono acts as a shock absorber and its abrasive resistance protects the gelspun in snaggy and rocky areas. The leader also makes for easier casting in windy conditions, where the limp gelspun tends to entangle in rod tips and guides.

    O'K we are now ready to begin.

    Tie on the 5/8oz-practice plug. Never start practice with too light a weight - hone your casting

    techniques on the heavier plug first.

    Free up the end-bearing cap on the handle side of your reel until there is a tiny bit of side play in the spool - and the reel is running flat out free.

    Make yourself comfortable in your lounge chair, wind the plug to the rod tip and turn the whole outfit on its side with the reel handles facing up.

    Now place your thumb firmly on the line and toward the left-hand side of the spool - throw the reel out of gear and into free spool. Then by freeing thumb pressure on the line - let the plug fall while feeling the revolving line and spool feathering under your thumb. Watch the falling plug and stop the spool with light thumb pressure when it reaches the floor.

    Before beginning read this paragraph again carefully - remembering especially (assuming most are right handed) to turn the rod on its side with the reel handles facing up.

    Then rewind the plug to the rod tip and let it fall again while feeling the revolving line feathering under your thumb. Repeating this exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes.

    This exercise by repetition teaches three things - one it teaches not to lift your thumb as you release a cast - but simply to release pressure - two it teaches one to lightly thumb or feather the line as your lure or bait flies to the target (which in this case is only the floor) - and finally it teaches one to stop the spool when the target is reached.

    This repetitive kinaesthetic exercise programs the "feel" of what is going on at the reel into your brain. And at the conclusion of the 20 to 30 minutes practice, and while it is still fresh in our minds, it is now time to go into the back yard for our first practice casts.

    First adjust the reel - but don't re tighten the handle side end-bearing cap. If the reel has a magnetic brake, wind it fully on - if it has a centrifugal brake, put on the heaviest or largest counterweights and if it has several sets of centrifugal weights, such as some of the Shimano models, make sure that they are all in the on position.


    Then before letting go on your first cast - lock your thumb on the spool and line and flex the rod through a loading arc - several times feeling the weight of the plug loading the rod. Taking the rod well back over your shoulder as you're going to aim your first casts both high and gentle. Make it an almost continuous action without stopping to begin again on the back cast. The action is mainly wrist with just a little forearm and an anchored elbow.


    Remember to have both the rod and reel on their side, thus freeing up your wrist and to thumb and feather the line as in the practice exercise. And don't worry about distance - it will come quickly and naturally with practice. Allow a drop of from two to three inches from the rod tip when casting the 5/8oz plug.

    Cast high and gently and watch the plug as it travels through the air. Be sure to remove all loose line or tangles from the reel and rewind tightly before attempting the next cast.

    Then as you continue casting - and without extra effort - you notice the trajectory come down and the distance increase - you're now baitcasting and enjoying it!

    Then as you gain confidence, gradually back off the magnetic brake or reduce the number or size of weights in the centrifugal braking system as the case may be. Do not completely remove either anti backlash system. An ideal setting on the Daiwa Magforce V being 3 or 4 (10 being maximum) and the Shimanos cast best with two small weights remaining.

    Once you gain confidence with the 5/8oz plug it is time to tie on the 1/4oz and begin again. First wind on the magnets or put the heavy weights back on the centrifugal brake - and this time allow a drop of from 12 to 15 inches down from the rod tip to both increase the loading arc and tip speed with the lighter weight. Again start gently, aim high and don't initially worry about distance.

    Finally, keep a rigged rod and reel in the lounge room and practice the plug dropping routine whenever possible till the outfit becomes part of you. I still practice this regime regularly.


    Good Luck, Tight Lines and Kind Regards

    John Bethune.

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