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Posts posted by youngfisher10

  1. Hi guys,

    I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of any walking trails by bodies of water that you can fish from? Like you walk to a spot, try your luck, and if nothing comes about, can just walk to another spot and try again? 


  2. 2 hours ago, Great_White said:


    See if you can attach a small rolling swivel to the front of your lure, and just use a locked blood knot.

    Hope this helps out




    2 hours ago, JonD said:

    I use a uni knot most of the time but with light lines I put the line through the loop on the lure twice before tying the knot. Be gentle tightening the knot and use a little spit to stop the friction heating the line as you pull it tight.

    Theres so much stretch in the lighter lines I find it extremely rare to break off a lure but commonly get bitten off by tailor.



    1 hour ago, marks1984 said:

    I use the rapala knot


    16 minutes ago, Roylo said:

    Make sure you have a split ring on there and tie to that. I use a blood knot with 2 turns around the ring first up, then 4 turns. 


    I was throwing a 10g Gillies Pilchard Metal lure using a palomar knot, and it just flew off :(

  3. Hi guys,

    I was interested in what knots people use for metal spinning lures, as I was using a 10g metal lure to a 10lb leader on a Palomar knot, and it just came off after quite a number of casts. Any tips will be greatly appreciated!



  4. Thanks guys! Sorry for the lack of information that i provided.  but i am mainly going to fish places like the Georges River and Port Hacking, but am also planning to go the places like The Entrance and Jervis Bay. I have bought a Shimano Sienna 2500 with a Shimano Catana 702 rod. 

  5. Hi,

    I am a wanting to get into soft plastics, and was wondering what are the some of the easiest and most effective soft plastics to use. Am mainly targeting species like bream, flathead, basically any fish that can be found in NSW rivers. Specific brands, types and colours would be greatly appreciated


  6. I was wondering if anyone would be keen to share some tips/tricks and also locations when it comes to prawning. Have tried a place called Lake Tabourie last summer, but the prawns were only pinky size :(

    Wouldn't mind a few hours drive outside of Sydney


  7. I have tried fishing the Como area and i have caught 0. Gymea Bay Baths works quite well, but it's annoying there as there are a lot of small fish. If you have a wharf or pontoon on the back of your place, should just try burley with bread and floating a piece of bread on a small hook. Will most likely get bream or luderick on high tide 

  8. Hi,

    I was looking for any recommendations of places to go over the summer with a few friends. Looking at maybe a one or two night stay and looking to do some crabbing, prawning and fishing without a boat. A few hours out of Sydney would be ideal!


    P.S. We're beginners haha

  9. Hi guys,

    First post with some fish haha. Decided to go for a quick fish on the high tide at ~2pm from my pontoon. Just used a hook on its own for the rig and white sandwich bread as bait (as i feel they dont take wholegrain bread well). Burleyed the water up using bread also. Saw a bit of action on the burley and cast out into the burley trail. Within a few seconds, was on to the large bream. A good 15 mins past and caught the just legal bream on the same tactic.

    Good catch for a few hours worth of work i feel. Good weather too


  10. Hi,

    I'm a relatively new fisherman that is land-based and i was wondering what are some things to look out for and utilize to improve my chances? Like where to go, what species to aim for, baits etc.


  11. Hi,

    First time poster, and sadly no beginners luck... Went down to Gunnamatta Bay first for a fish around 10:30 on Thursday night. Cold, windy and no bites... Decided to relocated to Wally's Wharf afterwards. Got there to see 2 other guys pull in 4 nice squid but i got nothing :(

    I was wondering where are some good land-based fishing spots around this time of year in the area, and what to fish for?


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