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Posts posted by 57one

  1. Bull sharks love the live mullet or boney bream. 15-20cm mullet with a 6/0 circle hook through the back with a short wire trace on bream gear makes for lots of fun. In summer you would land 5 in a couple hours pretty easy, I don't think people realise how prolific they are.

  2. Gday guys and girls.

    My names John and I live between Brisbane and the Gold Coast and have recently got into fishing after a trip to Fraser mid 2015. Once I got the bug it took over. Started off fishing from the shore with bait and about 4 months ago bought myself a 6m tinnie that I fish in mostly around the Logan river and out to Jumpinpin, but really anywhere from Noosa to Tweed Heads. Now that I have the boat I have slowly been transitioning away from bait and trying to learn how to fish with lures (with very limited success), and my new favourite style of fishing with micro jigs, which has me venturing into the bay around the artificial reefs. Mostly catch and release except for when Mrs 57ONE wants fish for dinner.

    Have been checking out this forum for a while now, and hoping to pick up even more tips and tricks so that maybe one day in the future I can contribute and help with someone's else's fishing adventure.

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