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Posts posted by Oldmate

  1. Hi all

    Got up 8.30 looked out side, looked good, sunny no wind. spoke to the ball and chain and got a leave pass. Rang a friend went and got some fresh squid and got to brookie at 10.30.

    Went to Flint and Steel Anchored up, put the big rods out and sat back. Friend that went with me had not been in my boat and is not a big fisho and started to feel sick with the swell and the boat wakes so i thought we would move. Went to Juno Point anchored up and burleyed up like crazy.

    Put some squid on the big rods and hit the soft plastics with the bream rods. Straight away got hits from small tailor,and friend got a yaker on bait. Yaker went out on my large rod. Keeped on catching tailor on the sp`s when on of the large rods clicks a couple of times then bang its off pulling line off like no tomorrow. Let it run for a bit the clicked the free spool off and tried to set the hook. Well the tip of the rod has come down with the weight of the fish then bang nothing. Reeled the bait back in and the yakers had been crushed still in one piece but not a bite mark just crushed.

    Put out more squid then big rod went off with few bites like tailor had a go. All of a sudden ripped bit of line then stopped. Reeled it in a tailor had hit and something had hit the tailor all that was left was 1/4 of a tailor with one bite.

    Put more squid down and pulled up a 42cm tailor. then the run out tide was over and the fish had stopped biting.

    Left and headed home from a average fishing day that could have been good.


  2. Well Grant M and myself headed out this morning in Grant`s new boat. 5am we meet at the boat ramp at Woy Woy. First stop was the Rip bridge. We anchored up on the Woy Woy side and proceeded to cast out some whole squid on the large rods.

    While the larger rods where out I started on the soft plastics and Grant started with some bait. From the moment the bait hit the water the peckers where out, destroying our squid within minutes. But I managed to hook a large eel. The amount sea weed flowing through was unbelievable , we where having trouble with the lines attracting weed so we decided to move about 30 meters away in shallower water. Out go the large rods with whole squid again, on the bream rods grant with bait and myself with soft plastics. Here come the peckers again but this time we had some decent bites but no solid hook ups. Then I got smashed on the soft plastic :thumbup: (Berkley 3 inch watermelon). Up comes a just legal bream, which was thrown back. Another hour of peckers destroying our squid so we moved again another 50 meters away just on the drop off. Peckers again but I got a hit on the soft plastic, it stoped dead. Felt like snag but was slowly coming up, got it to the surface was an octopus with the head the size of a rockmellon :1yikes: , I thought I was lucky to get it up with light bream gear. Then Grant gets smashed on some tuna, it was taking a bit of line so i grabbed the net and up comes a nice 33cm bream :1clap::1clap: .

    After another hour of loosing squid we moved again. We hit paddies channel drifting and spinning for some flatties with some sp`s. Grant gets a hit on Garry Gliter squidgy fish. Sweet we wanted a couple of keeper flatties, we get it to the surface and what is this ? :1yikes: a Flounder ? :1yikes: on a soft plastic ? :1yikes: .

    We drift some more then anchor with no luck.

    All in all was not a good day fishing :( . We get back to the ramp had a couple of beers :beersmile: a bit of a chat with fellow Raiders :1clap: , bit of a feed and headed home.

    Anyway Grant has some photos of his fish he may post.



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