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Posts posted by browncrab

  1. 8 hours ago, E.T. said:

    Hi browncrab, thanks for the reply

    I'm looking for a 2 piece rod because I aint old enough to get a car yet (2 more months till I can get my license!!!) so I usually take the bus and train. Do you have any specific suggestions I could look into?

    Google shimano revolution stickbait pe 4-8 or daiwa saltist hyper pe8 rod. These are 2 piece and in your budget. Check out dinga if they have them in stock.

    • Like 1
  2. Gosa 10k with the drag locked down. 80lb braid. 80lb fluoro leader.

    7 foot to 9 foot rod rated 24kg or pe5. Fresh caught squid for bait. Stickbaits for lures. Plastics work sometimes. Hold on and good luck.

  3. 17 hours ago, DerekD said:

    Hi Volitan,

    To what strength are you thinking of testing? You said you wanted a simple but repeatable means of testing them. Are you talking joiner knot or terminal knot. Are you talking gradual load or impact load.

    Can you get your hands on some say 40 or 50mm dowel and fix it in the air somewhere? First issue is that the terminal knot at the non-testing end should not be a failure point. By tying off the non testing end of the line and wrapping it over the dowel a minimum of 4 times (3.5 times according to one of professor Julius Sumner Miller's books) the friction lock on the dowel and lack of knot there ensures it should give you 100% line strength. The 40 or 50mm diameter of the dowel avoids a point load. Bunnings sells some pine dowel but you would probably need to sand it smooth. https://www.bunnings.com.au/porta-43mm-x-1-2m-clear-pine-dowel_p0082335

    On the other end of the line get a bucket with sufficient capacity to test the line - say 30 litres. 1 litre is 1kg so you can measure in say 1 to 2kg at a time depending on the container(s) you use. Bunnings has for less than $15 All Set storage buckets going to up to 85 (or 65 or 38) litres complete with rope handles. https://www.bunnings.com.au/all-set-85l-storage-bucket-with-pope-handles_p2583759

    At the bucket end you will need some more dowel which you need to connect to the bucket with some heavier cord. Add an eye of some sorts to this dowel which will simulate the eye of hook for terminal testing. If doing joiner knot testing pass the line through the eye and then wrap it the minimum 4 times around the dowel before tying off to ensure the terminal knot isn't the likely failure point. The other variation is to have a loop point in the cord tied to the bucket and put your choice of hook through this loop. This would test your terminal knot genuinely to the hook.

    I'd rather knot (pun intended) sketch it out but hopefully this gets you in a workable direction. It should be a pretty cheap and repeatable system.



    PS. Make an allowance for weight of bucket and dowel at terminal end. Don't forget the soft landing for when the line breaks and you will probably want a second container to recycle the water in to. The system can be scaled up or down just by varying the materials of construction. When you do it the first time you can carefully mark the levels in the bucket in say 5 litre increments at 3 equally spaced points (120°) around the circumference to verify it is repeatable and thus shortcut the filling process.

    I have used this exact method for testing nearly every knot known. Uni knot has never failed for me personally. For joining braid to mono fg has never broke on me but has slipped due to my incompetence. Nearly every other knot i have tested the knot will break before the line does.

  4. As a self proclaimed number 1 d@#khead magnet i have learnt a great technique to deal with these people using my gift to annoy people. All i do is stand inappropriately close next to the perpetrator and start talking their ear off. I ask about their family, what they had for dinner and even what colour their undies are. Always ends up with that wtf look on their face then they tend to move on and stay away. If they don't move far enough i follow them till they get the message that if they are going to fish near me they have to put up with me.

    • Haha 3
  5. I don't think we are allowed to comment on specific brands on this forum anymore without reprimand. Friends of mine have bought with their hard earned money those type of reels and have had catastrophic failures whilst they were on a fish of a lifetime. I personally stick with Japanese branded gear, you don't have to spend big bucks because the quality control is on another level compared to chinese reels. That said i don't take care of my gear very well yet have not had any gear failure yet. So to put it in black n white don't waste your money and spend a little extra to get quality backing. Or buy it and prove me wrong up to you. ?

  6. You and the missus could spend a day at the boat ramp on a Saturday or Sunday watching boaters launching and retrieving. You will see some do it the right way, wrong way, easyway and hard way. You could ask the boaters questions and in sure they should happily be helpful. Get to know the local boat ramp and its users.

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