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Posts posted by JacobyBream

  1. Thursday 7th December

    Went out for a quick arvo flick to end the day, at my usual spot down at Waverton. Second cast with a small Squidgy Wriggler in Bloodworm landed me a small Flattie. At least I caught something and i knew I wouldn’t end the day with the big donut. I swiftly realised him and opted to move onto the boardwalk and change my plastic over to a Gulp Minnow, to land another small summer Flattie. This time defiantly bigger around the 30cm mark.

    Over the next 15 minutes after the last Flattie, I did notice tho some small choppers checking out my plastic. I moved down the boardwalk and gave a cast parallel to the pontoon and with short sharp jerks retrieved my lure. Almost instantaneously... Bang! Hellooo!! A solid Tailor smashed it and started its aerial acrobatics. Then almost as soon as it started it made its 3rd jump and it was gone! ? The line had either been bitten through or the knot came undone. Cause it was swimming around with a plastic and 1/12 jighead in its mouth. I retied and did it again and as before hooked up again! Again!, it happened again! I hooked it and as soon as it started i lost it. Something was happening to my line. Cause it now had 2 plastics and and 2 jigheads in its mouth. It must have been biting through my leader but how? Although, it was only 6lb Flurocarbon leader. I retied again and he didn’t come back but I don’t blame him cause the poor guy has 2 hooks in his mouth. But if I did get him in, I could’ve fixed that and got my hooks back. But I moved on and for the next hour and 30minutes I hopped over to Berry Island with no luck and came back again to catch another 3 Flathead all around the 32cm mark, whilst changing plastic after plastic for the fun of it. But the Flatties didn’t seem to fussy ?.  So all in all not a bad arvo. ?? 

    Sorry about no pictures. The files seem to be to big. ☹️

  2. Thanks guys for all your replies. Really appreciate them and enjoy reading them. Razzell, thanks for the priceless info mate. Will do giving iron cove a go. Also wanna try flicking around the pontoons in Long Bay in Middle Harbour too. 

  3. Saturday 7th October 

    Headed out to Blackwattle Bay today with the Kayak armed and ready to hit the water. With the tide having just turned from a low and slowly coming in, i launched at the Glebe rowing club and paddled over to the fish markets to fish the enormous amount of structure. I was armed with my Bream gear. With 4lb Berkley Fireline Exceed and 6lb BlackMagic Flurocarbon leader. The idea with the slightly heavier leader was that with the tight structure i'd have more of a chance of pulling a quality Bream out. I tied on TT Headlockz 1/12 jighead with Zman 2.5" Grubz in Motor Oil. Casted around the boats, along pontoons and in between the trawler boats for not a single touch. There was a lot of jellyfish frothing everywhere filling up the water, if this meant anything, i don't know. A guy came out onto the pontoon off the fish markets telling me how the size of some of the Bream that are around here are enormous and they get fed often. He told me how it was unusual for them to take a liking of a lure. Although i didn't think he was saying that there was Bream there today, because i hadn't had a touch. :unsure: I fished in and around the trawler boats for a while after that insightful info. Although after a while after watching some bloke take a piss off his trawler boat and knowing now that the Bream must know what real food looks like as they get fed, i decided to move on and paddle over to the marina at Rozelle Bay. I stopping off at a small marina halfway to Rozelle Bay and decided to have a flick off it for a couple of Flatties and maybe even the seemingly elusive Bream. After letting the Kayak and me dry off for a bit while having a flick, with once again not a touch :mellow:<_<, i got back in and paddle over to the main marina in Rozelle Bay. I got back to it, casting and casting and skip casting, and casting with not a touch!! There was not any jellyfish here either. They seemed only to be near the fish markets. I ended the day skip casting on the off chance my luck will change around small marina at the end of the bay, near Bicentennial Park. Nope, not a sniff. Don't know what it was today, but is this area always like this. I thought it would be a Bream haven. Should i have another go around here in Summer? I don't know? Any advice would be great. Still waiting for my Kayak to get its first fish. :wacko: Meanwhile, while i was out in the Kayak. My brother who was landbased hooked 4 decent Flatties. He lost 2 and caught 2. Meanwhile, i got the big dount. :( photo 1 (6).JPG

    Fishing around the trawler boats at the Sydney Fish Markets

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    Pitt stop on a small marina

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    Ending the day near Bicentennial Park

  4. Monday 2nd October

    Headed down to Oyster Cove Reserve in Wollstonecraft today for a late arvo flick with the Fam. The tide was rising and I was using my bream outfit. I was spooled up with 4lb Berkley Fireline Exceed and 4lb Kato leader. I was aiming for bream so tied on a TT 1/12 jighead paired with a Zman grubz 2.5 in Watermelon Red. 2nd cast in I hooked a small flattie although right at my feet that notorious headshake got me as it shook the hook as i watched it swim off. Kept on flicking for another solid 10-15min with no luck. Although then decided to have a cheeky cast back over where i saw the flattie swim off on me and as if by magic, a couple of twitches in... Boom! He was there. Hahaha. Got him this time as i quickly hauled him up, unhooked him and let him take off to fight another day.

     photo 2 (3).JPGphoto 3 (3).JPG

    I then moved to the boardwalk casting towards the boats with no luck in the past and no luck today either. I then flicked a cast parallel to the boardwalk, and another Flattie jumped on after a couple of twitches in. This one i hauled up with no problem, although as soon as it hit the deck, the lure fell out. :mellow: Was another average flattie just slightly darker than the other one and took off as soon as she hit the water again.     

    photo 4 (1).JPG

    After several casts after that flattie, i went out to cast at a bust up in the water to only find my lure flinging itself infront of me as the 4lb leader was so frayed it just snapped. I keep forgetting to check my leader after catching flatties. I then retied it all back and got back to it.  

    Although, after another hour or so flicking with no more luck, we called it a day. 

    Tuesday 3rd October

    Arrived back at Oyster Cove today at around 5:15pm, with the tide running in again. I rigged up on the boardwalk with the same outfit as yesterday 4lb leader again and a TT 1/12 jighead. I opted for something different and rigged up a Gulp Crabby in Camo colour. After rigging up i walked to the far end of the boardwalk and flicked a cast straight behind the far pylon and let the crabby slowly sink. As soon as it hit the bottom as i went to lift and the line started peeling off my reel with the sweet sound of my drag singing. :D It made a bolt straight for the marina and i was calling it for a Bream, until the trademark headshaking begun. As i bought it in, it caught me by surprise at how big it was! It would've been easily over 50cm! Trying to keep my line tight as i know that any slack in the line will result in the chance of the hook falling out, as i went to tight my drag to be able to haul the crocodile onto the boardwalk. It gave one last majestic headshake and the sandpaper mouth shredded straight through my 4lb and it swam off right infront my my eyes! :( 

    I immediately retied the same jighead and soft plastic on on the off chance he would come back, but to no avail. I kept fishing with the same plastic for another soild 30mins, until i decided to change to something different. I changed over to a small shallow diving hardbody to see if there was any hungry Bream and Tailor around. A flicked parallel to the boardwalk with a slow wind and twitches here and there. I casted at the boats, along rocks and over the tops of weedbeds to no avail. With light fading i changed once again back to the 1/12 jighead although this time with a small squidgy bloodworm wriggler. I casted directly at a moored boat and as the lure was sinking... BANG! Something took off, my drag screamed and i couldn't stop it. Whatever it was needed to be stopped as i was worried it was going to run me around the moored boat and bust me off. I put my hand on the spool and it was gone. <_<:blink::unsure::( The hook must've fallen out as i got it all back. Lure and all. It was the worst feeling not knowing what it was that made my drag scream. Is there anything i could've done better? Shouldn't have i put my hand on the spool? I was gutted. My brother did the classic by casting straight over where i got busted off with the same lure but he didn't get a touch. It could've been a big Bream or even a Kingy, i honestly don't know. This was the end of the action for the day as the light faded out at 7:30pm and nothing hit after the bust off. What a day.photo 4 (3).JPGphoto 2 (5).JPG

    This was the boat that held the fish that made my drag scream.

  5. Hi Guys, new to Fishraider and thought id start with a question.

    I am in close proximity to Middle Harbour and love fishing with soft plastics. Cracked my first bream on a plastic the other day in Willoughby Bay at Low Tide. Boy that was a rush, to get one finally. But i'm just wondering, does anyone have any insight into how to fish landbased this time of year as i want to use these holidays to get as much fishing in. I am landbased :( I haven't tried it but i've heard that in the summer Roseville upstream fires but i think i'll wait for it to warm up more before i head up there. So if anyone has any advice on where the fish are at the moment and how to hit em ( Tides for example), it would be greatly appreciated. I've heard that Long Bay fires in Spring so gonna give that a go soon.

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